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I Thought We Were Friends *8*
This part sux eggs, just a warning. I had no clue what to write so I just type what suddenly popped into my head. Well, here it goes. This is dedicated to Michael Jackson, MJSite, and my Ning ninjas. Enjoy! -Samone:)♥ Later that night. Shanice was finally home and I was just getting out of the shower and throwing on some pajamas. After I got dressed, I headed downstairs to find me something to eat. As I was walking to the kitchen I overheard my dad talking to Shanice. I stood back so I could heard what they were talking about. Dad:Shanice, can you come here for a minute? Shanice:Yes grandpa. Dad:(pats his lap)Now, I want you to talk to me and I want you to be very honest. Shanice:Okay. Dad:I want you to tell me what's been going on between your mommy and daddy. Shanice:(looks down)I...I can't. Dad:Come on, yes you can. Shanice:But I promised mommy I wouldn't say anything. Dad:Shanice, your mommy doesn't have to find out. Aww hell naw, I couldn't believe he was actually trying to pump her for information. I definitely had to stop her before she said too much. Me:(walks in)Shanice, go pack our things, I think it's time for us to go. Shanice:Yes mommy.(walks out) Dad:(gets up)You can't hide this from me forever. Me:I can, because it's none of your goddamn business. Dad:Hold on a minute, you remember that I'm your father. You're going to respect me. Me:Look, you have no right, no right at all to be asking MY CHILD about my personal life. Dad:You're absolutely right, but you are my daughter and I want to help you. Me:(yells)I don't(calms)I don't need your help. Maybe I should of never came back here.(walks off) Mom:(stops me)What's going on. Me:(looks back at him)Ask your nosey husband. Thanks for the short stay.(walks off) I was so pissed and so disappointed in my dad. Shanice met me at the door with our bags and we headed out. I took the bags from her and threw them in the back seat. As I was opening the driver's side door, it came crashing back down on my fingers. I looked up and saw Calvin. He yoked me up against the car and started slapping me. Calvin:Bitch, didn't tell you to come home? Me:(crying)I was on my way back.(trying to break away from his grip)Let me go. Calvin:Stop tryna fight me. What the fuck was that shit you was tryna pull in front of Michael huh? You got my own fucking daughter, my own flesh and blood turning against me. I should fucking kill you. Me:So you're gonna kill me in front of your daughter? He just wouldn't stop. I couldn't fight anymore, I just didn't have to strength. My fingers were pretty much broken, and the pain was excrusicating. He kept slapping and punching me around, then slamming me into the car. My mouth was full of blood and my face felt like it was swelling. No, I couldn't let this go on any longer. The next blow went straight to his nuts. He fell over in pain. I was surprised at myself for even doing that. He worked up enough strength to grab me by my ankles and pull me to the ground. There we were in my parents driveway wrestling. He was so much stronger than me, but I got a few hits in. Somehow he got my hands pinned above my head. I couldn't do anything but kick because he had me in a tight grip. Suddenly he did the unthinkable. I would never imagine a grown man doing this, but he did it. While my hands was in a grip, he slomp over my body and started biting my face. He was biting so hard I could feel my skin tearing. It was so dark so no one could see me. I had no other choice but to scream. Moments later I heard footsteps and Calvin letting up on me. I quickly got up and backed away. I looked up and Michael had his knee in Calvin's back. Michael kept yelling something to me, but I wasn't quite comprehending. Michael:Samone, snap out of it and call the police. Me:Wha-what? Michael:Hurry, get help. Shanice:(runs out of the car)Mommy.(crying)Mommy. Me:I'm alright baby, I'm alright. C'mon. Shanice and I ran into the house. My parents came running to me and my mom rushed me to the bathroom and Shanice followed closely. My dad stayed downstairs and called the police. I was so embarrassed about this whole thing. Why would he have the guts to beat me infront of my own parents house? Me:(tearing up) I can't believe he did this to me.(shakes my head) Mom:(cleaning my face)His ass is gonna do some time. You don't have to worry about him ever again. Me:(crying)I just don't get why he would want to hurt me. Is this my fault? Mom:It is not your fault. Don't ever think it is. Shanice:Mommy, what will happen to daddy? Will he go to jail? Me:....Yes he will baby. Shanice:Good, because I hate him. He's no good. Me:(grabs her & hugs her)Oh babygirl. Don't say that. Mom:Are you hurt anywhere else. Me:Yeah, he slammed my fingers in the car door. I think they're broken. Mom:I'll get the keys and we can go. My mom went out the bathroom and I got up off the toilet and looked at my face. It was soo ugly, why did I let things go this far? I couldn't hold it anymore, I started sobbing. I felt so bad for myself, it feels like all of this is my fault, but I really don't know why. I turned around and saw Michael standing at the door. My face looked a mess, I did not want him seeing me that way. Me:(sniffing not looking at him)Is he gone? Michael:Yeah, they took him. Me:(looking down)I better head downstairs. My mom is gonna take me to the hospital. Michael:Shanice, can you excuse us? Shanice:Yes uncle. Michael:Thank you.(looking at me)Why wont you look at me? Me:Because...I can't. Michael:(lifts my chin) Me:(pushes his hand)No. Michael:Can you please just look at me? Me:(shakes my head)I can't Michael. Michael:Do I have to walk circles around you just to see your face? Me:(giggles)No. Michael:Aww see I got you to laugh. Me:(slowly looks at him)Happy now. Michael:(smiles)Very. Me:Thank you for saving me. Michael:Don't thank me. I love you. Me:(hugs him)I love you too. You know you were right in high school. Michael:(looks confused)About what? Me:Remember when we were walking down the hall and we were talking about me moving in with Calvin, then you said you had a funny feeling about it? Michael:Oh yeah. I guess this was my funny feeling huh? Me:Yeah. Michael:When did this all start? Me:(sighs)Long story. Michael:I've got all night. Me:Okay. It all started a year ago. After Calvin got laid off from his job, he just became really grouchy. At first we would just argue, but then the pushing and slapping started and following that became the punches. I would fight him at first, but I started becoming scared of him when one night he threatened me with a knife. I wanted to leave him so many times, but I just never had the courage until the other night. I was scared to tell police, fearing they wouldn't believe me. Our family we once had is just fallen apart. I deserve so much better. Why can't god just bless me with a good man. Michael:Wow. I knew it was something smelly about him. He is a no good son of a bitch. Me:Whoa, Michael when did you start cussing? Michael:I'm sorry, but that just pisses me off. I should of beat his ass out there, but I didn't want media to find out. Me:I think we should go to the hospital now. Michael:Yeah.(smiles)Samone. Me:Yeah. Michael:You're so pretty. Me:Dude, you're so random. Michael:I know(giggles) Lets go. I guess this is a good way of getting back on track. No more Calvin, no more pain...for now. TBC... How was that? Wooow, lots of drama. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and until next time :)
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