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One Night Stand Part 2
*Halle here. I got those 5+ votes i asked for on part 1 so here is the next part i promised. This goes out to the entire MJsite family. My MJ sister, who i create magical moments with. hhaha. Hey MJ sister, What a schmuck back up! haha. And to Michael Jackson. An inspiration to all of us. Enjoy! :D* Michael started walking and I was following him. It was silent for a minute so I was thinking, â??why the hell do I look familiar to Michael Jackson?â? So Michael showed me around the studio and then we were just awkwardly standing there. Michael: Sooo.. Me: Can I ask you something? Michael: Is it about me? Me: *giggles* No. Michael: Go for it. Me: Am I allowed to bring my kid to rehearsals? Michael: Well of course, I love kids. Me: Good. Heâ??s a quiet baby anyway, he shouldnâ??t disturb anything. Michael: *laughs* Can I meet this child who is named after me? Me: Oh yeah, of course. Iâ??ll go get him. I walked casually away from Michael but when I knew I was out of his sight I ran as fast as I could to go get Brandon. I finally got to Jalice and I took Brandon and started walking away. Jalice: Whoa! Where you going? Me: To Michael Jackson, he wants to meet my baby! Gotta go! Jalice: Wait, are you? Me: Yes, Iâ??m the girl! Jalice: *screams* Oh my god! Youâ??re so freakin lucky! Me: I know, but weâ??ll talk later. I must get back to Michael! Jalice: Go go go! I fast walked back to Michael and Brandon kept playing with my hair. I was talking to him about Michael when I finally got back to Michael, I walked up to him and introduced him to my child. Me: Michael, this is Brandon. Michael: Heâ??s so cute. So does he look more like you or the father? Me: Well, I donâ??t really know. Cause I donâ??t know the father. Michael: Oh. Me: It was a one night stand kind of thing. Michael: Oh those things. Me: *laughs* Yeah, those things. Michael: Umm, can I hold him? Me: Sure. I handed Brandon to Michael and Brandon got all happy all the sudden.. Me: Wow, he really likes you. Michael: I have a way with kids. Me: *giggles* I can see. You know I always thought he looked like you and now that heâ??s right next to you he really does. Michael turned around and looked in the mirrors. Michael: Yeah he sorta does. Me: *laughs* Maybe youâ??re the father. Michael: *laughs* Maybe. Me: I did have a one night stand, and I never did see who the guy was. Michael: Yeah, it was totally me *laughs* Me: Hey I wanna ask you something else. Michael: What is it? Me: Why did you pick me? Michael: I liked you. Me: Whatâ??d you like about me? Michael: Your personality, your sense of humor, youâ??re beautiful, and you had a kid who was 3 months old and I thought that was cool that you still wanted to audition. Me: *blushes* Beautiful? Michael: Yeah, youâ??re the prettiest girl Iâ??ve ever seen. Me: *blushes again* Youâ??re just saying that. Michael: No Iâ??m not. Iâ??m not lying. Me: Well thanks. Michael: No problem. Hey, you want your kid back? Me: Nah, he seems to like you. Michael: I like him too. Me: Thatâ??s good cause youâ??ll be seeing a lot of him. Michael: Good. Michael was playing with Brandon and then he told me to follow him. We walked back to where all the dancers were and they all looked at Michael weirdly when he walked in cause well he was holding my baby. But Jalice looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. Oh Jalice. John was talking to all the other dancers telling them that auditions to be a background dancer would be starting soon. John walked up to Michael and they started talking. John: Shall we go to the audition room? Michael: Sure, Halle would you like to come? Me: Well you do have my baby. Michael: Oh yeah, I forgot. John: I can see the chemistry already. Michael: So does that mean your coming Halle? Me: Yep. Just one second. I ran over to Jalice and told her that she doesnâ??t have to stay anymore. So Jalice left and then I went with Michael and John to the audition room. We sat down at a table and Michael still had Brandon. Wow, he must really love him. John: Michael, youâ??re going to steal that baby arenâ??t you? Michael: *laughs* Be quiet, I donâ??t want Halle to know. Me: I can hear you. Michael: John you blew it for me. John: Iâ??m sorry, now you canâ??t steal her baby. Me: Youâ??ll see him like every day Michael. Michael: Yay. I love this child. John: And he loves you. Now lets get going with these auditions. We donâ??t have all day. Michael: Okay. Brandon youâ??re helping us pick. Brandon just looked at Michael and smiled and tried to grab Mikeâ??s sunglasses he was wearing. Michael took them off and handed them to Brandon so he could play with them. The first group of auditioners came in and they started dancing. Brandon was still playing with Mikeâ??s sunglasses and he lost his grip on them and they flew out at the people auditioning. Michael: Oh, I guess you donâ??t like them. Brandon smiled. John: Next group please. That group left and it was a big group. I think they only had 4 groups so 3 to go! We watched the rest of the groups and John and Michael decided on the 3rd group that auditioned. I sort of recognized someone in that group. I wonder why. Everyone from the other 3 groups had left and the group who was selected was waiting in a room. We walked back to them and John said a little congratulation speech. I was looking around the room when I saw the person I recognized. It was my best friend Mary Lynn! I think she saw me to cause she gave a little wave. I met Mary Lynn when I moved out to California. Sheâ??s like a really awesome person. She sings and dances. I remember her telling me she was auditioning for something. So this is what she was talking about. The day was coming to an end and everyone was leaving. Michael finally gave back Brandon but it was hard for him. He and Brandon had this like special bond it seemed like. I was glad cause it would have been a nightmare if Brandon didnâ??t like Michael. Everyone had left except for Michael, John, Me, and Mary Lynn. Me and Mary Lynn started talking and she was very happy for me. M: Iâ??m so happy for you. I always knew youâ??d make it big. Me: Iâ??m only gonna be in a Michael Jackson music video. M: Thatâ??s pretty impressive. Me: I guess so. But youâ??re gonna be in it too! M: I know! We are gonna see each other like every day. Me: Itâ??s going to be epic. M: Fo shoo. Me: *laughs* Well I better get going. Brandon has had a long day. M: Yeah, being held by Michael Jackson. Thatâ??ll make you tired. Me: *laughing* Yeah, heâ??s exhausted. M: I am too. I better get going. Me: Bye. M: See ya. Mary Lynn started singing because thatâ??s what she do. ahha. Wanna hear her sing?! Go to one of these links. One is her singing Gone Too Soon another is her singing Rock With You. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRLNqkVx45o and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ILA5m7qeBw&feature=related So I was just standing there gathering my stuff when Michael and John were leaving. Michael: Bye Brandon. Michael gave Brandon a kiss on the forehead. Michael: Bye Halle. Then Michael gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was in heaven. John: Bye Halle. Me: Bye guys. They left and I was all alone. I walked to my car and headed home. What a day. Being told I would be starring in Michael Jacksonâ??s newest music video, having Michael Jackson hold my child, finding out one of my best friends is also in the video, and having Michael Jackson kiss me on the cheek. This was almost too much to handle. I canâ??t wait for tomorrow. Bring it on. _____________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Let's see, i'll post if this part gets 7+ votes. Is that too much to ask for? Hmm, idk. But i hope you liked and please vote. lovee, halle :)
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