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Before I Came, You Were There *Part 8
Hey guys! Id like to dedicate this part to the Jackson kids & Michael Jackson. ENJOY!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9 months later... Michael is still on tour with his brothers. He still doesnt know about me being pregnant. He thinks its Kiki. But thats not what i told my family. I feel bad about lying. But i feel HORRIBLE about lying to Michael. Hes gonna strangle me when he finds out. A few hours ago i gave birth to a baby boy. I gave him up for adoption to my gay cousin Rodney & his boyfriend Elliot. They're super excited to be having a kid. You should have heard them squeal when i offered the idea to them 8 months ago. Rodney: What should we name him Elliot? Elliot: I dont know, how about Lawrence? Rodney: No not Lawrence. He doesnt look like a Lawrence to me. Elliot: Ok then what do you think? Rodney: Umm what about Andre? Elliot: No! That was my HORRID ex boyfriend's name that cheated on me before i dated you! Rodney: Fine! Since we can't agree, how about Claude names him? *to me* Claude. Me: *paused* Michael. R & E: Perfect! They hold the baby while i rest. I didnt want to look at it. It'd be too heart breaking. Me an 18 year old girl getting knocked up & not having the guts to tell the father. I feel like a whore. I probably look like one too after a while of pushing & freaking out. But thankfully someone with this experience helped me through it. ???: You ok sweetie? Me: Ya. Thanks for coming & being here for me, Mom. Yes you heard right. Mom: Not a problem. But shouldn't the father be here with us? Me: Hes out of town. Mom: Uh huh. Does he know? Me: *looks away* Mom: Claude. Me: He thinks that Kiki was pregnant. Mom: Why? Me: Cuz i told him. Mom: Claude. Me: I know. I couldnt tell him. I was too scared. If he knew he would have damaged his reputation & come back & the public would have found out. Mom: Sometimes you have to be true to yourself. Not worry about what others think. You must really love him to think of him before yourself. But honestly i have to think about yourself too. Its not about him its about both of you. Me: You're right. Mom: I know. Im always right. We laugh & i realize that i've made a huge mistake about lying to Michael. I'm glad my mother changed my mind on this whole situation. But by the time i come clean with him, he'll still be mad anyways. 3 months later... Me: UGH! Where are they? Latoya: They'll be here soon! Me: They better! Soon a limousine pulls up to the gate & the Jacksons come out. As soon as i see Michael exit the car i run towards him. And he sees me & runs towards me too. He holds his arms out & lifts me up as i jump into his arms. When he sets me down i just continue to hug him. Me: You're back! Michael: Yes i am. Me: I missed you, Michael. Michael: God i missed you! Me: Never leave again. Michael: I'll work on that. He then plants his lips on me. I've missed this SO much! Jackie: If it isnt the love birds! Me & M: Shut up. Marlon: Where's your hot sister? Me: *rolls eyes* Michael: Dude her sister's taken. Me: No shes not? Michael: What about the father of her baby? Oh! Almost forgot about that. Me: They broke up. Michael: Ohhhhh. Me: *thinking* That was close. We go inside their house. Everyone does their own thing. Some watching TV, some napping, some reading, etc. Michael & I go upstairs to his room so we can catch up. Michael: Oh my God i missed you! Me: Michael, it was hell here without you. Michael: Really? Me: Yes. I thought i was gonna die! Michael: Well, now im back so there isnt anything to worry about, Claudia. Me: Say that again. Michael: Say what? Me: My name. I havent heard you say it in a while. Michael: Claudia. Tingles fluttered through me. He looks so much older now. Well a year has passed. He & I are both 19 now. And what Michael doesn't know is that we're teenage parents. He'll soon find out though. And when he does, he's gonna be mad as hell. In MJ's P.O.V. I continue to say Claudia's name & she looks like she's turned on. I start to kiss her & i lay her down on the bed while doing this. Then it feels as if she's tightened up. She doesn't feel as comfortable any more. Me: You ok? Claudia: I-I dont think we should do this. Me: Why not? Claudia: Umm b-because I d-don't feel that w-we need to. Me: Is it because of Kiki? Claudia: *immediately* Yes. I dont want to get pregnant like her. Me: Um ok? Something is seriously up. Something has definitely changed about her. Or is it me? Am i not as cool or handsome or great as i used to be? Does Claudia not love me any more? What ever it is, it sure as hell has got me freaked out & worried. And im definitely gonna find out what's going on. --------------------------------------------------------------- What did you think! I hope y'all liked it! Don't forget to vote! And PLEASE can their be more writers! I want to read more stories & the more the merrier right? Thats what i thought. Thanks for reading it! BYE!!!
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