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Our "Thing" Part 20
I'd like to thank Deanna for her comment the other day. I appreciated it. Dedicated to mjsite and Michael Jackson. -norah After the announcement of who the board elected the new boss, Rae found herself sitting on her desk with Keyontay and Melinda eating nachos. Melinda: Are you sure it's okay for us to be doing this? Rae: Positive. The boss and I go way back. Keyontay: Everyone's reaction was hilarious. Nobody expected to look like that. Melinda: What's his name, again? Rae: Carl. Obviously Mr.Davids to everybody in the building. All was silent, except for occasional crunches, until Keyontay knocked over a vase that had white flowers in it. Keyontay: Oh sorry about that. Melinda: You sound so convincing. Rae: It's fine. They were from Ivana. She's so sweet. It's cause of her Michael and I speak to each other. Melinda: You poor soul. Rae: What? Keyontay: Did Saint Ivana tell you it was all her idea that Boris print the whole Michael sex change story. Rae: Why would she do that? Melinda: Beth swears she caught her masturbating where you used to sit alone at lunch before we came into your life. Rae: Beth's crazy. Keyontay: Wake up, will you! She's got a major girl crush on you. Rae: I'm not surprised. She gives me these stares sometimes. Running footsteps were heard. Rae: Was that Sierra or something? Melinda: It was Ivana 'Lesbo' Kellman. Rae: Oh snap.*runs out of office to lifts where Ivana was* Ivana: I guess it's a crime to do good, right. Rae: Don't be like that. We were just playing. Ivana: It sure didn't sound like it. You know, I thought you were nice. I now hope Blaire*voice trails off* Rae: Blaire does what? Ivana: Nothing. Just leave me alone. Already sobbing, Ivana got in the lift leaving Rae to face the many people staring. Sierra: What was that all about? Rae: Somebody was having a lesbian moment. Sierra: So you now know the truth. Rae: Yep and never would I go for her. Sierra: That's bitchy. In a good way. It seemed like the day was taking forever on purpose. Did word that Rae was having dinner with Michael reach the 'evil' gods of time? Anyway when she got to the apartment, it was empty and the best part was, was empty means no Blaire. Rae took alot of time getting ready and wore a dress she got as Mrs.Kellman and perfume Michael said he liked on her when they were still dating. It was when she was all ready the phone rang. Rae:*very happily* Hello? ?: Hi. It's me Michael. Rae: Oh hey! Were you held up at the studio or traffic? Michael: It's...no. I got a call from Blaire she was in a car accident in this deserted kinda place and well-I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it to dinner. Rae: Oh it's cool. It's not like*playing with diamond necklace* I was near getting ready to begin with. Michael: I'm so sorry again. Rae: *hangs up* Seconds later, she called Keyontay and tried not to cry while explaining EVERYTHING only in soapie form. Keyontay: This Belle girl sounds terrible. I hope Marcus ditches her for Rebecca. Rae: As if. Keyontay: Why did Belle call Marcus instead of the police or an ambulance? Rae: Gosh how am I supposed to know? Keyontay: The viewers know it all. What's the show called? Rae: I forgot. I think Rebecca might be doing something, I gotta go. Keyontay: *hangs up* It was around midnight when Rae heard Michael and Blaire getting in. She could see Michael's silhouette at the door of her room though pretended to be sleeping. Michael: I know you're not sleeping. Rae:*mumbles* Michael: I just came to tell you, it was a traumatic expirience for Blaire because two people died and- just be there for her, please. Rae:*sits up* Was she driving? Michael: No and how could you ask that? Rae: Huh? It's a simple yes or no question. Michael: You were hoping she'd land in jail. The driver died thanks for asking. Rae: That's a cruel thought and I can't believe you'd think I'd hope for that. Michael: I've known you for a long time and I'd know if you were thinking dark thought. Rae: Whatever. Michael: Who are you and what have you done to my best friend? Rae: You're the last person who should be advising me or anyone else about sudden mood swings. Michael: It's your fault. If you weren't such a goldigger- Rae: I'm not listening to you, anymore. Michael: Maybe you should. *walks away* A week later, invitations went to everyone at the office to Magenta Sparkle's 2nd birthday party. Keyontay: The dress code is simple. Sundresses and casual for the guys obviously. Rae: Don't forget your dress, Kendall. Everyone but Kendall: *giggles* Keyontay: Oh and Rae give this one to Michael. He has to be there.
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