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Our "Thing" Part 9
somebody asked if this was based on real life and if I knew Michael personally a while back. I'll start off by saying thanks for your kind comment it made me smile actually. I didn't know him though I wish I did and this is purely fictional. But thanks for liking my story. This goes out to everybody on this site and Michael. -norah Michael and Raeleen had spent almost the whole day shopping for everything to be honest. Alot of the money from Perry had been spent in one day but Michael didn't know that did he? They got back to the phone ringing. Michael: You answer it. Rae: Why? Michael: I'm carrying all the shopping bags and besides you are way better than me when it comes to my stalkers. Rae: *answers phone* Hello? ??: Raeleeeen!!!!!!!!! Rae: Oh hey there mom. One second. *puts hand over mouthpiece* Michael, what have you done? Michael: I robbed a bank, dear. Maybe nothing happened. Rae: Why would she call then? Michael: Maybe she's changed and called to say hi. Rae: This is my mother we're talking about. Michael: Point proven. Rae: *focuses attention back on convo on the phone* Hey mom. Carol(Rae's mother): You already said that. Rae: Oh well how are you? Carol: You seem to be in a good mood. It's in your voice. Rae: *blushes* Well...*snaps out of it* What's wrong, mother? Carol: The Kellmans are hosting your pre wedding party in a month two days from now and that's not a long time until the actual wedding. Rae: Oh. Cool. Carol: I'd love to stay and chat but I got to go. Rae: Good then go. *hangs up* Michael was standing there with two champagne glasses with orange juice in the glasses. Michael: Would you like to sit down and talk about it? Rae: *sits on couch* Thank you. We must be the only adults in the world who drink orange soda out of champagne glasses. Michael: That what makes us stand out I guess. In a month two days I'm making the video of Rock With You and you- Rae: Never not go see you make a music video. I know. I'm usually there. Michael: *sighs* You can't disappoint your family. Rae: Or you. So I'll be there even if it means being an hour late for my pre wedding party. A month two days later, Rae had hardly slept the previous night thinking about things. Her and Michael had been together for a while at that point and the desired date for her wedding was drawing closer and closer. As promised, she was there at the making of the Rock With You video. Rae: Where's Michael? ??: And who in particular are you asking? Rae: Destiny. Destiny: Nice to see you again. Not! Destiny was Quincy's daughter who always had a major crush on Michael. Nobody was even sure Destiny's name was Destiny but hey that's what everyone else was calling her! Michael stepped out of the changeroom in his outfit for the video and went up to Rae. Okay and Destiny. Michael: Hey. *kisses Rae on the cheek* Rae: Hey you look ummm. Shiny. * Destiny: Hello?? Michael: You like the boots? Rae: Love them. For real. Michael: So why do you have that 'Im laughing at you' smile look thing? Rae: You're seeing things. Destiny: The joys of being ignored. Michael: I think I'm needed over there so while I'm there try not to think too much about me. If you know what I mean. *winks and walks away* Rae: Okay whatever all that was about. Destiny: You're so slow. Michael was a natural out there doing his thing. And he looked great too.(doesnt he always? :D) Anyways, when it was all over, they(Michael and Rae) had to be at the pre-wedding party. They were more than an hour late and they were considering ending the party. Everyone who would be present at the wedding was there already including the bridesmaids who asked to be bridesmaids. Michael: Is that your mom or another overgrown- Rae: Don't say it. Michael: *chuckles* I wasn't gonna say anything. Bad. Rae: You were going to make fun of her- Mcihael: You see I wasn't even thinking about that but now that you suggested- They both burst out laughing at something that seemed to make no sense to anyone but them. Wilma: Attention! Silence followed. Wilma: The bride is here! Everyone: *looks at Rae* Rae: Hello. Keytontay: I think you should pracrise the kiss. Who's with me? Michael: NO! Keyontay: We all know you're friends but they are getting married. Wilma: Yeah. Everyone but Rae or Michael: Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Rae: *whispering to Michael* If it's not okay with you then I won't do it. Michael: Go ahead knock yourself out. Rae: Stop acting like you're okay with it. Michael: *puts hands on her shoulders* I'm not but right now there's something more important I have to do. Before she could say anything he was gone. By a happy accident, Perry didn't want to. Meanwhile, Michael had put Rae's mother Carol aside and even sat down with her and everything. Carol: What is it, twerp? Michael: Okay first of all I've grown up from being the kid who used to dress up as you for halloween. Secondly, I think as her mother you shuold know what's best for her. Carol: *coughs* Oh boy what now? Michael: I'll be patient with you. You may have an idea of what is best for her but you don't know how - *pauses* My point is, I am in love with your daughter Raeleen. He felt stupid for just saying everything like that. Even the truth can be sugar coated to sound as ecxiting as lies, you know. Carol's silence was beginning to worry him until he saw her eyes shut and her skin pale. Michael: Errm Carol you didn't just die did you? Carol: *in a hoarse voice* No I need some air. She was clearly struggling to get up on her own so Michael helped her get up. She felt extremely heavy on him (not for the reasons you think) until Sierra the secretary saw. Sierra: Oh my goodness, Rae you're mom just fainted in Michael's arms. You'd think everyone's name was Rae the way the whole party came to the scene. Rae's eyes first fell on her mother then turned to Michael's eyes. Her mother just fainted and only faints when she's really sick or hears bad news. What did Michael say that must've been so bad it caused her to faint? ****************************************************************Next part will be much better I think than this one for more than one reason in my opinion. Thanks for reading! :D
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