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99 Reasons i love you part 5
heeeyyy part 5 is HEREEE! hhaha but anyway this goes out to my sis Tiara and the sexiest man that ever walked this earth Michael Jackson <3-Kaylie Reason # 5 i can't stop laughing you. I know that sounds weird but its true no matter how mad i am at you or what you did i always love you and that reason 5 on why i love you. Me:Michael,Michael Michael*picks up the phone* oh im sorry Me: i guess you heard what i said. Michael: yeah Me: are you ok with it? Michael: am i ok with it I LOVE IT im gona be at dad Me:*laughs* im glad your happy Michael: yeah ok im goin out to New york tonight. Me:why? Michael:because i wana see you Me: aw you don't have to Michael: i want to Me:ok see you Michael;bye me:*hangs up* Alexa-Jean:*knocking on the door* Me:coming *opens the door*What? Alexa:wow is that how you greet your sister thats not very nice. Me: so.. Alexa: can i come in? Me: i guess *lets her in* Alexa: so how are you? Me: good. Alexa: girl let me throw this mcdonald food away *going to the garbabge* Me: you came to my house and didn't bring me no food. alexa: you didn't ask. Me; because i didn't know you were comin over alexa:sydney. Me:yeah? Alexa: why is there a pregnancy test in the garabge? Me: there's a goood explination for that. Alexa:well what is it? Me:well you i have this friend who had sex with this man and thought she was pregnant and she came over to my house and we went to the store and bought the pregnancy test *fakes smiles* Alexa:oh is that right? Me:yeah Alexa: well this friend name? Me:ohh Dawn..Buger..Dawn Buger.. Alexa:Syd cut the crap Me:ok,ok im pregnant Alexa:OMg this is amazing i finally get to be a aunt Me: *looks at her confused* Alexa:aye im young thats a big deal Me: ok.*mumbles* weirdo Alexa: so who's the lucky man? Me: Michael Alexa:Michael as in Jackson Me: yes Michael as in Jackson Alexa:oh *steps back* Me:Oh, what you mean by oh Alexa:nothing i should go call me if you need anything. Me:ohh no you don't *pulls her back* what do you mean by oh alexa:well Michael's going out with brooke shields Me:what?!?! no he's not. Alexa;Girl its been on the news for about a week, when did you to have sex? Me; about a day ago Alexa: let me guess he played that i love you trick didn't he? Me:yeah Alexa: yeah he seein Brooke Shields Me: just when i thought i found the one they turn out to be somebody else. Alexa: want me to stay here? Me: no Michael's comin over i think i wana talk to him in private. Alexa:ok call me Me:will do *closes the door* I couldn't believe him talkin about how he love me and stuff now im sitting up here pregnant with his child ughh i feel like a big turd ball (idk). **1 hour later** Michael: Hey baby *comin to kiss me* Me:*moves back* Michael:ok.. i brought you some food. Me: im not hungry Michael:well just incase you do i'll just put it in the fridge Me; you do that *sits on the couch* Michael:*sits next to me* Me:*scoots over* Michael:ok? so how you doin? Me:good *turns the t.v on* Michael:ok whats wrong with you? me:nothin im fine totally fine. Michael: no your not your acting different like you don't wanna be around me or something do i stink or something? Me: no you smell nice Michael:then whats wrong? Me:nothing Michael:please tell me *touches my thigh* Me:don't touch me*moves his hand* Michael: ok Syd whats up? Me;idk why don't you ask your girlfriend. Michael:you are my girlfriend. Me: no i mean your other girlfriend Brooke Michael:oh Me:yeah *getting up* Michael:*coming up behind me* Baby im so sorry Me:Michael get out *opens the door* Michael: please i love you Me:leave now! Michael: *walks out* Me:and just so were clear me and you are over *slams the door* i hate that i didn't wanna fight because im not one of the fighting type but i didn't wanna go out with someone who is cheating on me but deep down i still love him i've known him since i was 5 and nows he's the father of this baby im carrying i just hate that he had to be a cheater. i wasn't taking any calls, going to work i was a total bum i knew i couldn't let this hold me down. ??:*knocking on the door* Me:coming! *opens the door*what do you want? Michael: we need to talk Me: well i don't wana talk to you. Michael:sydney please Me:*sighs* come in. Michael:look Syd i love you with all my heart i know that was wrong of me to have sex with you when i was seeing brooke but when i saw that picture of us when we were younger i just forgot about brooke and was thinking about you Sydney i guess what im trying to say is I love you and you only i made the most horrible mistake of my life and i regret it everyday but im here now infront of you asking you to forgive me. Me:*slient* Michael:its ok i'll just leave *turns around and about to walk out* Me:*crying* i love you to. Michael:*turns around,picks me up and kisses me* Me:*smiles* Michael:im glad are parents were friends Me:me too *kisses him* TBC........
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