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Me and Michael: A Story to Remember pt 4
* This story goes to Drey, David,Nadirah,Michael<333,and Melissa,* (So me and Michael get home from the dance and were watching a movie. He takes a ring off his finger and puts it on my hand) Michael: So its offical now Me: Whats official? Michael: Our relationship. Our did you forget already? Me:Well excuse me! Its not my fault. I still need to adjust! Michael: Ah-huh? Me: You know when I was a little girl I used to say that someday you would be my boyfriend and now its hard to believe that my life is how I pictured it.Im a singer and im dating Michael Jackson! This is every girls dream and I'm living it! Michael:(Laughing)I see The next day I have to start recording my first song for my new album.My little sister Adrienne comes with my because shes gonna help sing on the track.I write all my songs accourding to my mood. Since me and Michael are dating I thought it was only right to write a song about him. But I decided I wouldnt let him hear it until the cd was done. It was supposed to be a surprise. Berry Gordy: Okay Jayden. Lets take it from the top Me: Okay.(Talking to my sister) You ready nina? Aidrenne: I was bornn ready! Me: Alright here we go:(Starts singing Beyonces' Dangerously in Love) Baby I love you You are my life My happiest moments weren't complete If you weren't by my side You're my relation In connection to the sun With you next to me There's no darkness I can't overcome You are my raindrop I am the sea With you and God, who's my sunlight I bloom and grow so beautifully Baby, I'm so proud So proud to be your girl You make the confusion Go all away From this cold and messed up world I am in love with you You set me free I can't do this thing Called life without you here with me Cause I'm Dangerously In Love with you I'll never leave Just keep lovin' me The way I love you loving me And I know you love me Love me for who I am Cause years before I became who I am Baby you were my man I know it ain't easy Easy loving me I appreciate the love and dedication From you to me Later on in my destiny I see myself having your child I see myself being your wife And I see my whole future in your eyes Thought of all my love for you sometimes make me wanna cry Realize all my blessings I'm grateful To have you by my side Every time I see your face My heart smiles Every time it feels so good It hurts sometimes Created in this world To love and to hold To feel To breathe To love you Dangerously in love Can't do this thing I love you , I love you, I love you I'll never leave Just keep on loving me I'm in love with you I can not do I cannot do anything without you in my life Holding me, kissing me, loving me Dangerously I love you Dangerously in love After I finish the song I look up and see Michael standing there. Me: Ummm....What are you doing here? Michael:I was just coming in to finish up the album and then I heard you singing so I decided to come and be nosey.(smiling) Me:(thinking)Just forgive him. DOnt be stupid. Look at his face, he said he was sorry)Its okay, but it was supposed to be a surprise. Now in return you have to write a song about me! And put it on "Thriller". Deal? Michael: Deal Me: Now...wanna get out of here and go do something? Michael: Sure Aidrenne: Hey what about me!? Me: What about you? Aidrenne: Dont leave me out! Me: Now do you possibly think we could forget you annoying self? Aidrenne: No..But what are you gonna do with me? Papi isnt home yet? Me: Well then if its okay with Michael you can come with us.\ Aidrenne:Michael please??? Michael: Of course Drey. Ill pick up my little sister Janet too so youll have someone to talk to. Me:Knowing how much they both talk I think theyll be best friends! Aidrenne: I heard that! Me: You were supposed too nosey! So we go pick up Janet and we all go to the movies. We pick a horror movie. The movie is about a girl and a boy walking throught the park and all of a sudden the boy turns into a werewolf! Me, Janet, and Aidrenne are all about to pee our pants and Michael is just sitting there laughing at the movie! Me: How do you find this funny. Its scary Michael: Awww..here does his make you feel better?(He wraps his arms around me) Me:Your like my own personal superman(smiling) Michael: I love when I make you smile. Me: Me too(Kisses him) Janet& Aidrenne: EWWW! Me:(Laughing) I thought the same thing when I was your age but when your my age youll think its very romantic Janet: If its anything like I just saw Im never going near a boy! Aidrenne: Me niether! Me:Thats what you say now! Just then a man with a hoodie came into the theater. Me: Mikey I thought the theather was closed off? Michael:(Confused)I did too. Just then the man took our picture and we ran out of the theater. When we open the door more and more photogrophers take our picture.Then out of no where everything goes black and everything is silent..... To BE CONTINUED!!! *Vote for part 5 and thanks to those who are reading*
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