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a love nobody can break part 9
i know i kept you waitin and you might have forgot i wrote this story so just to refresh your memory heres the part shoutout to everybody today thanks for voting keep it up airriel:) Ps. couple sad parts. recap:me and michael called arne to see if she come to the sleepover so she asked and me and michael were talking (michael)lexis. (me)yea. (michael)i think i wanna break wit jai-lyn. (me)(thinking)YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! WOAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (michael)lexis,lexis,LEXIS!!!! (me)huh you say somthin? (michael)do you think i should break up wit her. (me)(thinking)YEAH you should(to michael)i think you should follow you heart and you'll make the right choice. (michael)well it's telling me to break up wit her. (me)why do you wanna break up wit her anyway? (michael)cause she dont pay any attention to me anymore she act like she like jamie now. (me)why do you say that? (michael)cause everytime i call she says "sorry sweetie i cant talk right now im talking to jamie" and plus i like somebody else. (me)(giggling)who do tell. (michael)wellllll okay its........ just at that moment arne comes back. (arne)(sounding excited)okay im back. (me)(yelling)AWWWW DANGIT!!!! (arne)wats wrong wit you. (me)oh nothin nothin so wat did they say. (arne)they said i can go. (me)yayyyy were gonna have so much. then both of us start sreaming cause were happy. (michael)ugh alright alright you can stop now you sound like a bunch of monkeys forreal. (me)(giggling)oh shut up. (arne)oh and can jamie come. all of a sudden they hear a big Bang!!!! (michael)wat was that? (arne)how should i know stup stup. (michael)wat? (arne)stup stup means stupid. (michael)awwww okay.... HEY!! (arne)(laughing) then alyssa comes too the phone. (aly)oh god this girl just fell out. (arne)(giggling)wowwwwwww. (michael)she funny. (aly)i just gotta fan her alittle. then i pop back up all fast. (me)(catching my breath)im okay woah. (michael)hey lexis. (me)yea. (michael)(cracking up)sure you dont wanna PASS OUT the invitations to the sleepover( slowly stops laughing)get it cause she passed out all nevermind. (me)that wasn't funny. (arne)yea that really wasn't.... well i gotta go i see yall at school Oops i forgot michael cant go to school for 3 days, (michael)(fake laughing)HAHA very funny NOT!!! (arne)bye yall. so she hangs up. (me)so i've been waitin forever who do you like? (michael)well you gotta guess. (me)okay come on. (michael)she in Mr.Herbert's. (me)is it jalice? (michael)no. (me)okay keep going. (michael)her favorite color is red. (me)is it alyssa? (michael)no i said she was in our class stup stup. (me)wow you gonna use my only words against me. (michael)thats where arne got that from. (me)ugh just keep going. (michael)she to were colthes with a lot of color and she short(im really short ask jalice im like minime). (me)is it me? (michael)(silent) (me)come on mike you can tell me. (michael)(still silent) (me)did you hang up on me and why am i talking to myself/ (michael)your not talking to yourself and yes i do like you. (me)awwww i think thats so sweet of you to like me. (michael)yea but i know for a fact that you dont like me. (me)and how do you know that? (michael)cause you like jamie. (me)well yea i guess but i like you more. (michael)really? (me)really i cant beleive you didnt know. (michael)well i know you were coming on to me. (me)whateva michael. (michael)(laughing) (me)michael can i tell you somhin cause i trust you. (michael)yea sure you know you can trust me. (me)well i dont want you to tell anyone not a soul promise. (michael)promise. (me)well when i was 6 years old we all went our seperate wayz for the summer i went to my anut and uncle alyssa went to a summer camp and my mom and dad went on vaction so i was at wit my and me were watching movies and then my uncle came in i guess he had a couple drinks or somthin cause you could smell it but he wasn't drunk he was buzzed i guess so my aunt said she was going to a friends house and told him to watch over me and when she left he asked if i wanted to play a game he told me this game was called "touch and go" and i said sure and he we had to go to his room for this game so i went and things happened that should have never happened. (michael)wat happened... he raped you. (me)no he just touched me how i didnt wanna be touched. (michael)and you never told your dad. (me)no and you cant tell him you remember you promised me. (michael)i wont tell i promise. (me)ankle swear? (michael)ankle swear. (me)cross your heart and hope to die? (michael)cross me heart and hope to die. then my dad calls me and tells me i have to come downstairs. (me)well i have to go i'll call you later. (michael)i'll be waitin for ya. (me)(giggles)bye michael. (michael)bye. so we hang up and i go downstairs and see my parents with all their bags. (me)where are you guyz going? (daddy)were leaving early for retreat thingy. (mama)robert it marriage and prengnacy retreat. (daddy)(laughing)yea whateva. (mama)(playful hitting him). (me)well....bye. (mama)so rude. (me)(giggling) so they give all of us hugs and walk out the door and i decide to ask jalice what happened to her parents again. (aly)i'll be right im going to.... ummmmmm....... (me&jalice)call marlon. (aly)yea that well bye so she goes upstairs (me)i know you said you didn't wanna talk about it but please tell happened to your parents. (jalice)(looking down)they got shoot. (me)WHAT!!!! there it is part 9 hope you liked more come if you keep voting love ya airriel:0
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