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I Thought We Were Friends *22*
Okay, I know I said I was never coming back, but I can't up and leave a story like that...so yeah. Here's the next part. Enjoy. -Samone:)♥ UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. What did he want? He was the last person I wanted to hear from. Me:(sighs) Yes, Michael. Michael:How you been? Me:I'm fine. What? Michael:I-I'm guessing you heard... Me:Mhm. (Lying) I'm totally fine with it. There was a short pause. Michael:Samone? Me:Yeah, Michael? Michael:I know..and I'm really sorry. Me:(sits up) You know what? Michael:That you're not okay with this. Me:Hmph...Michael, I'll talk to you later. Michael: Y-yeah. Take care of yourself. Me:Mhm, bye. I hung up on him before he could even respond back. Was I happy that he was married?..Hell No. That was suppose to be me, but wait...I turned down his proposal. I'm such a dumbass. A month later... It was going on summer, and that meant that my babygirl was graduating. Months in advance we started planning the party, and inviting all the guest. I was making final changes to the guest list, when I stumbled upon Michael's name. I guess that's one person I'll scratch off the list. Me:Okay, I've got everything right now. You wanna look it over? Shanice:Sure momma. She looked over the list, then looked up at me with a frustrated facial expression. Me:(confused) What's wrong? Shanice:(sighs and rolls her eyes) Seriously momma? You scratched uncle Michael out. Me:Yeah...so? Shanice:Why are you being so selfish? Momma, you need to seriously move on and grow up. (takes her things and walks off) Me:Wait a minute, come back here now. (follows behind her) Shanice:I just think you're being selfish about the whole thing. Why can't you just be happy for him? Me:I don't think this concerns you. Shanice:I mean let's be real about this. You're acting like someone of my age. You're an adult. Me:Stop it okay. Shanice:No, because you know I'm right. I'm putting uncle back on this list. If you don't like it, don't come to my party. My mouth hit the floor when she said that. I hate to admit, everything she said was true. I needed to move on, but she just doesn't understand that it was eating me up. I was really in love with Michael, and for him to move on that quick and get married just tore me apart. A few weeks later... It was the day of the party and everyone started showing up. I was having a great time mingling with everyone, even Michael, but I wasn't happy with who he brought with him. Ugh, yes, her...that thing Lisa. I just took Shanice's advice and tried to be civil as possible. I mean, Lisa didn't give me any problems, so there wasn't anything for me to bitch at her about. Every time they would link hands or even kiss, I would get disgusted and leave. What the hell Michael, can't you at least be considerate of my feelings? I left the party a little early and went up to my room. I sat in there while everyone stayed in the back having all the fun. I laid in my bed teary eyed just thinking about how great my life could of been if I would of just stayed with Michael. Guess that would never happen again because I blew it. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my bedroom door crack open. I faced the door, surprised to see Michael standing there. Michael:(closing the door behind him) Hey you? Me:Hey. Michael:Can I come in? Me:You're already in here. Michael:Oh..Yeah. (Laughs to himself) There was a awkward silence. Me:So what's up? Michael:(messing with things) Nothing, just came up to see if you were okay. Me:Thanks, how sweet. Michael:Why'd you leave the party? Me:I'm just tired. That's all. Michael:(raises a brow)Tired?? You're lying. Me:Am not. Michael:Are too, I can see it in your eyes. (flaps his hands at me) Scoot over, make room. I'm tired too. Me:Huuuuuuuuuuh. (scoots over) Michael:Don't give me attitude. (smirks) Even though I seemed upset, I really was enjoying him laying in the bed with me. Well, at least until he brought up the whole Lisa situation. Michael:So, are you going to tell me what's really bothering you? Me:I don't know...maybe. Michael:Why are you being so difficult? Me:Why did you have to up and surprisingly marry her, not too long after we broke up? Michael:Well.... Me:Were you seeing her when you were with me? Michael:Of course not. I wouldn't dare think that....(looks off) Me:(pulls his face my direction) Michael, were you seeing her? Michael:(sighs) Okay, I wasn't seeing her. We were just really good friends. I liked her alright, but I never made any type of move. I promise you. Me:At least you're being honest...now get out. (smiles) Michael:(teasing me) You're bipolar. Me:Whatever. Michael:But seriously, are you happy for me? Me:You really want my honest opinion. Michael:YES!! Me:Okay...NO!... Michael:(frowns) Me:BUT, you seem really happy with her, so...it'll take time for me to get over it. Michael:Can we still be friends...AGAIN? Me:...Yes Michael..but seriously...get out. Michael:I'll see you later, Samone. (winks) Me:Yep. When he said later, I really didn't get that he was saying later on that night... TBC... Hope you liked it. Bye :)
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