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Are You Serious? (Part 1)
Hey guys! Its Sarah B. & this is my new story! Id like to dedicate this part to mjsite & Michael Jackson. ENJOY!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! My name is Julia Watson, Im 21 years old, & i live in Horine, Missouri. The year? 1979. Horine Missouri is a few miles off of St. Louis. Horine is a VERY small town & St. Louis is the biggest city ive ever been too. Ive never been outta Missouri in my life. By the way i look like this (in the front): http://theresalduncan.typepad.com/witostaircase/images/2007/06/22/country_ girl.jpg But im known more from a different picture. You'll recognize it. Especially with the person im with: http://lacienegasmiled.wordpress.com/category/1981-triumpth-tour-kiss/ That picture was taken two years later so you'll have to wait until that event happens. I have one big sister named Kelsey, also called Kelz, & i have a BEST friend named Francesca but i call her Cessy (its easier to say too). My Mom & Dad are the only ones i prefer to talk to in this big ass family of mine. My grandparents live with us, my aunts & uncles, & all of my cousins too. My family is SO close & there is NEVER enough time to be alone! I hate this town. I HATE it. I wanna go somewhere big like New York or Hollywood & make it BIG! Cessy: So party at my house tonight, Julia? Are you coming? Me: DUH! So whos gonna be there? Cessy: Just about everyone. Thats a young adult that is. Me: So does that mean youre inviting? Cessy: The very one! We: *squeal* Me: I cant BELIEVE that Josh Newman is going! Cessy: He SO likes you! Me: I doubt it. Cessy: *rolls eyes* We go shopping to the only department store in town & get some neat-o outfits. Cessy has always been INCREDIBLY beautiful so she looks good in anything! She could pull off a plastic bag with holes in it. She looks like this: http://daytimeconfidential.com/system/files/images/Brenda_0.jpg A few hours later... The party starts & Cessy was right, everyone IS there! I see Josh & nearly squeal next to Cessy. She pushes me right into him & i feel SO embarrassed. Me: H-Hey Josh! Josh: Hi Julia. Whats up? Me: Oh nothing much. How've you been? Josh: Good. Hey come with me. Me: Ok. I look over at Cessy & give her two thumbs up. She signals back too. Josh & I have a seat on the couch & we start talking. Josh: So i know that we dont know each other well enough but i think youre so hot. Me: Thank you. He starts kissing my neck & i feel an utter urge to slap him. I dont wanna go that far. Like he said, we dont know each other very well. Me: Uh Josh. What are you doing? Josh: Wanna make out? Me: NO! Josh: Why not? Me: First off i can tell that you've been drinking by your horrid breath & second i am not ready to kiss you Josh! Josh: FINE THEN! He gets up from the couch & storms off. Gross. I turn around hoping no one saw that but i was wrong. There was a dark man sitting next to me. I instantly turned away. Man: Dont worry about it. No one else saw. Josh is a jerk anyways. Me: Oh ok. Im Julia. Man: Im Michael. Me: Nice to meet you Michael. Oh i know you! You used to go to my school for a semester or something! Michael: Ya how'd you know? Me: I remember faces very well. I did know him. He was in my senior class in high school & i thought that he was SO cute & mysterious. Those type of guys are the ones that interest me the most. He gets up shyly & takes my hand. It sorta shocked me cuz i just met the guy. But he is very attractive so i'll just follow him.We go into one of the large closets in Cessy's house & he shuts the door. It was kinda dark but there was enough light that i could see him. Michael: I know that its been a while, Julia but, when we were in highschool i had the biggest crush on you. Me: *smiles* Really? Micheal: Ya. Me: I liked you a lot too, Michael, but i dont know how much. He gives me this look that had some sort of sex appeal to it so i looked away. He gets closer & closer to me & i hear one of the many beautiful songs that Cessy owns play. Michael: A dance? Me: *smiles* Alright. We circle around step by step in the closet. I know it sounds stupid to be dancing in a closet but i was actually enjoying it. Then he leans in closer to men, takes my head in his hands & softly kisses me. And i go in deeper. This was so perfect. He was perfect. Sure i havent talked to him in years but this was the best days of my life. He takes something out of his pocket & writes something on my arm while continuing to kiss me. Thats impressive. He pulls away from me & i look at my arm. Its his phone number. Sweet. He holds out his hand & he takes mine & we exit the closet. We sit back down on the couch & just sit. Not worrying about the nonsense going around us. The party soon ends & Michael whispers in my ear. Michael: *whispers* Call me. Me: Ok. He leaves & i stay & help Cessy clean up the left over party mess in her house. Cessy: So who were you with in the closet? Me: *looks up* You saw that! Cessy: Of course i did Julia im not stupid! Me: *blushes* Cessy: What happened! Me: Nothing! Cessy: Well it had to be something if he was willing to take you into a closet! Me: Ok fine. We danced when Dream A Little Dream came on. Happy? Cessy: Ok. She said it like "fine dont tell me! i'll find out later!" Soon the mess was picked up & i went home. I went up to my room & immediately called Michael. I hope he picks up at this hour. And he does. Michael: I thought you would never call? I had the guts to tell him this but i have no idea how he'll respond. Me: Michael, i love you. Michael: Meet me under that oak tree in the park at 12 tonight. Me: Sure. I hung up after he did & got freshened up. I went to the park & saw him under that big ass oak tree. Me: Hey. Michael: *looking at stars* Hey. I wanted to ask you something. Me: What? He looks at me & i feel kinda nervous. Michael: Will you go out with me? Me: *shouts* Yes! I kiss him for a LONG time. This was AWESOME. I cant WAIT to tell Cessy about it Michael: I have one thing to tell you though, Julia. Me: What? Michael: *sighs* Im gonna be going out of town for a while. I wont be here. Me: But why? Michael: Family stuff. Me: *looks down* How long are you gonna be gone? Michael: A couple years. Me: YEARS! Michael: Im sorry, Julia but i have a lot to do. Im a busy guy. Me: *sighs* Ok. But we're still gonna be dating right. Michael: Absolutely. Me: And we'll stay in touch too right? Michael: Definitely. Me: Ok. I love you, Michael. Michael: *smiles* I love you more, Julia. I knew i said the right things to the right guy. But i wish i knew a little more into why he was leaving. ---------------------------------------------------------------- What did you think! I hope you like it so far! I didnt know how i was gonna start that part so i hope you dont hate it! Dont forget to vote y'all! BYE!!!
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