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Decisions Can Change a Life Chpt. 13
*^ Okay, this part is going to be long. But I don't know when is the next time I'll be able to write. I hope you enjoy. Dedicated to Michael Jackson =). Love you all!^* -Jennell=)♥ ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ **3 hours later** *phone rings* Me:**sounding weak** Hello? Michael:Hey babe, you alright? Me:Yeah I just woke up**yawns** Michael:Oh, did I wake you? Me:No, I needed to wake up anyways. Michael: Oh so how was dinner? Me:Eh, **Stops myself** Good.. How was your day? Michael:exahausting.. I hurt my ankel. But other then that it's been good. Me:You gotta be more carful when you dance. Michael:I'm the king of dance what can I say. Me:**giggles** You always make me laugh. Michael:I know, I always make the ones I love laugh. I wish I could see your sweet smile right now. Me:If only you could. Michael:is there somthing wrong? Me:No, why you ask? Michael:I know when theres somthing wrong.. Now tell me. Me:I just don't feel good.. But I'm fine. Michael:If you don't feel good then your not fine. Me:Mike, yes I am trust me. Michael:**pauses** Me:I love you. Michael:I love you too, I'ma' call Tiara later and make sure you get better. Me:**Sighs** Mike, I'm fine ... Just wish you were here to wrap me in your warm arms.. Michael: If I had my way girl Iâ??d never leave for a minute But things donâ??t always turn out The way we want them to So while Iâ??m away I want you to remember How much I love you I love you, I love you Let this love lift you up When youâ??re feelinâ?? blue Wherever I go, I will be loving you Think of me when you see Places we once shared Whatever I do, someday Iâ??ll need you there Wherever I go, whatever I do Iâ??ll always come home Iâ??ll come home to you Even though we both know Youâ??re not in my arms Wherever I go, youâ??re always in my heart Just you ask, Iâ??ll come back Though weâ??re miles apart Whatever I do, Iâ??ll come to where you are Wherever I go, whatever I do Iâ??ll always come home Iâ??ll come home to you Wherever I go, whatever I do Iâ??ll always come home Iâ??ll come home to you Michael had sung my favorite song.. I was in tears.. Me:Michael, I'm in tears .. Michael:I'm just trying to make you feel better. Babe, I have to get going.. I love you with all my heart. Try not to miss me too much.. Me:I'll try not to.. I love you too. Michael:Call you as soon as I get a chance.. Bye. Me:Bye babe. I hung up with Michael and layed in my bed with tears in my eyes.Michael was the sweetest man I've ever met, and I need to tell him what happened between me and Prince. But I just need the right chance. The door bell rang and I walked down to answer it. Me:**opening the door** Hey Tiara. Tiara:Have you been crying? Me:Yeah, Mike called. Tiara:Oh, what happened everything alright? **walking in* Me:Of course, he's just so sweet. Tiara:Awwww! Super cute. Anways I need to talk to you. Me:Okay, let me just get somthing to drink.. I grab a glass of water and joined Tiara on the couch, I was deciding wether to tell her or not.. Me:So, whats up? Tiara:Okay that night at the party, someone was going around spiking people's drinks... And I've notice that you were acting alittle weird that night.. Did you have a drink? Me:No.. Tiara:you sure? Me:Well I had a soda, that wouldn't matter.. Tiara:yes it would... Me:what was they putting in the drinks? Tiara:I don't know exactly what it was but it would make you black out but to other people you were normal just acting drunk. Me:Damn it, thats why I don't feel good. Tiara:Neither does Prince.. I hate seeing my baby sick **chuckles** Me:Uh, yeah.. about that.. Tiara:Huh? Me:Please, please don't get mad at me. I don't remember but ... I had ... **Pauses** sex with Prince. Tiara:... **Takes a breath** What? Me:I don't know how the hell it happened.. I don't remember at all.. Tiara:Does Mike know? Me:Uh, no. Tiara:Why not? You need to be true to him. Such a man like that don't need some girl who cheats on him just cause he's on tour. Me:Tiara, please don't get mad. Tiara:How can I not? Michael needs to know.. Me:I will when I'm ready. Tiara:No, theres none of that. You should of never did this. How could you!? Me:Tiara, calm down! Tiara:Don't tell me what to do. Your such a bitch! Me:You know I tryed to talk this out with you but no, I don't remember anything. You should be the one asking Prince about this cause apparently he remembers it. So before you go all out on me you better check both sides of the story, cause I'm not in the mood to fight a bitch. Tiara:Yeah, whatever.