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When love is all that matters.... *1*
*Hi everyone. This is a new writer, or an old writer. I don't know what you'd call me. I've been writing for a year and a half, so what does that make me? But i'm keeping my identity a secret until someone guesses who i am. Haha, it's like a little guessing game. I'm not really changing up my style of writing but i won't mention my name at all. But i'll throw in little things that i usually do in my other stories. Dedications: Everyone on the site, and of course Michael Jackson. All for love, enjoy<3* I giggled to myself thinking of how silly he was. Can't even button up his own shirt. He's what, 23 years old? Something like that. I slowly walked up to him and unbuttoned his shirt and then rebuttoned it for him correctly. He's always been like this. The funniest guy i know. I remember when we met when he moved out here. He was the new kid, and i was the loner. We instantly bonded. Little did I know, my friendship with him would make me suddenly cool. Oh the good old days... *Flashback: 1972* Bully: *knocks the books out of my hands* Look at cha! You're nothing but a nerd obsessed with those black kids. What's their name? Bully #2: The Five Guys? Me: *tearing up* It's the Jackson Five. And i can like them if i want! *reaches for my books* Bully: *kicks my books away* *laughs* You're allowed to like them, but i'm sick of seeing their faces on your shirts you wear everyday. Me: Stop it. Bully: *clenches his fists* Did I just hear someone trying to stand up to me? Me: Yeah, you did! You're so rude! *kicks his junk* Bully: *falls to the ground* Bully #2: *runs away* Me: *giggles* Wimp. *quickly grabs my books* Bully: *starts to get up* You ain't gettin away with this! Me: *runs* Bully: *getting up to run after me* As i was running the tears began to fall. God, i need a windshield whiper for my eyes! I could not see where i was going. I was blinded and i ran into someone and again my books were scattered across the floor. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and gathered my books. Me: *talking fast* I'd love to talk but i have to go! The person grabbed my arm right as I was about to storm off. ??: Why are you crying? Me: Please, i don't have time to explain. ??: No, i'm not letting you just run off. Me: I don't even know you! *releases myself from his grasp* Right as i was about to run i heard the bully right behind me. Bully: Tryna get some back up i see. The mystery guy must have some guts, cause he decided to stick up for me. ??: Pick on someone your own size. Bully: Obviously i can't pick on you, ya black shortie. ??: Is that the best comeback you got? Bully: Fiesty. You musta been one of the leaders of the slave revolts. Me: *pushes him* Stop! That's so racist! Bully: *pushes me to the ground* Me: *tears up again* ??: That's it! *punches the bully in the face* This guy and the school bully got in a huge fight. The principal had to come and break it up. I was in the office waiting and i was sitting across from the bully. The mystery guy was in the nurse's office. Principal: Halle, please come in. I reluctantly walked in as the bully glared at me. He looked like he wanted another fight, and this time, with me. Principal: Sit down. *gesturing towards the chair* Me: *sitting down* Principal: You care to share what happened? Please, be completely honest. Me: *gulps* Well, uh, Reese (the bully's name) has always been picking on me. *looks down* And today he took it too far. I was running away from him when i ran into that kid. I tried running but he stopped me, and then when Reese showed up he stood up for me. Then Reese was being really racist and i told him to stop but he pushed me to the ground. Principal: *writing stuff* Me: *tries to see* What are you writing? Principal: The reasons i have for suspending Reese from school. Me: *smiles* Then the kid got mad and the fight started. That's it. Principal: Thank you Halle. Are you well enough to go to your class? Me: I guess so. But may i stop by the nurses office and talk to the kid. I never did catch his name. Principal: Oh, i would have thought you would have known him. Me: *confused* No, i didn't. Principal: Yes, that is fine. *writes me a pass* I was so happy Reese was finally getting what he deserved. Justice is served. I gleefully walked to the nurses office and as i entered I saw no other than Michael Jackson of the Jackson Five. He had a black eye, a bloody lip. Was he the guy who stood up for me?! Michael: *running up to me* Are you okay?! Me: Y-yeah. Michael: Phew, i'm glad. Oh, and i'm Michael by the way. *hugs me* Me: *sighs* *thinking: Michael Jackson is hugging me!* Michael: *stops hugging* And your name is...? Me: Halle. Michael: Very unique. You're the only Halle i know, and i know a lot of people. Me: *giggles* Yeah, thanks for sticking up for me. Michael: No problem, i hate seeing people being hurt. I know what it's like. It's a daily routine for me. Me: What do you mean? Michael: *whispers* Abusive father. Me: *gasps* I'm so sorry. Michael: It's okay. *frowns* *pauses* *smiles* But i'm always looking for a friend. *blushes* Will you be my friend? Me: Of course. *hugs him* And from that day on, we were inseparable. *Back to Present Day: 1981* Me: *buttoning up Michael's shirt* You're such an idiot Mikey. Michael: You've known me for 9 years, i thought you knew that. Me: I knew it, i just thought you'd be able to button up your own shirt. Michael: Don't judge me. Me: *giggles* I'm not. I'm just as much an idiot as you. Michael: You're not an idiot. Me: *finshes buttoning up his shirt* *pats his chest* All done, and yes i am. *walks over and examines my dress* *holds it up* You picked this out? Michael: Yes, why? Me: It's gorgeous! Michael: *smiles from ear to ear* Glad you like it. I coordinated your outfit with mine. Me: Sequins, and sequins, lots of sequins. Michael: That's how i roll. Me: It's a wonder people think your gay. Michael: No you did not. Me: Oh i did! Michael: *turns away from me* I'm ignoring you. Me: No your not. Michael: *turns back* You're right, i can't do it! *giggles* Me: Close your eyes. Michael: Why? Me: I'm going to change, duh! Michael: Yeah, yeah, sorry. *closes his eyes* I slipped off my clothes and put the dress on. (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://fashionfeen.