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Not Ready To Make Nice: Part 1
*Hey guys, it's Cait again. And I know I got like a million stories out on the site once again, but I'm not going to continue one of them, and that would be This Is Our Story. I ran out of ideas on that, so I think this one will takes it's place. I'm not sure if this one is anybetter then the last one. But, hey, I tried. This came from the Dixie Chicks "Not Ready To Make Nice" and also Lexa had a little help with giving me this idea, cause she happened to mention a certain part in it. And yes, this is once again a daddy/daughter story. I just thought this would be a good idea. I have another story on the way soon. And This part goes out to Sarah B., Lexa, Michael Jackson and whoever else that like my stories. And to the people that said I was one of their favorite writers. Sarah B. Your in this story as well, along with being in Mr. Magic, Gone Too Soon. Well, I've talked enough now let's start. ~Cait* "Forgive, sounds good Forget, Iâ??m not sure I could They say time heals everything But Iâ??m still waiting Iâ??m through with doubt Thereâ??s nothing left for me to figure out Iâ??ve paid a price And Iâ??ll keep paying Iâ??m not ready to make nice Iâ??m not ready to back down Iâ??m still mad as hell and I donâ??t have time to go round and round and round Itâ??s too late to make it right I probably wouldnâ??t if I could â??Cause Iâ??m mad as hell Canâ??t bring myself to do what it is you think I should" *2-Years-Ago* My name is Eliza, Eliza Amanda Jackson. I'm 13-years-old. I have brownish black hair, with tan skin and deep green eyes. And if you are all out there wondering who my father maybe, I will tell you, he's name is Michael Jackson. Right now, I'm with my brother and sister, Prince and Paris with my bestfriend Sarah B. Our Nanny is with us, we're on our way to visit daddy right now. He's been doing this TV interview thing with the Bashir guy, I'm not really sure. As we reached the hotel, Grace, the Nanny, told us to put our mask on. And that also included Sarah. We got out of our the car, and went to the hotel. I held Paris's hand as we walked in. Sarah held Prince's. Grace asked the desk lady where Daddy would be. We got into the elevator and we were off. I was still holding Paris's hand as we were going up. These is what our mask looked like if your wondering. Paris: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=102059893#title (Go down to the recent images) Prince: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.unitedmask.com/masks/images/butterfly_new.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.unitedmask.com/masks/animal.asp&usg=__5KxPP8qaIHEiDXQY_izF_CDl8z8=&h=448&w=574&sz=67&hl=en&start=0&sig2=FeEGNf7XT99hzXKiRnaRVw&zoom=1&tbnid=Dh2dBsjX0VKLnM:&tbnh=153&tbnw=196&ei=x-2fTJ2DJ8P38Ab9n52gDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbutterfly%2Bmask%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D602%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=979&vpy=223&dur=343&hovh=198&hovw=254&tx=121&ty=97&oei=x-2fTJ2DJ8P38Ab9n52gDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0 Mine: http://www.wellpromo.com/Wholesale/Masks/Custom-Imprinted-Cat-Mask-129833.htm Sarah: http://www.diytrade.com/china/4/leads/4753304/Zorro_mask.html We got out of the Elevator, we saw Daddy waiting for us with the man I'm guess thing was Martin Bashir. I let go of Paris and Sarah let go of Prince, and they ran to Daddy. Me and Sarah walked over there. Martin was talking to Prince about his mask. I walked over to Daddy. So did Sarah. Martin: That's a really great mask. Prince: It's a butterfly. Martin: A butterfly. What's it made out of? Prince: I don't know. Everyone but me: *Chuckles and laughing* Daddy: *Stops laughing**Looks at me* I'm pretty much emo...so I don't really laugh that much. Even though that was pretty cute and funny I still find a way not to laugh for some odd reason. I guess it's just me being...well, me I guess. Oh, well. We started walking down one of the hall ways to another elevator. This is one huge hotel! As we were walking down the hallway, Prince turned to Daddy and asked, Prince: Daddy, can I run? Daddy: If you want, sure? Prince: *Takes off