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One Night with the King (Part 11)
THE NEXT MORNING Michael and Breanna were still at the house. They were ready for there day. They were going to meet Tyler and Taleah at the cafe around 12 that afternoon. It was only 10 a.m and Breanna was cooking breakfest for the both of them. "Sure smells good in there." said Michael. "Yeah I know. I hope you like it too." Breanna replied. "Yeah, so what are the plans for today?" asked Michael. "Um honestly I'm not sure. I know for sure we're going to meet Taleah and Tyler down at the cafe later but after that I'm not totally sure." "We should go to the mall or something." Michael said without really thinking it through. "Um your Michael Jackson. How are we suppose to go to a mall with you? It's going to be a million and one people who know who you are. We cant go there." Breanna said while flipping the bacon. "Yeah I guess your right, but we just cant stay at home all day and do nothing. I'm only in town for today then I have to leave for another toar in England." said Michael. "Ugh, dont remind me." Breanna said disappointedly. "I really wish I could stay though." said Michael while giving Breanna a kiss. "DING DONG!" sounded the doorbell. "I wonder who that is....." said Breanna in a unsure way. "Could it be your grandparents by any chance?" "No they called earlier and said that they had made it to North Carolina." "Oh." "DING DONG!" "Wait can you watch this for me while I go get that please." "Yeah babe." "Thanks hon." Breanna said while running to the door. She looked out the door window and what she saw was truely terrifing. "Bre-Bre, he hit me!" Taleah said while crying. "OH MY GOSH LEAH WHAT HAPPENED!?!? MICHAEL COME HERE QUICK!" Taleah had a black eye. Her eye was so swollen that she could'nt open it. She came into the house being escored by Breanna. Michael turned off the food and followed. He had not realized what had happened at first. He hadden saw her face yet. When they got to the living room she sat right next to Breanna crying in her arms. Breanna and Michael we both mad. "WHAT HAPPENED AND WHO DID THIS TALEAH!!!" Michael yelled angerly. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I should'nt of came and messed up what yall were doing. Its just I didnt have anywhere else to go." Taleah cried. "WHO DID IT TALEAH!?!?" Breanna shouted. "Ty-Ty-Tyler.............." Taleah studdered. "What happened Leah?" said Michael. "He got mad at me because he got jealous and start saying that I was cheating on him but the truth is that I wouldnt think about cheating on Tyler. I love him and look what he did to me!" Taleah cried. "Where is he at Taleah?!?!" Michael said furously. "I think at his aparment." said Taleah. "I'll be back" said Michael while heading for the door. Breanna jumped up and chased after Michael. She did catch up with him until he was outside about to get into his car. "Where are you going Michael?!" "Go back in the house Breanna!" "Michael just calm down. Please dont do this." Breanna begged. "IF HE MAN ENOUGH TO PUT HIS HANDS ON THAT GIRL IN THERE THAN WHY CANT HE TAKE ME? HE HAD NO RIGHT TO TO PUT HIS HANDS ON LEAH! SHE DOESNT DESERVE THAT. YOU AND HER ARE LIKE SISTER AND YOUR TELLING ME THIS???" yelled Michael. "I WANT YOU TO THINK THIS OUT!!! I DONT YOU TO DO SOMETHING THATS GOING TO HURT YOU OR YOUR CAREER MICHAEL! I LOVE YOU AND IF SOMETHING WAS TO HAPPEN TO YOU I DONT KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO!!!" Breanna yelled back. "Breanna just please go back in the house. Please." said Michael. Breanna just walked back into the house. She could'nt believe what was happening. Michael got into his car and drove off to Tyler's house. "Breanna he keeps calling me and texting me. Im really scared Bre. I dont know what he gone do!" Breanna looked at her phone. She had had 25 missed calls from him and like 10 different text messages from him. They all said things like "I'm sorry" or "Where are you." Taleah never replied though. Tyler knew she was probably over at Breanna house. Michael was furious. He got into his car and headed to Tyler's house. On the way he saw Michael saw Tyler on the road. Tyler was heading for Breanna's house. Michael knew he needed to warn the girls. "Ring Ring!" sounded Breanna's cell phone. "Hello! Michael!?" "Breanna I want you to go down stairs into the basement with Taleah. I see Tyler and he's on his way over there. I'm following him right now. Do NOT let him in there cuz if he hurts you then he's really going to get it." "Okay! Okay we are going right now. And Michael...." "Yes Breanna." "Please be careful." "I love you baby." said Michael. "I love you too." "Leah coming on we have to getr down stairs right now. He's on his way here." "He-he's coming here?" "Yes come on." Breanna and Taleah moved quickly. Since Taleah only had the vision of one of her eyes Breanna had to help her. When they got down there they turned off all the lights and made the house look like no one was there. They sat quitly. Not even moving. "BANG BANG!!!!" sounded Breanna's front door. Tyler was banging on the door. "I KNOW YOU IN HERE GIRL! DONT PLAY WITH ME!" Tyler yelled. Taleah jumped every time he banged at the door. The more he yelled the more she cried. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Micheal yelled. "LET ME IN HERE! I KNOW TALEAH IS IN THERE!" Tyler said while getting in Michael face. "IS THAT ALCOHOL I SMELL?" asked Michael. "DONT WORRY ABOUT IT. LOOK JUST LET ME IN HERE!" "NAW MAN YOU NEED TO GO!" Michael pused him out of his way. "MAN DONT MAKE ME HIT YOU LIKE I DID HER!" "YOU TO MUCH OF A PUCK TO HIT ME! YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM HERE BEFORE YOU HAVE TO DELL WITH ME. AND IF YOU TOUCH ONE OF THEM GIRLS AGAIN THEN I REALLY KNOW SOMETHING. I'M NOT AFRIDE OF YOU BUT YOU DRUNK SO I'M GONE LET YOU GET OFF EASY THIS TIME BUT IF I SEE YOU AROUND HERE AGAIN THEN WE CAN GO. I AINT PLAYIN WITH YO SORRY BUTT EITHER!!!" "FINE!" said Tyler. Tyler then left. He stuppled away. He was so drunk he was driving crazy. Michael walked into the house and went down to basement where the girl were.
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