**Walks to the door** I have no respect for you. I knew this wasn't gonna end without drama. If she reacted like that how the hell was Mike gonna react. I swear my life gets more and more worse by the day. Me:Fuck my life! **punches the wall** I lay on my bed staring at the wall... I needed to tell Michael but then again he was busy with the tour so I would wait until he called me... **3 weeks later** Michael had called me alot of times, but I've never had the nerve to tell him... I've told Tiara that I've told him. Prince and her are broke up at the moment and I feel terrible to have caused that. Michael is starting his tour in just a week.. He said that he's drop about 15 pounds already.. Thinks his body is too skinny, I tell him to start eating more then just fruit... But he never listens. Tiara had stopped by today, we are sitting on the porch just chatting.. Tiara:I need to get somthing off my chest.. Me:yeah, what is it? Tiara:I think last week I woke up sick.... It's been happening often.. I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test, I'm pregnant. Me:Oh, when do you think your gonna tell Prince? Tiara:I don't know.. I miss him so much I just want it to be like it was and if I do have this baby I want it to be a whole family with us together.. You get what I'm saying? Me:Yeah, I understand.. Well you should get together and have a deep talk about this. I mean you should forgive him, after all it was just an accident, right? Tiara:Yeah... Have you heard from Mike? Me:Yeah last night he told me that he's almost ready to start the tour.. He's losing weight fast though and I'm worried. What if he ends up in the hospital and I'm mile away from him. Tiara:Calm down, he's just fine it's normal to lose weight when he's on tour he's dancing 24/7, he's a dancing machine! **laughs** Me:Wow, your corny! Lets go get our nails done. **6 days later** Michael started the tour today.. We've talked for about 3 hours last night he spook sweet,sweet words to me. Once again he made me cry, and laugh. Good times we had on the phone. I woke up at 5am, couldn't sleep. I watched morning t.v. As I was watching the commercials, a promo' for Mike's Bad tour came on... For some reason my stomach started to turn.. My mouth got watery and I ran to the bathroom. I gotta admit I've been sick for the last 4 days, never told no one not even Michael. I hate going to the doctors, but I felt way worse then everything. I called Tiara to take me to the doctors. Tiara:Okay, I'll be ther in a second. Me:Okay. I quickly got dressed and put some make-up on. Tiara picked me up 15 mins. later. We arrived at the doctors office and they took me right back.. They asked me all these questions then left the room.. Tiara:I hope it's nothing serious. Me:Me too, god forbid. Doctors came in 10 mins. later. Doctor:We think you might have a kidny infection, we need you to take a urine test.**Hands me a cup** Me:Is it serious? Doctor:Well, if it goes undetected.. It's better if we know. Me:Okay. I did what I had to do and handed them the cup they told me it would be about a day before they get the results back. Tiara took me home.. It was arounf 7:30pm. She chilled with me for a moment just to talk.. Me:So, whats up with you and Prince? Tiara:Well, we're back together.. But I can see in his eye's that he's not ready for a baby.. Me:How, what has he said? Tiara:At first he was shocked. But the doctor pointed out how it could be possible, I don't know how he feels. Me:Maybe you should ask him... You gotta have them serious talks like me and Mike have.. Tiara:Oh, like when you told Mike about what happened? Me:Yeah.. Tiara:Well, I better get going. I'll call you later tonight, Love you **hugs me** **Next day** It's 5pm and Michael had just called me to let me know what happened yestesday.. In the middle as he was talking to me the phone rang on the other line. Me:Mike, hang on I got another call.. Michael:Okay. Me:**clicks over** Hello? !!?:Is this Miss. Jennell? Me:Yes. Doctor:Your test results are back, you tested negative for kidney infection. But we found somthing else... When was the last time you had sexual intercourse? Me:Uh,**Pauses** Like 3 or 4 weeks ago.. Doctor:We suspect you to be pregnant, but we need to make sure.. We're making you an appointment to confirm our supicisons.. Is tomorrow at 3 good for you? Me:Yes it's just fine... Doctor:Alright, Have a great evening.. Me:You too.. **Clicks back over** Michael:Took you long enough. Who was it? Me:Eh, the doctor. Michael:Doctor? Me:Yeah, I felt sick again so I went yesterday and they had to run some tests on me and the tests results are back.. Michael:And what happened? Me:Michael, I'm pregnant. Michael:... ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Hoped you liked it. Until next time! :)
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