running* Martin: Maybe we should go after him. Sarah: *Raises her hand* I will! *Runs after him* I'm gonna beat you Prince! Prince: No your not, Sarah! Daddy: *Laughing**Looks back at me* Elly, you wanna run? Me: Nah. I'm good, Daddy. Daddy: Okay, then. *Looks at Paris that's holding his hand* Paris, you wanna run? Paris: *Looks up at him* I wanna hold your hand... Daddy: Okay... I smiled a little to myself when I saw that. She's such a daddy's girl. She looked back at me. Paris: Sissy, come hold my hand too. Me: Okay. I guess she's a sissy's girl, too. I walked over and held her hand, Martin had to walk infornt of me and Daddy. We finally got to the elevator, and got in it. Prince was going on about how he had just beaten Sarah in the little race they had just had. I shook my head and smiled. Martin looked over at me, I guess it was mine turn to be asked questions. Martin: So, Eliza... Me: Yes? Martin: Your 13-years-old am I correct? Me: Yeah. I'm 13. Martin: Wow. I thought you were older then that. But you sure do look older then 13. Me: Yeah... Martin: So tell me, Eliza. What do you like to do? Sarah: I can tell you plenty of things she likes to do. Martin: Oh, What's that? Sarah: Well- Me: I like to sing, dance, draw. And that's pretty much it. Other then then that most people I know say I'm pretty much emoish. I'm not the type to get into the happy feeling type stuff. Sarah: Buuuuuutttt...that's not all. Me: *Looks at her* Martin: Oh? What else is there? Sarah: She also likes to fantasies about bo- Me: *Covers her mouth* Exna ona thea fantasya ona boysa Sarah: *Uncovers her mouth* BOYS! Me: Sarah! Sarah: I had to do it! Me: You did not! Martin: *Whispers to Michael* Are they always like this? Daddy: Most of the time, yes they are. *Chuckles* I looked over at Martin to see him whispering something to one of his crew members. I don't like him one bit and if does anything to hurt my father, he'll pay big time for it too. We finally got off the elevator, and started walking again. If I thought this was bad...I just didn't know how bad it was going to get in the future. *Now* Me: There's not way I'm leaving you while this is going on, Daddy! Daddy: Eliza, look! Your going. I need someone to watch Prince, Paris and Blanket. And yes, I know your grandmother has them as well, but she needs your help with them. Now, your going and that's finale young lady. Me: Sometimes I wonder why I'm related to you! *Storms off* Daddy: Eliza Amanda Jackson, get back here right now! Me: Make. Me! *Goes to my room and slams it shut**Flops on my bed and looks out the window of my room* If your wondering, now it's 2005, and Daddy has been charged with yet another case of child moslestation act. I'm 15 now, as you all might have guess. I just think, this is a load of crap. I know my father is innocent of everything they said. I just want people to see that. I got my iPod and put my buds into my ears and started listening to "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice" by the Dixie Chicks. This fits so well right now. I know the scene you saw that happened between me and my dad was well...ackward, but I really don't want to leave him right now Yes, I know my grandma might need me to help her with the guys, but I just don't want to leave daddy right now at a time like this. I was really little when the first at came, and I couldn't do anything to help him out. Now that I'm older, i just want to help him. But he won't let me. Oh, well. I staid in my room, till my door opened and I looked to see it was Daddy. Oh, happy day! Another lecture on my attitude. I took my buds out after I paused the song. Me: Yes, Daddy? Daddy: We need to talk, Eliza. See what I mean? Oh, well...I guess I gotta get use to this. But, I just hope it doesn't come to us fighting again just like a few minutes ago. To Be Continued... *WOW! This is like the most I've written to a story in my whole life! Well, I hoped you all liked this, this is just a idea that poped into my head after listening to this song over and over after Lexa told me about it, but again, I hoped you enjoyed it. And more will come soon. Just fer now, I gotta leave you hanging. So till then... BYE :D*
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