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Journey to Defining 5
Jackie and I have been dating eachother for a couple of weeks now.I said yes to him when he asked me out as you can see.I wasnt sure at first but i thought i would try it.We tried to keep it a secret but Michael found out and he wasnt to happy about it.He hardly speaks to me anymore,we arent as close as we used to be.Everytime i try to speak to him he makes the conversation really awkward and short.....I woke up this morning and got ready for school.I did my usual morning routine and left out the house,i realized that the project for school was due today,i wasnt sure if me and Michael passed because Michael didnt really chip into it.When i would go his house to do the project he wouldnt even say anything he would just give me the doll and go somewhere else...The Bus turned the corner and stop for me to get on.I seen Michael and i smiled at him,but he just turned away.I went to sit down next to him and i said hi,Michael didnt say anything he just moved to another seat..That made me feel like crap after he did that,I wanted to cry.We were finally at the school and i got off the bus.I was walking to my class and i felt somebody push me and knock my bookbag off my shoulder,i looked up and saw Melissa.. Me:(picking up my bookbag)your really pissing me off with your crap Melissa:(stopping)so wont you do something about it I dropped my bookbag and had my fist ready for her face,i was walking fast about to knock her out when i was stopped by Michael.... Me:excuse me Michael i have some business to handle Michael:(pulling me back) dont do it Me:no im sick of it Michael she always got something to say Michael:(picking up my bookbag and pushing me towards my class) just leave it Me:she is so lucky i didnt get to her I looked back and gave her a dirty look,she walked away after Michael shoved me into class.I grabbed my bookbag from Michaels hands and sat in my seat..I turned around in my seat to speak to Michael.... Me:(smiling) thanks Michael..i was about to bust her up Michael:(not looking at me) yeah... Me:ummm okay(turning back around) The teacher started to speak... Ms.Brown Davis:alright class take out your dolls Me:(turning back around) Michael you have the doll Michael:No Me:What?? Why not,its due today,why didnt you bring it Michael:(shrugging his shoulders) i dont know i guess i forgot Me:you guess you forgot..are you serious..ughh whatever Michael Ms.Brown Davis came to me and looked at me and Michael... Ms.Brown Davis:you guys have your baby doll Me:Noo(giving Michael a look) Ms.Brown Davis:well you know thats a zero right Me:yeah i know She looked at her grading book,i knew she put down a zero next to our names..Thanks to Michael.I was so mad and the thing is he didnt even seem to care,Thats what made me really tick off.He was starting to get on my nerves by the way he was acting.I wanted to know why he was acting like that...The day was going pretty fast and before you know it it was time to go home.I got on the bus,i saw Michael but i didnt bother to speak to him.I sat down in the seat across from him and looked out the window.If he wasnt going to say anything why should i say anything to him.The bus came to my stop and i got off...I went inside my house and dropped my bookbag down and went into the living room. Mom:(coming into the living room) had a good day at school Me:it was okay could have been better Mom:soo are you starting to like this school Me:No Mom:I'll take that as a yes The phone started to ring so i got up and answered it... Me:hello ???:hey its Jackie Me:heyy what you doing Jackie:nothing just here..I Missed You..can you come over today Me:yeah im sure i can,how about 4 i'll come Jackie:yeah thats great..see you later okay Me:okay but wait Jackie... Jackie:yeah... Me:I Missed You Too... Jackie:(giggling) okay bye I hung up the phone and went up to my room to freshen up.I was soo anxious and waiting for 4 o clock to hit.Im always like this everytime i go to The Jacksons House..I brushed my hair alittle more and then i was out the door... Me:(yelling)mom im going to The Jacksons House Mom:alright just be back home before it gets too late I walked out the door and headed to their house.I finally got there and i saw Jackie sitting by the door.. Jackie:(hugging and kissing me) hey Me:heyy Jackie:(taking my hand) come on He opened the door and all of his brothers were in the living... Marlon:hey Nadirah Me:hii Marlon Jermaine:heyy Minnie Me:now how many times do i have to tell you to stop calling me that Jermaine:but its a cute name for you because your so little and adorable Me:(giggiling alittle) whatever Jermaine Michael was coming down the stairs,he looked at me then turned away... Me:heyy Michael Michael:(walking pass me and not saying anything) Me:what is his deal Tito:you dont know Me:No Tito:Michael likes you and hes mad that your going out with his brother Me:wow.. I didnt know..how you know Tito:we know everything thats going on with Michael..its all over his face Me:if he feels that wy he should have just told me except for ignoring me Michael walks back up the stairs and everybody is quiet.... Me:(looking around) maybe i should go talk to him I headed up the stairs to Michaels room, i knock on the door but no answer,i knock a second time and still no answer.The door was crack alittle but i just didnt want to walk in.I knocked a third time and he still didnt answer,so i opened the door and thats when i saw it..Michael in bed with Melissa...... To Be Continued....
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