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/sequin-black-dress.jpg&imgrefurl=http://fashionfeen.wordpress.com/tag/accessories/&usg=__G4x_ExoeMdVUQOFoZ9Xt7LiBh0E=&h=400&w=328&sz=29&hl=en&start=0&sig2=jT4xOjNBw25k0-PfKGTvDg&zoom=1&tbnid=EG9AcY6hL8XweM:&tbnh=112&tbnw=92&ei=l2qiTJu2OsHflgeJrNyNBA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsequin%2Bwhite%2Bdress%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D584%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C114&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=750&vpy=154&dur=540&hovh=248&hovw=203&tx=92&ty=166&oei=eGqiTNyrB8P-8AbJnb2DBA&esq=3&page=1&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0&biw=1024&bih=584) . My shoes were black pumps. I was looking quite sexy. Me: All done. *putting on my shoes* Michael: *opens eyes* You proud of me? I didn't peek! Me: That's a first. *winks* Michael: I never peek! Me: Just messing with you. *laughs* Now zipper me up. I walked over to Michael and turned my back to him. Michael: *zips me up* You got a nice back. Me: *turns around and pushes him onto the bed* Pervert! Michael: *grabs me as he falls* Am not! I landed on top of Michael and we were just laughing. Me: *getting up* You got nice eyes. Michael: You too. *puts his tuxedo jacket on* Do i look good? Me: *giggles* So sexy. Michael: You know it! Michael actually did look very sexy. He looked like this http://www.mjsite.com/pages/1392 . Michael: You ready to go? Me: Yeah, but i have to stop and visit my mom. Okay? Michael: Of course, i'll just meet you at the Grammys. Me: You sure will. *smiles* Michael left and i stood there putting on a smile. I walked over to the window and watched as Michael left. As soon as i knew he was gone, the tears came. My mother was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. It not only is deadly but she goes through so much suffering. My mother is the only person i have. I never had any siblings and my father passed away a few months after i was born. I've always had my mom, but i won't anymore. I visit her everyday, and tell her how things are going. She is so glad I have Michael. She has always approved of him. He's come in to visit her a couple of times as well. Today, i got a call saying my mom wasn't doing too good. I didn't tell Michael because i didn't want him to worry. They told me my mom is very likely to die today or tomorrow. That is not a call you ever want to receive. I grabbed my purse and was off to the hospital. I arrived and quickly walked to my mom's room. My mom could barely talk and she could barely write. But so that she could save her voice she had a notepad and a pen to write messages with. She wrote "Hi beautiful". The tears came once again, and i tried to stay strong but it was too much. I walked up to her and place my hand on hers. Me: Hi mommy. Mom: *writes: What are you doing here? The Grammys are tonight* Me: I know, but i came here first. You know i visit you everyday. Mom: *writes: Did you tell Michael about what is gonna happen to me?* Me: No mommy. Mom: *writes: Oh sweetie, he's so good to you. You know that?* Me: I know mommy. Mom: *writes: You know how me and your dad met?* Me: *sighs* Yes, you tell me all the time. It was true love. Mom: *writes: I see me and your dad in you and Michael* Me: *cries* Mommy! Mom: *tries to talk* I do sweetie. You and Michael are j-just like me and your father were. Me: Save your voice! Mom: No. I want to tell you the story once more before i g-go. Me and your dad met one day and became the b-best of friends. We always thought we'd only b-be friends until one day i felt something. I decided to m-make a move. And what do ya know, we f-fell in love instantly. We d-dated for 5 months. Engaged for 2. And then we were m-married. And 1 year later, i was p-pregnant with you. *smiles* Me: *crying* Mom, me and Michael don't have the chemistry you and dad had. Me and Michael are just meant to be friends. Mom: *places hand over mine* Make sure you give him a chance sweetheart, for me. I can see he loves you. Now go to him. *smiles* Me: You make it sound like a romance novel. Mom: Your life is a book. Every day is a new chapter. Now go write the rest of your book. *winks* Me: Oh mom. *hugs her* Always know that i love you, stay strong. Mom: I'll *cough* try. I walked out her room not wanting to let go. I didn't know if tomorrow when i came she'd be alive. I got into my car and drove off to the Grammys. The thought of leaving my mom in a hospital dying haunted me. She told me to get out though. I'm doing this for her. ________________________________________________________________ Well that was semi-long i guess. haha. Hope you all enjoyed it. I had fun writing it. Can't wait to see if you guys like it! ^_^
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