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Lost In Neverland: Part 2
this is dedicated to my fans and michael :) Policeman: Hello Mr Jackson (shakes his hand) Miss Lopez?. Me: yeah? Policeman: may I have the picture of your mother. Me: yeah (passes it to him) Policeman: hmmmm I know this women. Me: really? Do you know where she lives? Policeman: no Iâ??m sorry I donâ??t do you have something of hers? Me: yes I have her hair brush it still has her hair in it. Policeman: we need to trace the hair to find her whereabouts, do you have it with you?. Me: yeah here (hand it to him) Policeman: we shall keep in contact with you until we find your mother and track down the person who took her until then you need to keep quiet. Me: okay thank you officer. Michael: yes thank you. Policeman: my pleasure. Me and Michael left in the limo. Me: thatâ??s funny; when we told the police my mother was missing in 1983 they didnâ??t ask for something of hers or anything Michael: Police are stupid, we will find her donâ??t worry. Me: thank you Michael can you drop me home? Michael: yes of course. So Michael drops me off home. Michael: I had a good time today. Me: me too (smiles) hopefully they will find my mum. Michael: they will I promise, oh be in at work at 10am tomorrow I have some business for you to attend to. Me: okay Michael good-bye. Michael: bye now. I went back into the house and my grandmother was sat down watching her favourite show. Me: hey Mama. Grandmother: oh darling I was worried about you. Me: its ok and we might find mum. Grandmother: really?! How? Me: well me and Michael went to the police station and- Grandmother: wait wait you and Michael? Me: yeah, (smiles) I got the job. Grandmother: yay!!! Well done dear (kisses my cheek) Me: I love Michael you know mama heâ??s sweet kind Generous. Grandmother: are you developing a crush on him? Me: nooo course not (blushes) I think I might be I donâ??t know Iâ??ll see if I am tomorrow. Tonight I was so restless I couldnâ??t sleep a wink I ended up nodding off at 6am I was awoken which felt like 25 minutes later by my alarm. Me: mama! What time is it? Grandma: its 9:30! Me: oh my god Iâ??m supposed to get to work in an half an hour. I quickly jumped out of bed and got changed (showered of course) and I didnâ??t have time to eat my breakfast so I just left. I arrived at 10:05, ok Iâ??m only 5 minutes late Michael must have no problem with that. Michael: your late (smirks) Me: I know Iâ??m sorry I couldnâ??t sleep and I ended up falling asleep at- Michael came up to me and patted my shoulder. Michael: its ok I was only saying if you were 15 minutes late Iâ??d have some concern but your fine. Me: oh thank god, well good morning. Michael: good morning to you Miss Lopez, I want you to call Frank and Quincy and tell them to get here immediately and also there is a meeting at 12 and it involves you so get there on time. Me: alright Michael. Michael: oh right let me show you your office. Michael shows me my office and its quite big and Itâ??s right next to his own. Michael: I will buzz you when I need you, you know me being your boss do I sound horrible? Me: you seem very demanding. Michael: (giggles) sorry Iâ??ll stop. Me: itâ??s fine I like someone demanding. Oh god did I just flirt I really hope I didnâ??t. Michal: (blushes) Me: oh Michael Iâ??m sorry I didnâ??t mean to flirt. Michael: no its fine (giggles) Me: well I better get to calling Frank. Michael: yeah cheeky (giggles) I go to my office which Is right next to michaelâ??s and get to work till I realise itâ??s 11:55. I head down the hall into the meeting room where I find Michael, Quincy and Frank. Michael: oh Gabrielle so glad you could join us, Quincy, Frank this is my new assistant Gabrielle Lopez. Me: Nice to meet the both of you. They both shook my hand but I was aware that frank was giving me evil looks. Michael: so I want to start writing a new movie, but Iâ??m not sure what to call it yet. Me: hmmm what about something that involves your dancing. Michael: yeah thatâ??s a good start, Quincy: hmmm moon? Michael: Moonwalker? Frank: thatâ??s the name of your book. Michael: so? It could be the same name. Me: thatâ??s a brilliant idea Mr Jackson. We carried on the topic for an hour then Frank and Quincy Left. Michael: thank you for your help miss Lopez. Me: your welcome mr Jackson. Michael: in celebration why donâ??t we go out for dinner tonight at 7? Just you and me. I couldnâ??t believe Michael was asking me out to dinner, but itâ??s only business isnâ??t it so it wouldnâ??t matter. Me: yeah that would be great. Michael: ok well thereâ??s nothing much for you to do today so you can hang out with me again or go home? Me: what do you think Iâ??m going to pick? Michael: (giggles) Me: Michael sà que voy a estar contigo( yes I would love to) Michael: what? Me: sorry I tend to forget to speak English most of the time. Michael: (giggles) I like it can you teach me? Me: si Michael: that means yes right (sitting down) Me: yes, ok Iâ??m going to start with the basic This is how you say hello my name is Michael Hola mi nombre es Michael Michael: Hola mi n-nombre es Michael Me: Si bien hecho what I said just then was yes well done. Michael: aah Iâ??m getting it now After a couple of hours of speaking Spanish Michael: Estoy haciendo una canción en español pronto Me: your making a song in Spanish soon? Ooh which one. Michael: I just canâ??t stop loving you. Me: ahh Todo mi amor eres tu or Simplemente no puedo dejar de amarte Michael: si Me: wow thatâ??s awesome I canâ??t wait till it comes out I have to go home now Michael it was nice hanging with you see you tonight. Michael: adios Me: (giggles) adios. I left neverland and returned home. I know there was a lot of spanish going on :L i hope you enjoyed it next part will be out in a second. x
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