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No Matter What **Part 20**
HEY GUYZ, I'm free right now so I thought I'd post this part of the story. Thanks for voting for the last part, this part is gonna be better. =) I hope you guys enjoy reading it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???: **Looking hard in my eyes** Suze? Who is this guy? How did he know my name? I can't see his face. He has his face covered! Me: Y-yes who are you? ???: I'm --- Man: Move it man already. ???: Yes sorry, just a minute. Man: **Rolling his eyes** ???: Its me M--- Woman: Baby come on, we gotta go **Whispering something in his ears** ???: Oh yeah alright! But I just want --- Woman: Come on already! ???: I --- Woman: **Pulling him** Who is he and who the hell is that pushy woman? He knew me and I didn't know him? That is totally weird. Man: Who was that man? Standing like some statue letting the line on hold. Me: Sorry sir. May I help you? Man: Yes... Who was he? I'm really confused. He was gonna say his name until that chick pulled him. Something starts with M? M? Who? K, I'm lost. Probably some crazy guy. After a few hours I'm going to finish my shift. I swear this shit sucks. I finished school. 2 years ago was my graduation. I didn't go to college I stayed in the same job. Josh kept telling me to go to college but I can't afford it and definitely Josh can't keep paying for me. Anyways, Josh is now 24. He changed a lot he became way too cuter... no wait HOTTER! I changed a lot too. I still wear those "Exposed" clothes. But now as Josh says I look sexier in them. Because you see I'm older and I got curves and my chest and ass are cuter... well to him they are. Yeah well I have to concentrate on what this asshole wants! Lord, he's so annoying. Man: Are you listening? Me: Yes sir I am! Man: Mhmm... Asshole! Josh: Hey baby **Kissing me** How was your day? Me: Nothing much. Josh: Yeah right! Me: **Laughing** Josh: **Kissing my cheeks** letâ??s go. Me: Alright. Josh: And you can tell me what happened to you in the car. Me: How do you anything happened to me or no? Josh: Please Suze, I know you enough. Me: Um... Alright! We got inside the car and Josh started it and drove off. He was looking at me with that look "Come on speak up!" Me: Nothing happened really baby. Josh: Nothing my ass. **Pulling over** letâ??s take a walk. Me: Alright. We got in the park and we started walking and Josh looked at me and gave me the same look. Me: Alright, Alright! You're so pushy. Josh: **Smiling** I try. Me: K, this guy with a hood on and all that shit comes to me and goes like "Do I know you" and I was like "No!" and then he said my name and he was gonna tell me his name until this bitchy lady came in and pulled him. **Sigh** probably some psycho. Josh: Yeah, don't worry about it alright? Me: **Smiling** you always seem to make me feel better. **Kissing him** Josh: **Kissing back** We sat under a tree and we were kissing and making out. There were no people around so we felt free to kiss and all. Josh was caressing my thigh up and down and kissing me. So yeah we were making out until he put his hands under my shirt and touched my bra. Me: **Pulling away** Public Josh, we're in public. Josh: **Blushing** Sorry, I got carried away. Me: It's alright. **Kissing him** And we were kissing all over again until we saw a shadow over us. Me and Josh pulled away and we felt embarrassed and blushed. Then I saw that it was the same psycho man. Me: It's you again. **Standing up** Man: **Pointing to his mouth** you got... lipstick all over your mouth. Me: **Blushing** Sorry. **Whipping it** How did you know me? Josh: **Wiping the lipstick off his mouth** Man: You don't remember me do you Suze...? Me: Not really. Josh: **Standing up** Can you speak up already. Please don't tell me youâ??re her ex boyfriend or something like that. Man: EWWW NO WAY!!!! And it snapped me when he said that. I know that voice, and I know that "EEEW" NO WAY!!! NO FRIGGIN WAY!!! Me: W-who are you? A-are you....? Man: It's me Suze! Michael! Me: ... Josh: ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So.......? How do you like it so far? I hope you liked it enough and guys don't forget to vote. NEXT part will be up soon. Welll... LATER! =D BYEEEE! - Vicky
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