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The Girl We Thought We All Knew~2~
She had a feakin' black eye everyone gasped like they just woke up from a terrible dream Jamie looked down Mrs.Homes took her arms out from under the desk and pulled her sleeves up and she had all these bruises and a big band-aid you could see the bleed on it all these whispers and wow this was just so WOW !! Mrs.Homes: Jamie how did this happen Jamie didn't say anything she just pulled her sleeves back down and put on her sunglasses "MISS JAMIE PARKER ANSWER MY QUESTION-" "NO WHY WOULD YOU CARE ANYWAYS AND WHY WOULD ANYONE ELSE IN THIS STUPID ASS SCHOOL CARE EITHER" Jamie yelled all of a sudden it was silent Mrs.Homes whispered in Jamie's ear "FOR WHAT-" Jamie was about to say Mrs.Homes went to the door then looked back at Jamie "Miss you either tell me whats going on out here or I'm calling the police" Mrs.Homes said Jamie paused the got up and went out to the hall all you could see was her lips moving and her trying not to cry but then she did and Mrs.Homes comforted her Mrs.Homes came in the class after about 20min. everyone played off like they were reading there books and weren't just looking out the window she left the door open you could Jamie sniffing from crying so hard Mrs.Homes called the police anyways DANG IT WAS THAT BAD!! Jamie went with the police Jamie hasn't been to the school in a month but we've been hearing her on the News like her whole FAMILY!!! okay hears the facts *her parent's her both robber's on the run and crack heads and they get check and pays bills in Jamie's name *She takes care of her siblings *Her mom traded her for crack to a man who rapped her when she was 13 and she got pregnant *her dad and mom gangs up on her when there drunk That is some crazy stuff I know when I heard I felt so bad for her no wonder she holds all that anger inside and can't trust anybody to be her friend and then she has to deal with people making fun of her at school thats so messed up todays the day we've got back from Christmas break and the news has faded on the story about the PARKERS that what they called there family kinda became celebs. And JAMIE'S BACK!! I was so glad to not see that seat in the back corner filled with her in it I'm so happy I smiled at her on accident but surprisingly she smiled back she looked even more beautiful than she already did without smiling I smiled even harder then sat down maybe were gonna be friends..... then more :) We had to write a whole page about our winter break in 20min. yeah that's High school ugh at I can write fast we all did ours then "Umm, Miss Jamie do you want to share your's" Mrs.Homes asked "Sure" Jamie said blushing a little we all were so ready to hear what she was going to say she went up "Ummmm this Winter Break was one of my best and worse worse because the whole going public and being in court parents and and all the crazy drama and it also my best because I live with my grandparents that are really cool to be old people" she said everyone laughed she did too "And ummm it was the best Christmas and I got to move and see all of my cousins" there was a pause then she took a deep breathe "I just want to say sorry to anyone who has ever been thinking I'm a cold hearted persons but I'm really not I just very shy and sensitive I mean very sensitive person you wouldn't believe how many times I've cried at night because I didn't have a friend or that I couldn't trust anyone I'm very very sorry and I hope that you forgive me and that I forgive you with all that's in me.... And hope were friends soooo yeah I'm done she said and walked back to her seat blushing and smiling cause we all gave her a round of applause ~*~At The End Of Class~*~ Jamie got alot of hugs today from everyone I haven't had the carrage yet but then she walked up to me "Hi..Um Your Michael right from bus 330" she said T.B.C.................................. BY:Kanika Hardy :P Love you all <3 <3 <3
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