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Just Friends...? Pt. 3 :]
Thank You All, (Michael started off his This is it speech!) But seriously, lol Thanks for voting for these stories abd as long as I get ten I will be doing more. So here it goes.. :] Dedicated to all those who voted. Thank You. Info ~ This is how Michael Looked ----> http://commentsfromleftfield.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/michael-jackson-p04.jpg This is how Janet looked ---> http://rhonabennett.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/janet-jackson2.jpg :] Part Three ~ A Dead End ~ I slammed the door as I headed out dropping all my things everywhere but I didn't bother getting them back but imediately went to Janet's room. Me: *Knock* Janet: *Opens door half- asleep* *Shocked* What happened?! Me: *Getting in* I-I- Janet: *Closes door* What? Me: I'll tell you later. *tears rolling down* Janet: *Sigh* Did Michael do something? Me: No.. It's just that.. Janet: Then? Me: He just came on too soon.. *Looks down* Janet: Ahh - I see your problem. Me: *relieved* You do? Janet: Yeah i do, It's just your scared. Me: What do you mean? Janet: You've never had it before have you? Me: No, Not exactly, have you? Janet: Yeah billions of time. Me: *surprised* Oh - But how did your first time go? Janet: It felt soo goood *drifting into own world* Me: Jan? uh.. You okay? Janet: Oh yeah. But Logan went so hard *shivers* Me: Your not helping. -__-" janet: Oh yeah sorry, Well I think you should just talk to him. Me: Talk to him? Janet: Yeah! Me: I don't know.. I just got out of the room. Janet: Just go try talk to him or even text him. Me: Ugh, Fine. Janet: Okay, and then you can come back in. Me: What - Otherwise I'm not allowed in? -__-" <--- That face. Janet: Nuh-uh. *proudly* Me: *Goes out the room* I walk across and grab all my clothes from the floor and slowly open the door. I walk in to find Michael texting on his phone. Me: um.. *Cell-phone beeps* Michael: Oh.. I take a look at my messages where Michael had wrote sorry exactly 50 times. Me: *Laugh* No.. I think I should be the one to apoligize. I'm sorry. Michael: No.. I came on too soon. Me: *Chuckle* Don't worry, It's just I haven't ever done it before. Michael: Oh Sorry. Um.. Me: Why, Have you? Michael: yeah. *Laughs* 5 Me: 5?! Woah... Yeah So you understand why? Michael: Yeah. So we're fine now? Me: Yeah I guess. *smile* I lean forward and hug him and slowly break away the hug. Me: Well see you tommorow.. Good Night. Michael: Okay, *Chuckle* Night *kisses cheeck* Me: *Smile* *Walks back into Janet's room* janet: So? Me: Nailed it! Janet: *Laughs* Good, Now let's go to sleep, have a big day tommorow. me: Why? Janet: You'll see.. The next day me and Janet drowsed ourselves from bed and got ready. Me: Where are we going anyway? Michael: *Entering room* Vegas themepark! Me: I love themeparks! Michael: Me too! We laugh amongst eachother and head to the limo where Randy, Marlon and LaToya were waiting. Janet: LaToya? Me: LaToya! LaToya: Hey gurlies!!! *Hugs* We head down to the themepark and get dropped off right on the main entrance. Michael: Let me just get some tickets. Janet: Okie. We wait for awhile when randomly Marlon comes up to me Marlon: hey you wanna go on that ride? *Pointing to a ride* I turn around to see which one he means and he points to a "Love Bug" Me: ... THAT One? Marlon: Yeah why *Laughs* It's onl a ride. Me: yeah sure later. Marlon walks away as janet appears in front of me. Janet: WHAT in the HECK was THAT?! Me: With Marlon? Janet: Yeah! Don't go on that ride with HIM. me: *Laughs* I know he can be a pain at times but I think I can give him this one ride, Don't you? Janet: NO! Obviously he wants to do something. Me: .. Why would he? Janet: Look, *To Marlon* Hey You wanna go on that ride with me cause' Cookie's going with Michael. Marlon: She is? But I just asked her, ... Janet: Well you're coming with me! Marlon: No then i don't wanna go on that ride. Janet: *Comes back to me* Exactly. Me: Don't worry - He won't do anything.. Janet: Your with Michael If something goes