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You... Weren't There ~~*Part 11*~~
Vicky here!:) Alright guys. A new part to the story. Guess what, got 100 in my Physics test 2day in tution!:P LOL. Well, they were only 2 qs anyhow. Hahha!xD :P I hope you guys enjoy this part of "You weren't tha" :):) Dedicated to Lexa, Caity, Kelz, Cessy, Alex and Michael Jackson. ENJOY! ^__^ x ---------------------------------------------------------------- Me: *Waking up* Ah. The next morning I got out of bed feeling groggy. I didn't feel like waking up, but yet, I didn't want to sleep any more. I freshened up then went in mine and Lisa's bedroom. That guy that was with her yesterday isn't here. I sighed, changed into faded blue jeans and a blue button up shirt. I tied my hair in a pony and wore my shoes. I don't want to stay home. It feels like a prison in here. I'll just go see the girls. I drove over to Patty's house. As soon as I reached there, I saw her locking the house's door. I think she's going to the hospital. I walked over behind her, as soon as she turned around, she shouted. Me: Scared ya didn't I? Patty: *Clearing her throat* No. Me: Yeah I did. Patty: No you didn't. Me: Whatever. Patty: *Sticking her tongue out at me* Me: Okay, Okay. Where are you going? Patty: *Walking to the car* Hospital. Me: Oh. Patty: The girls are still sleeping. What are you doing in here anyhow? *Getting inside the car* Me: Lisa cheated on me, so I came here because I didn't want to stay at home! Patty: Lisa... *Bumping her head on the car's roof* Ow. Lisa did what? Me: Yeah. She cheated on me. Patty: Oh my God Michael. I'm really sorry. Me: *Sigh* Wow. Who knew love would do this. Patty: *Looking down* Love can do anything Michael. It can hurt you, but it also can make you... *Looking at me* Happy. Me: *Smiling* Yeah. But this isn't happy. Patty: You wanna come with me? Me: Sure. *Getting in the car with her* Patty: Letâ??s roll. *Laughing* And I was off with Patty to the hospital. She was wearing black tight jeans and a tank top. Nothing special and yet I can see her glowing. As soon as we reached the hospital, Patty was greeted by a few nurses and I was greeted by wide eyes. "O_O" I couldn't help by smile at the people's reactions. Patty put on her Doctor White thing they wear. Haha, I don't know its name. Come on, I ain't no doctor. I think I'm going to enjoy today. Nurse: Patty, emergency on the way. Patty: *Dropping her chart on the table and smiling* Enjoy Michael! And the next thing I know was Patty running with a person on the hospital bed, and emergencies and... EXCITING! ~**~**~**~**~**~**~ Me: *Yawn* I got up and looked beside me, Caity was in one bed and Lexa was in the other. I looked over at the time. 2 pm? What the hell? I jumped out of my bed. Me: LATE FOR SCHOOL! SHIT! GET UP! *Shaking them* Lexa, Caity: *Jumping up* We all were jumping around the place, from bathroom to bathroom, from closet to closet until we looked at each other and realized, Me, Lexa, Caity: Its Saturday! *Busting out laughing* I couldn't believe we actually thought we're late for school at such timing. Who'd go to school at 2 pm anyhow? Half of the day is gone. Haha. We changed and then took some food and sat in front of the TV watching music videos. Caity had the usual, her kit Kats in one hand and her milk chocolate in the other. *Shakes my head* Sometimes people can never change. Haha. Lexa was bulging on her corn flex. What the hell? Girl it ain't gonna finish or something. And me.. Oh well you know me, I had a huge sandwich in my plate. My creative sandwich. TRYING to eat it. It wouldn't fit in my mouth. Caity kept changing the channels. She had a free hand. Me and Lexa... We're busy! Haha. This changing is getting quiet annoying. Change! Change! Change! Me, Lexa: THE FUCK CAITY! CHOOSE A CHANNEL ALREADY!!! Caity: Oh my God. Sorry! Jeez people. Here. Happy? Me, Lexa: Hm... Yes! *Grinning* She opened Tom and Jerry. Okay, I know, Baby-Ish right? But what can I do? I'm guessing we inherited it from Dad! Haha. Thatâ??s what happiness when Michael Jackson happens to be your dad. Speaking of Michael. Where is he? Me: Where's Michael? Lexa: I was thinking of the same thing. Caity: Probably with Lisa. *Ring Ring* Caity: *Picking it up* Hello? *Putting it on speaker* What's wrong Lisa? Lisa: Where's your father? Caity: Home with you, duh! Lisa: No he isn't. He didn't even come back yesterday. Caity: What? Yes he did. Lisa: Tell him to come home! Caity: He has freedom Lisa. Lisa: Whatever, call him and tell him to come home. Caity: Bye. *Hanging up* Bitch. Lexa: Slut. Me: Whore. All: *Laughing* Caity: Where's dad? I thought he went back home? Me: Hm... No way had he stayed here, that for sure. Lexa: Yeah, cuz if he sneaked away at night we could've... All: Heard his voice! *Laughing* Caity: Hmm... I wonder! ~**~**~**~**~**~**~ Okay, today is simply exhausting. I mean, I keep going behind Patty, and its killing me. Itâ??s like she never rests. Jeez. And here we go again to ANOTHER patient. Itâ??s more tiring than my job. I have fun singing and dancing, how can she have fun running around the place? Oh well. I sat down to take a little rest and so did Patty. Patty: Tiring huh? Me: DIEING! Patty: Who has a doctor in the house? Me, Patty: *Laughing* Patty: You're bad! *Laughing* Me: Why? Oh yeah because... *Singing* I'm bad I'm bad, you know it. Patty: *Laughing harder* Laughing is good for your heart. Me: *Stop laughing* *Staring at her* *Laughing again* We ended up laughing like that for the next 30 minutes and probably more. Don't blame us for being crazy. And I even got caught up singing Billie Jean while she was checking on a patient. Even the patient started singing. Haha. I had a lot of fun with Patty. She's amazing. Just after her shift was over. And that was at 4 pm. We got inside her car and drove off to get something to eat. We ended up ordering KFC. We were sitting and people were staring at us. I think I saw a few girl start crying. Okay. Thatâ??s worse than the hospital. Patty: *Mumbling* Weird. Me: I know. Patty: So? Me: So? Patty: Enjoyed today? Me: Yes, but a tiring day. *Laughing* Patty: *Laughing* Imagine that happens to me everyday! Me: Wow. Patty: I know, wow. ... Awkward silence. Patty: Um... Me: *Looking around* Patty: Well, letâ??s go back, I think the kids are waiting for us. Me: Yeah sure. *Getting up* Me and Patty got inside her car and we were on our way to the girls. There was a very awkward silence through the whole ride. I mean... I think Patty is pretty, and I can't seem to get what Trina said to me out of my head, "Patty? I see the way you look at her. Itâ??s the same way you used to look at me with. She's a very sweet lady Michael. Don't lose her. Don't." What should I do? How can I lose her and I didn't even have her. Should I have her? Do I love her? Do I? My thoughts were interrupted by Patty parking the car in the garage. Me and Patty went to the door, as soon as she unlocked the door, we went in the living room we saw the girls sitting there looking anxious. Lexa, Abby, Caity: WHERE WERE YOU? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I'm outta here. BuhByee! :):) x
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