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99 Reasons why i love you part 4
hey its Kaylie i typed this last night and saved it on my computer so i decided to post it this maybe the last story i post so i hope you like this goes out to Michael Joseph Jackson <333 Reason # 4 Your caring. Even though we had our ups and downs broke up a few times got back together you always cared about me and thats Reason 4 on why i love you. I haven't spoken to Michael in about 2 years i guess we just grew apart i still talk to La Toya she tells me Michael Misses me, never stops talking about me but for some dumb reason i don't know how to reply to that weird right? i know your probably thinking umm say you miss him back or something but im afraid he may find someone else and forget about me. Well right now i moved to New York and got a job as a teahcer i teach 7th grade science because that was my favorite in school when i was younger (not really). Me: Hey what you doin? Toya: nothing sitting here watching a little bit of t.v hows teacher? Me: ok i had to give out 2 detitions today Toya:why? Me: these 2 boys was cursing eachother out,fightingand everything Toya: Wow! kids these days Me: tell me about it, so hows the family? Toya: were good and if you wanna know a little bit extra about this certain family memember he's good still talks about you. Me:*smiles* oh thanks Toya: yeah just thought i should let you know Me:thanks well i gotta go grade these science quiz talk later Toya:alright have fun bye Me:*laughs*bye **Tomorrow** Me:ok class i have graded your quiz some got A's, some got F's no B's,C's or D's *sitting on the couniter* no-- Mrs.Jane: Hey Miss,Karington you have a vistor should i let him or Me: you can let him in. Mrs.Jane: ok Sir she said you can come in. Me:*looks at him* I was speechless to see Michael , all these questions roaming through my mind like What was he doing here? why is he here? and so on the kids can't stop talking, looking at him too. Me: ok kids lets come back ok now what can i do as a teacher to make sure you guys are learning better because its not fun giving out F's hannah:*Raises hand* Me:yeah? Hannah: well maybe some kids should study better. Me: yeah thats why i give you guys study guides i don't just sit up and type study guides because i think its fun no i do it to better you guys, now anything else? Giana:*rasies hand* Me:yes? Giana: well maybe when you should give out a pretest and see the people who are struggling and the people that are doing good. Me;Thats a good idea now ok for the people that got A's you don't have to take the test over but for the people that got F's i want you go come in for lunch and re take the quiz. ok work on the from yesterday *walks to the back of the classroom where michael is* Michael:Hey Miss.Karington Me; hey Michael what are you doing here? Michael; i came to visit you and this is time i can go out in public i mean people still follow me but i got smart and bought 2 limo's-- Me: i get it *laughs* Michael:so how you been? Me: good yourself? Michael: a little sad Me:why? Michael; because this girl i care about never calls,writes me Me: aw why? Michael: i don't thats what i wanna know. Me: well maybe this girl figured you didn't care about her anymore Michael: where did you get that crazy idea? Me:when you stopped calling me Michael:oh im sorry but the album,tour-- Me;i understand i just glad your here now. Michael;when do you get off? Me:not for about 5 hours. Michael: thats a long time. Me: i know . **Bell Rings** Me:Excuse me ok class you have no homework tonight have a good day Everybody:*leaves* Me: umm Bella can i talk to you for a minute? Bella:sure. Me: now your a good student, get good grades Bella; yeah? Me:well this Science quiz your 1 of the people that got a F Bella: umm maybe i just didn't study good enough Me: are you sure? is everything alright at home? Bella: y-yeah its fine i gotta go to Social studies though Miss.Karington Me:ok if you ever wanna talk about anything we can ok? Bella: ok*leaves* Michael; what was that about? Me; nothing but my next class is about to come in. **5 hours later** Michael:Nice place you got. Me:its a condo Michael:so its still nice*Sits on the couch* Me:at least you don't have to grade quizes tonight Michael: you gotta grade them now? Me: well i don't wanna do it later. Michael; umm where's your bathroom? Me:umm right down there to the right Michael: thanks *gets up and sneaks in my room* Me:*grading the quizes* Michael:*making the room all romantic and stuff* Me:MICHAEL, MICHAEL *gets up and walks to the bathroom* here could he be?*looks around the house then opens up my bedroom door* http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img.agoda.net/hotels/10358/OTHERS/OTHERS_10358_16.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.agoda.com/asia/indonesia/bali/ramada_bintang_bali_resort.html&usg=__ArHBavSPfds1P2OQxfOV_JVETZs=&h=235&w=312&sz=17&hl=en&start=63&zoom=1&tbnid=pEyz0sjsnqVA1M:&tbnh=112&tbnw=149&prev=/images%3Fq%3DRomantic%2Broom%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D339%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1755&um=1&itbs=1&ei=n2muTKeDFsqbnAeKpaWjBg&biw=1003&bih=339&iact=rc&dur=125&oei=hWmuTN7gK4i5nAedj8zkBQ&esq=7&page=7&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:63&tx=112&ty=84 Me;Michael what is? Michael:Shhh *kisses me* Me:*kisses back* michael; I Love you Sydney Karington and i wanna show you how much i love you Me: im not sure im ready for this Michael: do you love me? Me: yes i always have Michael: then your ready *lays me on the bed* Me: im scared Michael: why? Me: because im a... Michael;Virgin? Me:*shakes head yes* Michael: don't worry me too but since i have 4 older brothers i know what to do Me: ok i trust you Michael:Smiles* *takes off his shirt and mine* nice! Me:*shaking* thanks Michael:don't shaking , i got this Me:*stops shaking a little* Michael:*takes off my pants* Me:*shaking even more* Michael:you know Syd if your not ready-- Me:no,no im ready Michael:*takes off his pants and boxers and takes off my panties* Me:*Takes a deep breath* Michael: you ready? ME:*shakes head yes* As Michael entered me the pain started soaring through my body like someone was stabbing me with a knife boy did it. Michael; well your not a virgin anymore *smiles* Me:yeah *fake smiles* Michael: ok here we go *goes inside me and again and starts humping* Me:hmm. Michael: does it hurt? Me:yes. Michael:ok slows down Me;*smiles* Michael; how about now? Me; better but im still in a little pain Michael: its normal. Me:ok Mr.sex wiz Michael: *laughs* Me: *starts moaning* Michael:now it feels good doesn't it? Me:*shakes head yes* go a little faster. Michael:*goes a little faster* Me:*moaning even louder* Michael:*moaning* This goes on for about another hour.. Me:for my first time that was amazing. Michael;yup Me: i gotta go to the bathroom. Michael:ok *smiles* **2 Days later** Toya; Girl Michael Just got in the house. Me:oh let me talk to him. toya; ok! Michael:yo Me:hey Mike Michael: hey baby how is it going? Me: good umm i got something to tell you. Michael: yeah i got something to tell you to Me:what? Michael:my thriller album so far is the biggest selling album of all time Me;thats great. Michael:now what was it you wanted to me? Me:umm im pregnant. Michael:*Drops the phone* TBC.. i know this part sucked.
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