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Our "Thing" Part 10
I've never posted parts so closely together but anyways besides that I didn't really like the last part so here's part 10 I guess. This goes out to everyone on MJSite and Michael without you this site wouldn't exist. -norah It had been weeks since the disatrous pre wedding party with the Kellmans and the equally annoying guests. Carol's condition was better and it seemed she would be okay for the wedding which would be on the next day! Instead of having a 'traditional' bachelorette party, Rae stayed home and watched late night repeats of the Looney Tunes with Michael. He had his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder. Michael: So, are you marrying Stump - I should stop calling him that. He didn't ask to be well that way. Rae: You mean Stumpie? No. And there's nothing anyone will say about that. Michael: Will you go to the church tommorow? Rae: To do what? And there was this creepy silence in the room. He moved his arm slowly from her shoulder to her waist causing her to look upward at him. Michael: Have I ever told you how much you mean to me? Not exactly sure how to respond to something like that, Rae kissed him sweetly on the lips. Rae: You were saying.... Michael: I was saying this. He slowly moved her body in such a way that she was on his lap and kissed her very passionately. The kiss was getting a little more heated when- Rae: *a little out of breath* Michael wait. I've never done this before. Michael: I know. Me too. But if you don't want to it's fine really it- Rae: No. I want to. They continued to kiss deeply and Michael moved his lips from hers and onto her neck. She could feel his hot breath on her neck which gave her goosebumps. Michael: Your room or mine? Rae: The one nearest to the bathroom. Michael: *giggles lowly* That's yours. He wrapped his legs around his waist and got to her room. Still kissing, he gently placed her on the bed. Their lips parted when Michael was about to take his shirt off. To quicken up the process, they helped each other peel off their clothes. Once they were both completely naked Michael took a little time to look at his best friend/girlfriend. Michael: You're beautiful. Instead of saying something like thank you because that is always polite, she smiled and looked away. He got on top of her and moved her face solwly to his so that they were facing each other.He kissed her neck and moved down to her breasts causing her to gasp his name. Very turned on by that he went further by fondling her nipples. Rae could feel his manhood against her thigh. He rolled their bodies so that she was on top and they continued to kiss and moan in the kiss. Her breasts flattened on his chest as he moved his hands up and down her body. Michael: Are you sure about this? Rae: Michael I... Michael: Michael you what? Rae: I have never been more sure about anything in my life. Michael rolled thier bodies again so that he was now on top. The head of his manhood was in her entrance and Rae let out a low scream. Michael: Oh my goodness did I hurt you? Rae: No it's fine. He entered her inch by inch and the screams turned into pleasurable moans. When he was all inside her, he moved his hips in a circular motion causing more friction on her G spot. He rested his head on the side of her face as they continued. Rae met the rythm of his thrusts by bucking her hips slightly. They carried on for quite some time before it got to the part where people usually think about things. Michael meant everything and more to her and having him seemed like it was too good to be real at times for Rae. A slight tear drop fell down from her face and it was followed by a little(just a little) bit more that Michael felt them because their cheeks were kinda pressed together. Michael: I didn't say anything. Rae: *smiles* You're so cute. And no you're not hurting me. I'm having a moment. They continued to do this and got closer and closer to reaching their peak. After a while they finally reached that peak. Michael rolled off of her and was next to her panting for air. Rae: Can I tell you why I started crying? Michael: I'm listening. He had his arms around her and she had her head on his shoulder. Kinda like when they were watching the Looney Tunes. Rae: I was just thinking about how much I love you. Michael: I love you too. Actually I love you alot more than you might ever realize. (kisses her) Rae: One question though and be honest. Whatver the answer is I'll be cool with it. Michael: Should I be worried? Rae: Was that your first time for real? Michael: Yes. What makes you think it wasn't? Rae: No it wasn't your first time. Michael: Fine believe whatever it is you wan to believe. Rae: What was her name? Michael: *giggles* Nobody! That was my first time. Rae: Fine whatever. All I want is a name. Michael: Fine you want a name, don't you. Rae: Yes. Doesn't have to be a full one. Just a name. Michael: Fine. Her name was Raeleen Green. So things seemed to be doing more than fine and more than great for them. How long was it going to last? **************************************************************** I prolly should have warned you about that. Sorry I didn't for my various reasons. Until next tim! :-D
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