wrong I warned you. *walks off* Me: *Sigh* Michael comes back with a batch of tickets in his hands and gives us all 30 tickets each, Me: Woah 30? Michael: Yeah.. *Laughs* Me: This should be good. Michael: So guys, Which ride you wanna go on? Marlon: Me and Cookie are going on that one. *Points* Me: .. *nervous* Michael: You wanna go on THAT one with him? Me: Yeah.. I don't... mind. Michael: Alright. Janet: *Eyes me* Michael why don't you and I go behind them two!! Michael: Uh.. Yeah sure. LaToya: Okay, Guys me and Randy will be here. Randy: Bummer being with you.. LaToya: *slaps acorss head* Shut up! We walk across to the ride as I hand 5 tickets to the man and nervously make my way into one of the love buggies. Me: So which one? They're all 4 seaters?.. Marlon: The Red one!! *Jumping in* Me: Ah.. kai. *Walking in* Janet: *Whispering* Your gonna get proved wrong girlfriend. Me: Ain't true. *Rolls eyes* *Sits down* Michael was behind Marlon and Janet was sitting behind me. The ride didn't start for a long time as us four were laying there seatbelted. Marlon: So this is going to be fun! Me: Why did you pick this ride? I thought you were more into.. Action. Marlon: *Laughs* I can be romantic when I want to. Me: *Leaning back* Right! janet: *Fake cough* Michael: What's wrong? janet: *Whispering to Michael* I think that.. Marlon trying to get at Cookie. Michael: What? No - Why would you think that? Janet: Look! *presents with hands* The ride started as our buggie entered a deep dark tunnel. Michael and Janet kept their eyes on us all throughout. Me: *Sighs* This is... awkward. Janet: Yeah, i mean Michael and you go out and isn't it weird you're with MARLON!?! Me: *Rolls eyes* I don't know why you're making a whole scene of this! Is it this bad just to sit with a friend? Marlon: ... Janet: I'm just pointing out that something might happen! *shouts* Me: *shouts back* But I don't need your attention! I have my own life I don't need you always looking out for me. Janet: This is just crap. That's right CRAP. Your along side of Marlon You don't care about Michael- Michael: Girls, What's going on? Me: Ask her since she's already taking over.. I get up and leave the platform with Marlon following after me. marlon: Where are you going? Me: Far away from here.. It just has to turn into one of those dramatic scenes now doesn't it? Marlon: *Grabbing arm* Hey - Don't worry just calm down. Me: *Letting loose* I don't know why she's saying all these things are going to happen. Marlon: *looks down* yeah it's kinda.. upsetting really. Me: What? Marlon: Nothing. Um.. Let's go. Me: Go where?.. Marlon: Away.. Far away. *Laughs* Um.. You're not going back are you? Me: *Shaking head* Marlon: Okay, Well then let's just go back to the hotel and we can chill. Me: I would but- Marlon: Hey - You said they can't take over your life. Your just practically letting them now let's go. he grabs my hand as if we're a couple and we head into a cab. I felt really incomfortable the whole way back. I feel as if I've just let down the fun day. ~ Back With Michael ~ Michael: *Blowing into sunglasses lens* Where have they gone? Janet: I don't know, Let them go. Michael: No - We have to go now it's not good just to leave them going off. Janet: They want to. Now come on. Michael: *sighs* Let's just finish our tickets off.. ~back with us~ Our cab comes to our hotel as Marlon pays the taxi driver we head inside as pictures are being taken. me: Great I can see tommorow's headlines.. 2nd Jackson ~ Cookie? Marlon: *Laughs* We head upstairs into Marlon's room. I sit down on his couch where he comes to join with a cup of hot chocolate, Marlon: Fakes. me: What? Marlon: michael's been lieing to you about who he is. Me: What?.. *confused* Marlon: Michael - He's.. a player. Me: A player? Marlon: Yeah. He's been texting Brooke alot since you two have been together. Me: You are telling the truth? Don't joke.. Marlon: Yes! Okay, I am. He has alot. Me: Why? Marlon: I don't know.. But you're worth more. I think you should let him go.. -Cookie.x -xx.
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