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No Matter What **Part 38**
Whew, thank god I finished this part. I have not alot to say in here so I hope you guys enjoy this part. I added a few videos in it, so I hope you like them :) - Vicky -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ran upstairs to get ready. The people whome I know from my school, I kept in touch with them. And they're coming. I'm sure half of the girls are going to faint. They're going to be beside... Like I don't know? Quincy Jones, Stevey Wonder... Whoever comes into your mind. Michael knows EVERYONE. --- Michael --- I fixed my tie and belt and shirt and whatever I had on and ran to the door and opened it. And there stood the whole world, well. My family came first. The guys got inside, and then the girls, and then my parents. They all sat in the living room after putting the presents on the table. Randy: When's the party gonna start? Are we the only one's here? Me: Well yeah, why did you come early? Everyone: **Looking at Marlon** MARLON! Marlon: What? Janet: You were making us run like horses, god. I didn't get my make up done. Latoya: Neither me, god. Jackie: Me too. Us: **Looking at him** Jackie: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Jeez. He's crazy. The girls went to the bathrooms to get ready. All the girls were dressed in beautiful dresses. Janet, http://fresherthanchris.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/jjackson.jpg Latoya, http://racked.com/uploads/2010_3_LatoyaJackson.jpg **Latoya's the one with the brown-redish hair** Rebbie, http://www.alhsa.com/forum/imgcache/297993.imgcache - Couldn't find a picture of Rebbie in a dress so I just chose a dress for her :P - Me: Janet, since when do you wear pink? Janet: **Turning around** Since its your sister's birthday. Me: Okkaaay. Janet: Yeaah! Janet rarely wears pink. Seriously, RARELY! Anyways, they went to the bathroom while me and the guys were talking. Well to cut all this short, after they came back a while and the door bell rang again. I opened it and one of them shouted "PARTY IS ON" And well, you know what that means right? The party is starting. I pushed everyone outside and the DJ started the music. If they stay in the house everything is going to get completely trashed. So the party is outside. Its already 7 pm. Lights are around Never Land, and its not very hot outside, actually its good. Anyhow, I gave the butlers the job to open the doors. Because I opened the door to one of Suze's friends and out of no where she fainted on me. People are gonna think I killed her. Plus, I have guests to talk to. I ran to Suze's room to tell her to get ready. I saw her there with Jesse and Spence. I looked at Jesse and Spence and shivered then back to Suze and told her to get down. --- Suze --- I got into my dress, http://www.promdresstoday.com/images/prom-dress.gif Spence: Girl, you look good. Jesse: Wow, if Josh was here, he would be stunned. Me: **Sielnt** Spence: **Kicking him** As I was saying, you look BEAUTIFUL! Now let's get the queen down. Me: **Laughing** Yeaah. God Jesse, you had to remind me of Josh? As I was walking down with Jesse and Spence I looked at my ring and kissed it. Jesse called Michael in. And him and Spence went out the house. I stood there with Michael in front of the door. Me: I'm scared. Michael: Girl, its not a wedding. Its just your birthday. Me: **Silent** Michael: I mean... You look beautiful, everyone there is waiting for you. Me: Yeah I guess, I'm just nervous. How many people are out there? Michael: Oh not much, a million or something? Me: Oh jee that helps a lot. Michael: Just kidding. Me: Okay. **Taking a deep breath** As I got out, the DJ stopped the music and everyone stopped to look at me. And they cheered for me and clapped. And I smiled and well the party was back on track. Everyone was dancing. But then I saw... Someone I never wanted to see... SAMANTHA! From wher did that bitch come from? And she came to MY birthday looking like a bitch too, http://funnyhot.net/pics/hot-dresses/hot6.jpg Since when does she have a TATOO? Oh lord, when I looked at her I nearly fainted. What is she wearing? Please you expect me to beleive those boobs are hers? Yeah right. After my intro dress, I changed into the party dress, http://www.prom-dresses.com/2002/images/intro.jpg After dancing a little, I walked over to "The bitch". She was dancing with her friends. I pulled her hand aside. Me: What are you doing here? Sam: **Smirking** Isn't it Susannah Jackson aka "The hidden Jackson" Me: Shut up bitch, I said what are you doing here? Sam: Well partying of course. Me: You weren't invited. Sam: Yes I was. Me: By whom? My ass? Sam: Bitch shut up. Me: I'm the bitch? Are you serious? Look at what you're wearing. Sam: **Twirling around** Hot right? You see that brother of your, um, Marlon I think, Yeah he "slapped" my ass. Me: No he didn't you lier. Sam: I don't lie. **Laughing** And here he's behind you with my glass. Me: **Turning around** Marlonn: Hey sis, enjoying? Me: **Smiling** Yeah. Marlon: **Putting his hand around Samantha's waist** Watcha think about Sam? **Winking** Me: Uuuh, Imma go. Marlon: Sure. **Dancing with Sam** MARLON? SERIOUSLY? Oh my lord, I can kill him and her right now. How could he dance with that fake barbie doll? Ugh, I left them and went back to dancing. Me and Michael were dancing together like crazy. Me and him were doing a dance battle and we were in a circle now. "You rock my world" was on, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-D3Iav4HVk - I know he didn't sing it yet but play along lol - I kept moonwalking my own way, while he did his own dances which were amazing. Me and him bumped into each other while dancing and then at the end he fell on the floor laughing. It was crazy, everyone was clapping and cheering. Michael WON! Dammit! He's good, very good at this. Its hard to dance with a dress man. DJ: DO YOU WANT ANOTHER DANCE BATTLE? Everyone: YEAH! DJ: ALRIGHT, SUZE AND MICHAEL, GET YOUR GROUP READY! Me: Wait, what group? DJ: ITS GOING TO BE A DANCE OFF BETWEEN THE GIRLS AND THE GUYS. Me: Ooohh, I'm ready! Oh Michael you betta get your guys read, cuz Imma win this shit. Michael: Oh yeah? Let's get this thing STARTED! Everyone: **Cheering** Me: Wait, lemme change into pants, I ain't dancing with this dress. Everyone: **Laughing** I changed into a a tank top that was above my belly and shorts, http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumb_431/1251151831kHyAGp.jpg And I was down in a second. Everyone was cheering for us. And the "Dance battle" is ON! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oguzR7oHbAg - I couldn't find a better video, it took me a year to find something to put in here lol. So... Sorry. Ignore the dumb things in the video, just concentrate on the dancing :) - Michael chose Chris and Usher to be with him and I chose Aaliyah and Janet to be with me. The guys took the chance first. Michael hit the dance floor and did his moves, when he went on the floor everyone went crazy, espicially the girls. And then Usher was send, he did the side moonwalk by twirling around and got everyone crazy and then Chris did his moves with the cap which got the girls crazy too. I gave Michael a look and hit the dance floor, when I did the crotch grabbing this everyone went hysterical. And when Aaliyah hit the floor and opened her legs she got them claps. And as Janet got in the whole room went "Whooooooooooooo" I was laughing like crazy. WE DID IT! Now we have to see who wins. DJ: GIVE IT UP FOR THEM COME ON. Everyone: **Cheering** DJ: YEAAH! AND THE WINNER IS... Me: **Crossing my fingers** DJ: MICHAEL JACKSON AND HIS CREW. Me: Dammit. I was a little jealouse from the fact that my brother won, but what can I say? He's the... KING OF POP! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry about the videos guys, couldn't find a better one. Anyways, I hope you guys like it :D I thought it was BORING! Next one will be better... I hope. Don't forget to vote :) Imma go now, Bye Ya'll :D
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