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A story about Me and Michael part 6
A couple of months had passed and me and Michael were so in love. But there was something that I was scared would break us apart. I sat down looking at it, positive, how could this be? we used protection. I decided I should go to the doctor and check just to make sure, I had already taken 4 pregnancy tests and they were all positive but I didn't want to be pregnant, not now me and Michael had just only been dating for a couple of months. What would he say, what would he do? I got in the car and rushed to the doctors while Michael was still asleep in bed. I didn't want him to wake up and ask where I was, I was so scared, upset and worried. I walked into the office, I looked around and the doctor greeted me. I sat down on the check up bed and he examined my stomach and ran some tests. (Doctor)"Congratulations, looks like you have a baby on the way." Tears instantly started to build up in my eyes. The doctor looked at me puzzled. (Doctor)"I'm guessing this wasn't a planned pregnancy?" (Me)"No." I looked down trying to stop myself from crying. (Doctor)"There's always an abortion if you really don't want the baby." (Me)"I'll think about it, thanks for telling me, I should probably go now." (Doctor)"Bye now, take care of the baby." (Me)"I will." I placed my hand on my stomach. I was so upset, I felt like bursting out crying but I couldn't. I drived fast home and as I was driving home I started to cry. Once I calmed down a bit I looked at my stomach for a split second and back at the road. Why now!? We had always been careful. I tried to think of when the baby could of been conceived. Suddenly I thought of that night where we came back from the restaurant and I was in the room changing and.. I gasped, it was then, I knew it was then. I felt disappointed and ashamed, I should of been more careful. I parked in the driveway. I started at the house, I didn't want to go and face Michael. I knew I had to. I locked the car and walked in the house. (Michael)"Where were you? I've been worried." (me)"Just a short drive." (Michael)"Ok." Michael kissed me and started to kiss me longer, I wanted to continue but I knew I shouldn't. I pulled my face away from him and looked down. (Me)"I'll make breakfast." I walked to the kitchen with my head down, I was about to cry again. Michael followed me there and I wish he didn't. (Michael)"What's wrong?" (Me)"Nothing." (Michael)"Your eyes are watering." (Me)"Something in my eye." (Michael)"What's happened? Just tell me." (Me)"Nothing Michael." (Michael)"Are you sure?" (Me)"Yes." Michael looked at me curiously, I tired to not make eye contact with him. The day passed and I tried to act as normal as possible. He didn't seem to ask me about it for the rest of the day. At night I was snuggled up with a blanket wrapped around us, watching a movie. Michael kissed my neck and went longer and longer, he started to wrap his arms around me. The temptation to continue was taking over me, I really knew I shouldn't but I couldn't seem to resist him. He kissed me with some passion every time. Michael whispered in my ear. (Michael)"Shall we take this to the bedroom?" (Me)"Michael.. I can't." (Michael)"Why not?" He started to kiss my neck and started to go lower. (Me)"Michael, please, it's important." Michael stopped kissing me and looked at serious. I knew I had his full attention but I couldn't tell him. I knew I had to though, I built up all my courage and slipped it out. (Me)"I'm pregnant." Michael paused and looked at the floor. He looked at the floor for about 2 minutes. (Michael)"You sure?" (Me)"Yes, I went to see the doctor today and took four pregnancy tests." Suddenly Michael smiled at me. Michael placed his hand on my stomach. (Me)"It won't move right now." (Michael)"I can't believe you're pregnant." He seemed happy. (Me)"Why are you happy?" (Michael)"Because we're having a baby." (Me)"I was thinking about getting an abortion." (Michael)"NO! do NOT get an abortion!" (Me)"Ok, I won't." He kissed me on the cheek. (Michael)"This is great." (Me)"We're not married though, what are your parents going to say?" (Michael)"They won't mind." (Me)"My parents will." (Michael)"Just don't tell them until we get married then." (Me)"So we're getting married.?" (Michael)"I.. um.. I don't know I just said that because before you said.." (Me)"No, it's fine." (Michael)"I'm so happy you're pregnant." (Me)"Really!?" (Michael)"Yes, it's a beautiful thing." I smiled at him, he really cared, I was thankful he was happy about the pregnancy. To be continued..
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