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Music, Me and Michael Jackson (Part 29)
Hi welcome back! Heres part 29 of my story. WOW its seems like yesterday i started this story. It grew up so fast! Id like to dedicate this to the Jackson family and Michael Jackson. ENJOY!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- I lock the door of my room and throw all the presents on the ground. Then i just flop on the bed and cry myself to sleep. 2 weeks later... I was really torn up about the breakup with Hyde, so i kept to myself most of the time. Donny, Annabelle, Marie, Marlon and Michael went home like a week ago but i only said bye to them at the house, not the airport. The night that Hyde dumped me Donna tried to come into my room to comfort me but i wouldnt let her in, even Michael tried to but i didnt want to let him in cuz he was the one who caused this mess. I started hanging out on the roof of this house so i could be alone. Uncle Bob would check on me every once in a while to make sure i was still around and after about 3 days he didnt come back up. I would stay up there even at night cuz i love watching stars. And since Point Place has really clear skies it makes me wanna stay up there longer. One night i was sitting up there and i hear someone call me. ???: Rachel! Are you up here? I didnt answer the person. I wanted to be alone and that was it. Soon the person starts climbing up and to think, i dont use a ladder when i climb up here. I see Kelso. What does he want? Me: Go away. Kelso: Only if we have sex. Me: NO! Kelso: Then im not leaving. Me: Ugh! Fine. What do you want. Kelso: For you to come back down and stay down and forget what happened. Me: Im not gonna do that. Kelso: Rachel you cant change what happened. Whats done is done and thats the way its gonna be. Nothing is gonna get better if you just mope up here all by yourself. I hate to say this, but, Kelso is actually right. My life wont get better if i stay up here and sulk. But that doesnt mean im not gonna come up here. Me: Youre right. Kelso: *amazed* Im what? Oh thank GOD! Im right about something! This feels SO DAMN GOOD! Say it again say it again!! Me: *plays along* Youre right Kelso. Kelso: AHH those words are music to my ears. Say it one more time Me: Kelso, cant you just accept it and not gloat over it? Kelso: Sorry. Me: Its okay. But im still gonna stay up here. Kelso: Why? Me: Cuz i love to look at stars. Kelso: Why? Theyre just little things of light. Me: Doesnt mean theyre not beautiful! Sometimes Kelso, the most beautiful things come in the littlest packages. Kelso: Ya thats what i think about Jackie. I think shes gorgeous. And i know a lot of guys think so about you. Me: *blushing* Aw thanks man! Kelso: No problem. So im gonna go down now. I'll see you later Rachel. As he climbs down i start thinking. Why do i wanna be all alone up here? It makes me feel even lonelier. I get up and climb down the roof on the vines on the side of the house. When i hit the bottom i go to the Forman's basement. When i open the door i see all the teens look over at me. Hyde wasnt there. Me: H-Hi everybody. Kelso: Told you guys i could do it! Now pay up Eric. Eric hands him $5. I wasnt going to argue, i bet some of them were actually relieved that i finally came down. I sit on the couch next to Donna and Eric and turn on the TV. The show that was on was "Family Feud" and the category was: things you dont want to find out about your boyfriend/girlfriend. I change the channel as soon as i see it but then it was a commercial on how to find someone you can love forever. After that i just turn the TV off. It seemed like everywhere was related to my love life, and it sucked. Soon Fez starts talking. Fez: Rachel? Me: Yes Fez? Fez: What were you doing on the roof anyways? Me: Just sitting. And looking at the stars. After that everything became quiet. Eric and Donna soon left. Fez goes upstairs and i hear Red tell him (in his words) to "GET THE F*** OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU DAMN FOREIGNER!! OR I WILL KICK YOUR ASS SO HARD IT WILL FLY YOU BACK TO WHEREVER THE HELL YOU COME FROM!" and after that he didnt come back to the basement. Jackie and Kelso were making out next to me and soon they start running to one of their houses or something to go "do it." I was all alone and i didnt wanna go back to the house cuz Uncle Bob would start talking to me again. And he can talk about some of the most disturbing things sometimes. I walk over to the icebox and get a popsicle and i hear someone. ???: Uh hi what are you doing here? I turn around and see Hyde. I was a little embarrassed being there but at least it wasnt Red i was talking to. I hadnt seen Hyde since he broke up with me so i was a little nervous talking to him. If only Donna was here. Me: Hi. I didnt wanna go back to my house or Uncle Bob will start talking to me about things that noone wants to hear. So can i just chill here for a little bit? Hyde: I guess so. We both sit down, him in his chair and me on the couch. It was silent for a while. Hyde turned on the TV and thank God that "Saturday Night Live" was on. Plus its really funny. Once it ended there was pretty much nothing else on TV. So it was really quiet again. I didnt know what to say. So, to break the tension, i said... Me: Nice weather we're having. He looks at me with confusion. That was the worst way to break the ice of all time. Then he says... Hyde: Ya its great i guess. So ive always wondered something. Me: What? Hyde: On how you and Donna are cousins. Her last name is Pinciotti and yours is Taylor. Whys that? Me: Oh Uncle Bob and my dad are step brothers. Hyde: Oh i see now. Me: Uh Hyde? Hyde: Ya? Me: I hope that i dont hurt your feelings or anything but why do you live here with the Formans? Hyde: Cuz my dad was an alcoholic when i was growing up and he left me and my mom and she left with some truck driver. Then Mrs. Forman took me in. Me: Oh. Sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable. Hyde: Its ok. 15 minutes went by. It was dead silent again and i wanted to go to the roof and watch the stars again. But i didnt wanna ditch Hyde. Me: Hey Hyde? Hyde: Ya? Me: Do you wanna go on the Pinciotti roof and watch stars with me? Hyde: Sure why not. We go over to where its the best spot to climb up and he gives me a lift (even though i didnt need it) and we sit up there and talk. Thats what stars do to you. It makes the environment feel way more relaxed. This has been the best ive felt in days. Is it gonna stay that way? ----------------------------------------------------------------- What did you think! Kinda boring right? But i didnt have many ideas for today. PLZ VOTE I want at least 10 like usual. BYE!!
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