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Our "Thing" Part 15
Hey there everyone. Just aced another assessment two days ago and am still feeling all giddy and stuff.lolz. Can't say the same for the characters here though...Oh and the MJ rumor mentioned here was real just that I changed the year it happened and other details. This goes out to everyone here on MJSite and Michael. -norah The next day, the girls who helped clean Michael's apartment when Tyson Green and Perry came over were right outside the door. One can't promise free concerts and not deliver you know. Girl1: If he sees us out here, he can't escape. Girl2: He's been acting funny for months, though. Girl3: Ya think?! Everyone knows he and Rae so totally liked each other. And besides that Blaire girl looks strange. Another girl came up to them holding the latest issue of the You Magazine. Girl4: Here's why our friend who can't keep promises has been moping about. He was on the cover looking like his 'old' self with bold yellow headlines at the bottom of the page that read: BEHIND EVERY MAN IS A WOMAN. Girl2: What's that supposed to mean? Minutes later, Michael walked out and saw the all the girls giggling like crazy. He looked at them and it was so obvious they were laughing at him. Whatever about them, right? Trying to walk peacefully to his car, a crying Destiny ran up to him. Destiny: How could you? Michael: How could I what? Walk by and not smile at everyone? Sorry to disappoint. Destiny: *sniffs* It's not your rotten attitude today it's this. She shoved a magazine open to what must have been an article about him. He skimmed through it and the article said he was undergoing a sex change. That wasn't what shocked him the most. It was what was written at the end. Michael: How could Rae write something like that about me? Destiny: Just tell me if she's right. Michael: God, I now really hate her. Destiny: Why would she write an article like that for nothing? You guys were tight and all that. Michael: You know what? Shut up. I mean it. Destiny: *gasps* Wait till I tell my father. What Destiny had to say was extremely irrelevent to Michael. First she ran off to marry Perry, then she's opening charities and stuff just to prove she's rich enough for anything and now this. His PR team had alot of work cut out for them and it was because of Rae. The girl who was once his best friend. *1 and a half years later or more commonly known as 1981* Rae was steps away from the apartment that was once hers and Michael's with Sally standing by her. Rae: It feels like yesterday when me and Michael first got here. Sally: Well on the bright side, you're no longer with Perry. Rae: Whether my father's business loses everything or not I don't care. 23 and already divorced. Sally: Story of your life. I think you did the right thing by giving Perry full ownership of your charity. Rae: That's one thing I'll miss about England. Sally: And the food of course. *giggles* Rae: Yeah. Do you think Michael is going to be- Sally: I'm sure he'll get over it after a week or two. You're still his best friend. Rae: I don't know though. Maybe a hotel would have been- Sally: Too expensive. I have to go. *hugs her* Sorry about your mom. Rae: It's fine. Really it is. She lived alot longer than expected. I wonder what's on the other side of the door. On the other side of the door, Michael had his hands over Blaire's eyes and was leading her to the door. Michael: *chuckles* No peeking. Blaire: I can't see anything. For real. Some 23rd birthday I'll have if it's a lame box of truffles only. Michael: It's not that. Only. Blaire: Knew it. Michael: Mind your step. *opens door gently* As if he had seen the scariest thing ever, he removed his hands from Blaire's eyes in astonishment when his eyes met Rae's. Rae: *thinking* I wish Sally had stayed longer. To break the ice, Blaire tried to make conversation with her. Blaire: Is this my present, Michael? You see it's my 23rd birthday today and I'm Blaire. Michael's girlfriend. Rae: Oh. Hi. Happy birthday. Hi Michael. Michael: You can still have your room, I guess. Just stay away from me. Blaire: *trying and failing to hide a smile* Don't be so rude to Mrs. Kellman. If Rae was the hitting type she probably would have most likely jumped at the tart. Instead, she let it go. They passed her clutching arms as if the whole scene wasn't the slightest bit awkward. The apartment was different. The Disney videos they had were replaced by porn and in the fridge there was more alcohol than real food. That's never a good thing. In her old room there was writing on the mirror in lipsick. Alot of swear words to be exact. Rae had come to realize that this was all that Blaire chic because Michael wasn't the type to do anything of that sort. Yep, it was all that Blaire chic. **************************************************************** Well that's it. For now.. Hope you enjoyed and I promise to write the next part soon. And don't worry it does get interesting. :-D
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