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99 reasons i love you part 8
thiss right here is part 8 alright let me stop singing Pretty Boy swag anyways this goes out to my sis Tiara,Kelz, Halle and of course Michael Joseph Jackson<3333 Me:ALEXA!?!?! *putting on my robe* Michael: *throwing on his boxers* baby,baby,baby Me: don't fuckin call me baby Michael! Michael:i never heard you curse before Me: stop changing the damn subject, now why did you say Alexa? Michael:well you see uhh--- Me:Did you sleep with Alexa? Michael:*coughing* ME:MICHAEL DID YOU SLEEP WITH HER!!!!!!! Michael:*puts head down* yes! Me:I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU michael:can you stop yelling? Me:can i stop yelling? Michael:yes Me:HEELL NO! Michael: look im so sorry it was a mistake-- Me: no it wasn't michael you can only make one mistake and you did but then you should learn from your mistake and something should click in your mind and say "hey is shouldn't do that again" but i guess it didn't. Michael: your right i wasn't thinking and your right about everything you just said im so sorry please* getting on he his knees* Me:*crying* i can't Michael:yes you can Me:no i can't michael! Michael:its easy trust me Me:Michael im sorry but-- Michael: no,no you can't Me:im sorry michael but i don't love you anymore Michael:*starts crying* Sydney Me:your not the same person i met when we lived in Gary *takes the ring off* im sorry *hands him the ring* Michael:*crying*Sydney Please don't do this Me:leave michael Michael:please *touching my legs* Me:Michael GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!! Michael:*leaves* i hate what i just did, how could i not love michael anymore he a simply amazing person but, but,but idk anymore. **two days lataa** Alexa:hey sis Me:*slient* Alexa:*looks at myhand* why aren't you wearing your wedding ring? Me:*smacks her* Alexa: what the hell was that for? Me: you slept with my fiance and wanna come over my house like its all good no, get the fuck out of my house and don't you ever come back Alexa: fine whatever thats why michael said i was better than you.*walking out the door* Me:Alexa wait. Alexa:*turns back around*What?! Me: you know i wanna apoligize for slapping you alexa:Really? Me;Nope *slams the door in her face* **9 months later** After that i really don't talk to to anyone i barley talk to the Jacksons i mean i talk to La toya but thats about it. now i look like a fat cow!i hateee ittt!! i can't wait to have this baby. oh yeah did i tell you im having twins yup a girl and a boy . Me:*knocking on the Jacksons door* Michael:*opens the door* Me:is Toya here? Michael:No they went out. Me:oh ok bye Michael;wait they'll be back any minute now you can come in here and wait. Me:well i guess *walks inside* Michael;Woah! looks like your pop any second me:is that a compliment Michael:if you say it is. me: ok can i sit down Michael:sure Me:*sits on the couch* Michael: so is it a girl? ME:yup Michael:oh *smiles* Me:and a boy Michael;huh? Me:im having twins Michael:Really this is great,wonderful,amazing *Smiling to hard* me:yeah *trying not to laugh*Ohh! Michael:what? Me:nothing, just kicking but keep talking so i want worry about it Michael: ok do you wanna watch-- Me:OW! Michael:tv? Me:Michael, Michael:*still talking* Me:Michael! Michael:*Still talking* Me:MICHAEL SHUT UP! Michal:wat!?!?! Me; i think my water just broke. Michael:aaaaaahh Me:*Screams in pain* Michael: ok,ok *lays down* Me:*lays down* Michael:i'll call the ambulance Me: there is no time get this baby out of me now! Michael; how are apart are the contarctions? Me:idk about 1 minute Michael:DAMNN that was fast Me: no shit Michael GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!!!! Michael: idk how me:*Screams*i hate you Michael: why? Me: because you did this to me Michael;soorry Me:GET IT OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Michael:ok,ok wait don't i have to *point to y private* Me:naw michael they come out my ear,, yes you been down there before just *Screams* Michael:ok,ok *goes and washes his hands* Me:Hurry i feel it coming. Michael:ok *goes down there* now when i say push, you push ok 1... Me:MICHAEL! Michael:3 PUSH! ME:*pushing*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Michael:i see the head keep going Me:*Pushing harder* Michael: ahhhh its the boy Me:*screams* Michael:ok push on 3...3 Me:*pushing* Michael: i see the head , baby imma need you to push again Me:*takes a deep breath* *pushing* Michael:and here she is *hands her to me* Me:aww (yes there wrapped in blankets) Michael:what are we gonna name them? Me:how about you name the boy and i name the girl? Michael:good idea well m gonnna name this little feller Jaden Me:and im gonna name her Jasmine Michael:J&J i like that Me:Michael i love u so much im sorry Michael:Syd im sorry i love you too*kisses me* THE END!!!!!!!! haha not really but there will be a season 2 of this you gotta tell me your favorite part of part 8 **Season 2 comin soon*
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