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Ja'Nea's Ghost Love Story: Part 8
*Hey this is Cait :D And here's the new part. I hope you guys like it!!! <3 ~Mary Ca!t:3* So, this is Julietteâ?¦Michaelâ??s long lost love. I canâ??t believe Iâ??m actually seeing her in the flesh. This is actually something you donâ??t see everyday. But more importantlyâ?¦since Iâ??ve moved here, nothing is normal. Even in normal valley. I just stood there looking at her as she smiled at me. She gently patted a spot next to her on the bed. I looked around, which was pretty stupid because I was the only person in the room with her. I can be so stupid at times, itâ??s not funny on how stupid I can be actually. I shook my head and sat next to her. I sighed as I sat down. She turned and looked at me. Juliette: You know he does love you, Jaâ??Nea. Me: *Turns to her* No, he loves the person I look like. Not me. He loves me because I look like you. Juliette: I know Michael honey. And I know what he means, and I know how he acts. The way when heâ??s around youâ?¦it is the same way he was once with me. Now, I know how you feel for him also. Me: No you donâ??t. I donâ??t have any feelings for himâ?¦*Blushes* Juliette: *Giggles* Your lying sweetheart, and you know you are. You do have feelings for him. Me:â?¦Maybe just a little bit, Julietteâ?¦ Juliette: I knew you did, sweetie. *Pushes my hair back behind my ears* You have the same look I had when I first fell in love with him. Me: *Looks at her* Juliette: My time as past, Jaâ??Nea. This is your chance. Please, make him the happy man he was before me and Paris passed. I want to see that Michael, that Michael I feel in love with. I nodded. She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly, I hugged her tightly as well. As we broke apart, I heard what sounded like Michael saying, â??HOOOOO!â? I shot my head to the door, Juliette did the same. Juliette: Go now, go to him. Me: But he told meâ?¦ Juliette: Trust me, I have a plan. Me: *Nods* She vanished, I got up and started walking down to the ball room. I saw Michael, the towns peopleâ?¦but also other ghoulish creatures. They were dancing. And at the end, Michael stands up to the mayor after he processes him. I was scared, I felt a little hand grab on to my arm as he did so. I looked and saw it was Paris. She was scared just as much as I was. Michael said something to the mayor, I just couldnâ??t figure it out. The next thing I know me and Paris saw Michael smash himself into the ground shattering himself. Paris gripped my arm tighter, she hide her face in my face as Michaelâ??s remains blew into the wind. I gripped onto her and held her tightly to my feeling I was about to cry myself. My mother turned around and saw me hugging Paris. Her motherly ways kicked in. She ran to me and Paris. Mom: *Trying to get to Paris* Unhand my daughter! Me: *Pushes her away* Donâ??t you dare! *Pulls Paris behind me* Prince: *Sees me* Jaâ??Nea, your alive! Me: Yeah, I swear if I ever come back to the village, your and Blanketâ??s butts are mine! You understand that! Blanket: Couldnâ??t he at least did something to her mouth, really!? Mayor: I donâ??t care! Lean, get your daughter and letâ??s go! My mom pulled me away from Paris. Paris tried to grab my hand as tight as she could. I didnâ??t want to leave either, but what choice do I haveâ?¦ She finally got me from Paris as the Mayor commanded that we should go again. She pulled me along with them. The Mayor said something about â??freakâ? when we were to the door. He opened it and this monster looking face popped out. It had Michaelâ??s features. It said â??Helloâ? in a odd voice and the Mayor ran away from him running into the window. It left a whole in his shape. Prince, Blanket, Paris and I both giggled at that. We all turned around to see Michael normal once again. His Michael smiled showed again. He came over to us asking if we all had a great time. We all nodded our heads yes to himâ?¦after he had to say â??helloâ? once again. I got free from my mother to see where Prince and Blanket was. I didnâ??t see them anywhere, I turned to where Paris once was, she wasnâ??t there either. I was wondering where they could be. I turned back around when everyone got quite. I saw Michaelâ??s skeleton mask and the robe he wears with it standing by itâ??s self. Michael was wondering why we were all so quite now. Michael: *Wondering* What? What? Me: Umâ?¦Michaelâ?¦ Michael: *Turns and looks at me* Me: *Points behind him* Michael: *Slowly turns around* He turned around to see what we all were pointing to. He gave a loud gasp and stepped back in shock. Just then the skeleton came close to us and removed itâ??s face to show Paris underneath. Everyone of us gave out a sigh of relief. Then the robe opened to show Prince with her on his shoulders. They both chuckled at us. Paris: Did I scare ya, Daddy? Michael: No. Paris: *Raises her eyebrow* Michael: Maybe. How â??bout that, maybe. Prince: *Looks up at Paris* Yess! Paris: Mmmhmm. *Smiles* Michael helped Paris off of Princeâ??s shoulders. Prince but his arms around her. All the while I was wondering where Blanket was. I turned around and the next thing I know, Blanket: *Jumps out of no where* BOO! Me: *Screams, jumps into Michaelâ??s arms* AHHHHHHHHH! Blanket: That was awesome! I glared at him, then I looked back at Michael. My cheeks started to burnâ?¦I knew I was blushing. I looked down. He place me down. Then I remembered what Juliette told me. I turned back to him. I said his name, he turned to me. I place both of my hands on each side of his face. I leant into him and my lips meet his in a kiss once again. But this time, this one held passion behind it. His arms wrapped around my waist in front of everyone. They said â??Awwwâ? including my mother. We broke apart. I turned to my mother. Me: Mama, you gotta let me do this. You know that. Mom: I know, but I just donâ??t want you to get heart baby. Me: I wonâ??t mama, I promise I wonâ??t. Mom: *Coming over and hugs me* They all left. Paris vanished. I looked at Michael, and he looked at me. I started to remember things I didnâ??t know I remembered, then I thought it was Juliette helping me through it all. Michael came over and pulled me to him once again with a devilish smile on his face. Michael: Do you remember now? Me: Yesâ?¦yes I do, Michael. *Smiles* Michael: Come. Lets go to where all our love took place at mostly. Michael took my hand and lead me up the stairs to his room. To Be Continued *I hoped you all liked it :D...I'm really sad to say the next part is the ending. But, or is it? Making the next part now, hope you all enjoyed! Till then...BYEEE!!! :D*
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