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Never Too Late...Part 1
*Whuts poppin yallz.I lik just got bakk from my b-ball practice at lik..7:30 in the morning!Hard work plus it is super cold.Well dis is a new story i made in skool my friend edited it sooo there might be some mistakes lolz sik naw...I really cried yesturday becuz i was listening to This Is It on my ipod I was really thinking of him while I was listening to the song and then I just started..crying..but anywayz this goes out to my friendzz,boyfriend,Patrick Star(ikr lolz)and Michael Jackson I love u!enjoyrzz* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~* Me:come on kids lets go! Francisco:ok mommy! Isabel:hld on mommy! Kids are great having them but when they get to the age of 4 and 3..handfull. My name is Maria Lopez and I am 25 years old.I have 2 children,Francisco and Isabel.Francisco 3 and Isabel 4.I am half puerto rican and half black.Im kinda short..5.4 isnt that bad. This is wat my kids looks like:http://www.harrycutting.com/graphics/photos/children/minoritychildrenthumbs/young-latino-boy-girl-FC5021-317.JPG ~* Me:*checks my watch*kids!you are going to be late for school! Francisco:*comes down the steps*ready mom. Me:wheres your sister? Francisco:i dont know... Isabel:coming!*running down the steps* Me:ok guys come on.u guys are going to be super late! We walk out of the door and Francisco closes it.I put them in the car and gives them their orange juice and gets in the car. Me:are you guys ready? Francisco&Isabel:yes. Me:*checks my mirror*ok lets roll. We pull off and drive to the daycare. ~* We get to the daycare and I go in and check them in. Jazmine:que`tal chica. Me:que`tal Jazmine.*hands her the clip board*there you go. Jazmine:*takes it*thanks.your kids are so cute and so well-behaved. Me:*smiles*thank you..sometimes*laughs* Jazmine:*laughs*yeah. Me:*checks my watch*oh I got to go bye.*runs out the door* Im gonna be so late for work ~* I finally arrive at work.Actually its not and job what you think it is.I am a soccer player,playing for spain,but im in california training with the team.My coach is moving to spain in 2 months so i dont have that long to stay here...shes gonna kill me if im late. Me:*walks in the door*im so sorry im late coach.I had to take the kids to daycare and there was so much traffic. Miyleah:naa its ok.They just got here too. Me:*takes a deep breath*whoo ok. I go into the locker room and take off my heels and the rest of my clothes and put on my warm up suit. ~* Miyleah:come on ladies move it! Me:*running up and down the field*come on coach*breathing hard*blow the damn whisle Kelz:*stops*yeah pleaase. Miyleah:stop acting like a couple of babys.*blows the whisle* Jennell:thanks you! Miyleah:yeah yeah yeah watever come on,to the gym. ~* Me:*listening to music on the tredmil* Jennell:*running*wat u listening to? Me:*lip singing* Jennell:*snatches 1 ear plug out of my ear* Me:*stops the tredmil*oww! Jennell:you aint hear me. Me:weell wat did you say? Jennell:*giggles*wat song were you listening to? Me:oh well I WAS listening to Michael Jacksons song...Bad...I dont really like him... Kelz:waaaat! Jennell:repeat that! Me:I dont like Michael Jackson... Kelz:*gasps*you have to be kidding me. Jennell:you have to like him...he is sooo sexi. Kelz:I know...rock my world anytime. Me:*giggles*wow...I mean I love his music..but Jennell:but wat? Me:nothin...I just dont think he is sexi and all. Kelz:you trippen rite there!! For the rest of the day we talk about...MICHAEL JACJSON and get ready to go home. ~* After practice I go into the locker room and change into my skinny jeans,high heels,and white shirt.I check my watch and it is 6:30 whoa I have to go pick up the kids. ~* Me:*walks in the door*im so sorry I didnt come early like I said sweethearts. Francisco:its ok mommy. Me:*smiles and looks at Isabel*hey sweety. Isabel:mommy!*runs in my arms* Me:hey big head!*hugs her* Isabel:you da one wit the big head mommy! Me:heeey not nice. Jazmine:hey hey hey! Me:*giggles*how were they? Jazmine:they were...awesome. Me:ohh so that means I have to take you guys out for icecream huh? Francisco&Isabel:YAY! Jazmine:*laughs*have fun guys bye. Me:bye girl.come on kids. We walk outside and I put them in the car.Then I ask them about their day. Me:how was you guys day? Francisco:it was good mommy. Isabel:mines was good too mommy. Me:good good anything happen I need to know about? Francisco&Isabel:noooo. Me:oook guys*pulls off*icecream tiiime! Francisco&Isabel:yaaay! ~* We get to the icecream shop and we go in and sit down in a booth. Isabel:mommy can I get strawberry? Me:watever you want sweety and wat do you want Francisco? Franciscoz:chocolate pwease. Me:ok. ~* After we have our icecream this man walks into the door and he looks familiar...he kinda looks like..Michael Jackson. Francisco:mommy th-thats Micweal Jackson. Me:no its not*looks at him*it cant be. Isabel:who is Michael Jackson? Me:a famous singer... I watch him go up to the counter to get some icedream and I see the womans eye light up..now I know it is him. Woman:omg its MICHAEL JACKSON!! Francisco:see I told you mommy!*gets out of his seat and goes over to the mean*hey mister*yanks his pants leg* Man:*in a soft tone*yes litte one. Francisco:are you Micweal Jackson? Man:umm no... Francisco:well you sure do look like him. Man:ok*whispers in his ear*i am Michael Jackson but you cant tell anyone. Francisco:oh ok!! Michael:wheres your mother? Francisco:shes over there*points to where I am* Michael:oh...*mumbles*shes pretty. Francisco:wat did you say Micweal? Michael:*smiles*nothin...imma take a seat next to you guys. Francisco:*walks away*ok!! Me:*looks around*where in the hell did he go?*looks at him coming*where did you go?! Francisco:over to see Micweal. Me:Michael who? Francisco:Jackson Me:oh... Francisco:he said he was gonna sit by us. Me:*raises my eyebrow*wat? Just then I see this so called Michael Jackson come over and sit a booth away from us...oh god please get him away from me!!! ~* TBC...*Hope u liked it..now my fingers hurt WAAAAA!!^_^ bye!**Tiara/Tootsie
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