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I Love You, So Much: Part 6
*I really hope you guys are liking this story. I'll have the next part to Mr. Magic soon. I hope you guys like this part better. I know this story is boring, but i'm trying here. So just work with me a little bit. This part goes out ot Lexa, Vicky, Halle, Karls and Michael Jackson. And also the new writers, the readers and whoever else likes my stories. Here's the next part, hope you like it :D ~Mary Ca!t:3* -*Prince's Point Of View*- I was sitting in my livingroom getting ready to go over my groups up coming tour. I had just gotten ready fixing the strings on my guitar when the phone started ringing off the hook. I sighed and went to answer it. I swear, if it's Lexa again going on about Shay's attitude and she says she got it from me, I swear to everything that's good I will go over there and smack the ghetto out of that girl. I answered the phone, and it wasn't Lexa who answered it was someone who I really didn't want to hear from. Me: Hello? Dr. Jenkins: Yes, hello, am I speaking to Mr. Nelson? Me: You are. What are you calling me for? Who are you may I ask? Dr. Jenkins: I'm Dr. Jenkins of the California Hospital, and I'm calling because of your God daughter Shaylia. Me: *Straightens up**Wided eyed, worried* What's wrong with Shay? Dr. Jenkins: She'd gotten into a car crash with her friend and her mother earlier today, they're all okay, but their just banged up a bit. Roxie and her mother left, Shaylia just wanted to stay so she could tell her mother she was alright. Do you know where her mother might be at Mr. Nelson? We've been trying to contact her for a while, but she hasn't been answering. Me: *Thinking: Of course, cause she's to busy screwing Michael I bet.**Sighs* Thanks Doc. I'll try to get her mother, and we're gonna be there in a little bit. Dr. Jenkins: Alright. Just as long as she's home, safe and has plenty of rest when she gets there. Me: Don't worry, she will. She will alright. I hung up with the doctor, got my things and got to my car as fast as I could. I swear, that women will be the death of me if she finds out about this. I guess I'm just gonna have to go get her myself I guess. I went to my car and started to the hospital. I got my phone out and called Lexa's house maybe Mike is up before her if he's there or not.I don't really know. I heard someone pick up on the other end of the phone line and thank goodness it was Mike. Michael: Hello? Me: Mike... Michael: Prince, what are you calling for? Me: I have good news for you, and some bad news for you. Michael: Good news first please... Me: Good news is, Shay is okay. Michael: That's great! And...now what's the bad news? Me: Bad news is, she's in the hospital. Michael: WHAT!? Me: Dammit, Mike! Do you wanna wake up Lexa? Michael: Well, I'm so sorry! I gotta tell her this- Me: No! Don't tell her! Michael: That's her- Me: Her daughter, I know. But just let me go get her, and then when we get there, I'll explain what happened. Michael: I don't know about this, Prince... Me: C'mon, you know she'll just get mad at me. Michael: I guess... Me: Good, I'll be there later. I just hoped Shay isn't banged up to much. Michael: Me either! Me: Be there in a little bit. Bye. Michael: Bye. We hung up. I finally made it to the hospital, I entered looking around the waiting room. I saw Shay sitting in one of the waitingroom chairs looking down. I walked over to her and squatted down to rub her back. As I did so, she shot up and looked at me. i saw her face was scratched up and her forehead was bandaged up along with the top of her right hand. I was just happy she was okay. Me: Hey baby girl. How are you doing? Shay: I'm doing good. Where's Mom and Michael? Me: I thought I'd come and get you and bring you to her. Shay: Uncle Prince... Me: Yes. She's gonna kill me, I know. *Sighs* Shay: It's your furnaul, Uncle Prince. Me: Don't try any of of that sarcasime with me Shaylia, or I will leave your little butt here. Shay: But I'm hurt! Me: So? Shay: Uncle Prince! Me: *Laughing* Sorry, sorry. Lemme go get the realise papers, and we will be on our way. Shay: Kay. I got the papers done. And me and Shay were on our way to her house. We finally got here...and I'm pretty sure Michael had told Lexa...or not. We got out of the car, and went up to the door. Only to have it fling open. And there stood Lexa. Lexa: Prince! Me: *Looks at Michael that's behind her* Michael! Michael:*Mouths* Sorry...it sliped out? Shay: Buuuusssttteeedddd.... I'm sure it did...How did this happen? -*Michael's Point Of View*- Okay, why the hell did this have to happen!? And to Shay, too! I can't believe this and also Prince wants me to lie to Lexa about her only daughter! I wonder how she puts up with him at times. I know they've been friends since they were kids but how he acts I am not surprised on how when she slaps him, they end up fighting all the time. I was in the livingroom walking around when I felt arms go around my waist. I jumped some and turned around to see Lexa standing there. Me: Hey baby girl...what's up? Lexa: Nothing much. Just had the best time ever with a man I really love. Me: *Smiles* Oh...that's good. Lexa: I thought I'd heard the phone? Was it Shay? Me: *Panicy* Oh..um...n-n-NO! I-it was Prince. He was gonna see if, um, you were mad at him for anything. Cause he was gonna come over here. Lexa: No...I don't think I'm made at him for anything. Why? Me: Oh...NOTHING! Lexa: Are you hiding something from me, Mike? Me: N-no! Espicually not anything about Shay being in a car crash...*covers my mouth* Oh, shoot... Lexa:...WHAT! Prince is gonna die because of me... It was hours after a little fight that me and Lexa had, so, um...moving on to the other news. We heard a car pull up into the drive way, and foot steps on the front porch. Lexa shot up from the kitchen chair and went to the front door with me fallowing right behind her and watch her swing the front door open full force to see Prince with Shay right infront of him. And I saw how she looked her face was scratched up, she had a bandage on her forehead, along with the top with of her right hand. Lexa: Prince! Prince: *Looks over her at me* Michael! Me: *Mouths* Sorry...it sliped. I mean...it really did... And Shay had to add her cents into this convo. Shay: Buuuusssttteeedddd.... To Be Continued *I hoped you guys liked it. I know it's not great, and I know it sucked ass but the next part should be here soon, and it should be better then this part. So, till next time BYE!! :D*
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