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No Matter What **Part 30**
Hey Ya'll, this is perhaps the tallest part I've ever written. I'm damn tired of writing it :P Okiee, I know that the story is getting damn long, but cum on. Bear with me till the ending. Please? *Puppy eyes* lol :) I love you guys. I hope Ya'll like it. This part is dedicated to Sameera (I love you B****), Spencer, Esraa, Isra and all MJsite family :) I hope Ya'll like it :DD - Vicky -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I slumped down on the couch and put my hands behind my head and started staring at the ceiling. Just thinking, thinking why my life is turning out like that. Why? I just want to know why. And the next thing I know Billie layed beside me and put her hand on my chest and her head on my shoulder. Her smooth hair smelled so good. I placed one of my hands under her back and on her waist so that she doesn't fall off the couch. It is weird though that the couch had place for us both. I felt so comfortable to have her in my hands. Billie, http://attractyouridealpartner.com/Woman3b.jpg She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Those shiny blue eyes, and that shiny blonde hair of hers. And those lips that I seem to never stop staring at. I was carresing her blonde hair and minutes later we both drifted to sleep on the couch together. --- Suze --- I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him so much. He's such an asshole. He kicked my boyfriend out of the house. He kicked out the guy that took the my virginity. I hate him so much. If you could see the look on Josh's face when Michael told him to never come back. He was on the verge of crying. He gave me one last look and mouthed "I love you" to me and dissapeard out the door. And the last words Michael said to me were "You'll never see him again" I have to see him. I'm engaged to him. I just can't leave him. He's my lover, the only one I love. The only one that makes me happy. What will Michael do when he sees my engagment ring? That question keeps going through my mind. Because as far as I know I'm never taking of this ring. Never! I just got a text message on my mobile, and its from Josh. "Hi Suze. I'm sorry for what happened today. I just want you to know I love you so much and I'll find no one like you ever. And I'm going to England to my parents tomorrow morning. I decided to complete my education and see my parents again. Its going to be tough though, to get their satisfaction back. Don't you ever take off your engagment ring if you love me. I'm going to see you again, I hope. All I know is that not even your brother can keep us apart. I love you." As I read the letters "I love you" on my mobile I started crying. I read the message over and over again. He's going back to England to his parents? I'll never see him again. I know that. But I'm never taking off this ring. Never! I looked over at my drawer and opened it. It had a few letters in which Josh used to send me every Valantine. And I had a few pink papers that were perfumed. I got them ready to send letters to Josh every anniversary or Valentines day. I took out one of Josh's letter and read it, " Dear Suze Although sometimes I question things, deep inside I know that you are the only one for me. When I'm not with you, you are the only one I'm thinking of. Everything about you tells me that we can be together forever. Only you can make me feel like time STOPS when I'm with you. Only you can make things better when it feels like the end. Only you can be the one to smooth my fears away. For this I'm grateful and I hope you never leave. I love you. Love always, Josh" I placed my fingers on every word I read and a tear fell on the words "I love you" and I placed the letter on my chest and placed my head on the pillow and started crying all over again. I felt like a part of my heart was taken out of me. I miss him so much. I hate him for the past two weeks and now I'm totally regreting it. I was balled on the bed crying my eyes out with the letter on my chest. Me: **Screaming** I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! And that was definately meant for Michael, who I bet didn't hear me. I cried myself to sleep that evening. --- Michael --- A few hours later I woke up and to my surprise I found Billie sleeping on top of me and I had my hands on her back. We were sleeping in this position, http://comps.fotosearch.com/comp/PLD/PLD413/couple-sleeping-couch_~px318057.jpg I moved her hair off my face and by that she woke up and realised she was on top of me. She felt very embarrased and stood up and sat on the other couch. Billie: I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen. Me: Its okay. I was comfortable **Blushing** actually. Billie: You were? Me: Yes, come back here. She came back and I positioned her in the same way she was positioned a while ago. I looked at the clock which was on the wall and realised it was 12 am already. I was surprised by how time passed so quickly. I started caressing Billie's beautiful hair. Billie: Your very sweet Michael. Me: Thank you Billie, I think your sweet too. And... I moved her a little and positioned her in a way that she was sitting on my waist and was looking at me. Both her legs were at the side of my arms. She blushed when I positioned her that way. Me: ... Your very beautiful. Billie: **Looking down and blushing** Me: **Putting my hand under her chin and making her look at my eyes** Very beautiful. Billie: Thank you Michael, and you... **Leaning to my ear and whispering** Don't look bad yourself. **Leaning back up** Me: **Blushing** Thank you. I've... I've always... liked you Billie. Billie: **Silent** Me: I know you have a... boyfriend. But, I really like you very much and I was wondering if I can... **Sitting straight with her on my lap** **Coming closer to her face** ... Kiss you? Billie: **Smiling** Me: **Leaning to her face** **Kissing her** Billie: **Kissing back** She put her hands at the back of my neck and I put my hands on her waist. I have to admit, I was waiting for so long to kiss those lips and she is indeed the best kisser I've ever kissed. I was on cloud nine and enjoying the moment. I was caressing my lips on hers. And after the best 15 minutes she pulled away and looked at the time and jumped and took her bag and coat and kissed my cheeks and said, Billie: I gotta go Michael, James is going to be pissed if I'm not back by now. She kissed my cheeks several more times and ran to the door and said, Billie: I enjoyed today Michael, I hope I can visit you again. **Smiling** And she closed the door and disappeared. And the last thing I heard was the car engine running. Me: **Smiling** I had a great time with you too Billie. I sat back on the couch and placed my hands behind my neck nd stared at the cieling and repeated to myself, Me: I had a great time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finitoo for today, Aww, Michael and Billie are so cute together :P. I hope you guys liked it and don't 4get to vote Ya'll. VOOTEE! Pweasee :). Imma go now, probably will post a part of "The perfect man" :) Byeee :DD I love you all.
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