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Cyber Lovers *14*
Woow once again it's been a while since I wrote and I'm very rusty so I hope you enjoy. This is dedicated to everyone here on MJSite and Michael Jackson.. Baby daddy ahha Let me stop. Anyways enjoy. -Samone:)♥ Mrs.J:(walks in) Hello sweetie.(hugs me) Hey Michael. Michael:Hello mother.(hugs her) Me:Hello, how are you? Mrs.J:I'm great now that I have another grand baby. Me:Where is everyone? Mrs.J:Oh they're out there trying to figure out which baby is yours. Michael:I'll go get them.(walks out) After Michael left out of the room, me and Mrs.J were catching up on things. I was in so much pain after having the c-section and very tired. Moments later everyone started piling up in the room. Janet:Aww, hey mommy. (hugs me) Me:Hey Jan. Everyone:How's it feel to be a mom? Me:Well uhh, I'm in pain. Paris:I wanna see my baby sister. Me:(holds her hand)Umm...well that's what I wanna talk to everyone about. Jermaine:Where is the baby? Me:(looks at Michael) Michael:(nods his head)Go ahead. Me:...Well after I had the baby...things didn't go well. Prince:What do you mean? Me:(tearing up)Your...your baby sister didn't make it...I'm sorry. Paris:(looking down) I really wanted a baby sister. Me:(rubs her arm) I know sweetie. Blanket:Where did she go? Me:She went to be with god. The whole room fell awkwardly silent. Inside, I was terribly damaged. What did I do to deserve this? All I wanted was to be happy, but I guess god thought otherwise. Maybe this is a lesson; to understand that life is so precious, and it needs to be lived to the fullest. 4 days later... I'd arrive back home, but I was still on bed rest. The pain was soo excruciating, but I don't know if I was crying because of the pain or the whole situation of losing my only baby. Michael was soo sweet taking care of me, but I just wanted to be alone...at least for now. Me:Michael, thank you so much, I love you. Michael:Don't thank me. I'm in this as much as you are. Me:I know...it's just...just...I don't know. (awkward silence)... Michael:I know this is stupid, but...what are you feeling right now? Me:I feel hurt and I feel like a failure.(Tearing up)Michael I'm sorry, but I let you down. Michael:Stop it(hugs me)You didn't let me down. Things like this happen. Me:(sobs)I know, but I never imagined it happening to me. Michael:We'll get through this Steph. Me:I know. I wish I could hug and kiss you right now, (laughs and wipes my tears) but I can't move. Michael:Wait till you're healed. Me:Alright, but what are you feeling right now? Michael:I'm of course sad about it. I really wanted a 4th, but I have to remember that I still have you and the kids. Me:Time will heal us. I really wanted to be a mommy. Michael:You'll be one someday. Michael and I talked for a little while longer, until there was at knock on the door. Michael:Who is it? ???:Paris, Prince and Blanket. Michael:Come in. They all came running into the bedroom and plopped right down on the bed. All of them had sneaky smiles on their faces and I just knew they were up to something. Me:(looking at them suspiciously)What? Prince:(nudging her)Tell her Paris. Paris:Why do I always have to talk? Prince:Because. Paris:Whatever. Um...Blanket you tell her. Me:Just spit it out. Blanket:Okay, is it okay if we call you mom from now on? Me:(sitting up)Wait..what now? Michael:Can they call you mom? I swear I must have a whole bunch of ear wax in my ears or I must be dreaming, because they did not just ask me that. Me:Are you joking around with me? All:(shakes their heads no) Me:Wow I don't know what to say. Michael:(smiles)Say yes. Me:(chuckles)Yes. All:Yay. Before they went off, they all gave me hugs and kisses. This is the best thing that's ever happen to me. Michael:So let's try this again. How are you feeling right now? Me:(smiles)Overly excited. How about you? Michael:Happy to see you're smiling and happy. I'm pretty sure our baby is looking down on us smiling because her mommy is happy. Me:I'm sure she is too.(yawns)I'm tired. Michael:I'll let you rest then. Me:Thank you. Michael:(kisses my forehead)See you when you wake up mommy. Me:(laughing)I'm enjoying my title already. Michael:(smiles and shakes his head)Go to sleep. I slowly turn over and drift off to sleep. I'm really gonna enjoy this. I hope I'm ready for parenthood. TBC.... Blahh, that's all I can say haha! If you liked it you'll vote, but until next time!
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