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a dream that came true part 9
$enjoy$ recap: michael was about to teach me a lesson.. me: mmmhmmhmm teach me! mike:*going in slowly* mmmmmm. ahhh yes... mm you are soooo fine..* starting to breathe hard* me:*starting to cry* uhhhh! oh shit! oh! damn! oooooo daaddy. mike:*taking hands putting them on my waist and slamming me down on his dick* DO THIS FEEL GOOD?! ME:*CRYING HARDER* MHMMHMHMHMHM!!!! UH!UH! DAMN MICHAEL! THEN HE CUMMED INSIDE OF ME WHICH HE WAS STILL SLAMMING DOWN REAL HARD. SO AFTER 2HOURS OF MORE FUN, MICHAEL AND I FINNALLY WENT TO SLEEP. the next morning, i woke up to find michael holding on tight to me sleep. i was trying to break away until my mom walked in. mom: oh! oh my. um* turning her head* maybe i should go. me: *sitting up slowly*no! stay! so what is it you wanna talk about? mom: *sitting down on the edge of my bed* well your sister michelle is coming home. mike:* touching my thighs in his sleep* me:*moaning in my head* uh.. THAT'S GREAT!!!when is she coming?! mom: tonight.*excited* me:NO WAY!!!! mom: YES WAY! mike: *rubbing my legs and moaning* mmmmhm. me:*giggling* stop it michael bear! mike: *waking up* mmm. good morning amazing*kissing my forehead* me:good morning. my mom was just telling me that um that my sister michelle is coming here tonight. mike:*sitting up* oh hey mom, how r u? and what? she's coming tonight?! no way!!! me: that's exactly what i said. mom: hey michael. how was last night's party between you 2? mike:*blushing* ummmmmh..... welll... i can't lie to you and tell you that it wasn't the best night of my life. mom: awwww that's sooooo sweet. me: *blushing, looking at michael* if you REALLY want to KNOW the truth, michael was a beast and treated me VERY WRONG last night... mom: ewwwwww... i could tell the way you were crying last night and making all that noise. and then michael was sooo loud with his's " DO YOU LOVE ME's".. but it's ok.... i understand... me&michael:*looking at her shocked* mom: well. don't just sit there! get up and get yourselves cleaned up! me&mike: uhhhhh.right yeah that's right take a shower. mom: well bye i'm going downstairs with katherine and tell her EVERYTHING!!!!! mike: ok. huh? hold up!! no!! don't do that!!!! mom:*laughing* so michael and i are in the bathroom bout to take a shower. michael was looking in the mirror while i was getting us washcloths and towels. mike:*looking in the mirror* monae'... do you think..... do you think i'm ugly? me: what? michael joseph jackson out of everybody asking me is he ugly!!!! really?! NO YOU AREN'T SWEETIE!!! AND WHOEVER IN PUBLIC SAID THAT NEEDS TO GO TO HELLLLL!!! MIKE:*SIGHS* i have to tell you something. me: well what is it? mike: i have vigiligo.. me: i do too. mike:*shocked* your kidding right. me: no. i have it on my feet. that's why my feet are soo light. mike:*looking at me with a smile* i'm lucky to run into a girl that knows and feels exactly the same as i..*kissing me* me:*eyes closed* mmmm.. you're right. i think we should take a shower. mike: i agree. come on and PLAY with me. MOM'S P.O.V. so i was sitting at the table chatting with katherine. kat: so what were the kids up there doing? me: they were sleep....... naked...... in the same bed...... kat: WOW!!! THAT'S GREAT!! me:but michael didn't want me to tell you thou.. kat: why not?! me: because he said that you was going to tell the others. kat: i'm only going to tell janet.. and oh i got the best person for michelle to go out with. me: oh really? who? kat: his name is jonathan lautner.*lol* me: really?! wow.. isn't that michael's step brother? kat: why yes. me: oh. MY P.O.V. SO MICHAEL AND I GOT DRESSED AND WENT DOWNSTAIRS WITH MOM AND KATHY. michael&i: good morning! mom&kathy: good morning! kathy: so,uh michael i heard you and monae' had LOTS of FUN last night?!* looking mysteriously* michael: MOM!!! i told you NOT to tell. and yes mother yes mother we did. mom&kathy: *looking at me* well how about you? me:*smiling at michael* last night was great.. no details are provided. mom&kathy:WHAT!!!!! NO DETAILS!!! michael:*holding me at my waist* what have we started?*kissing my neck* me:*smiling* a living hell. ...................... TO BE CONTINUED.............. PLZZ VOTE!!!- LEILA
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