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Friends, Possibly Lovers? Part 9
Omg finally the site is back up! lol so my stories can be back up too!! :D missed you guys =[ , this is for ALL people checkin the site out. ___ I hung up the phone and could only think, who will hang out with Michael when I left? Is he gonna make new friends? Is Amanda gonna brainwash him with dirtyness like she did to every other guy? Man, I didn't wanna leave! I took a deep breath, shrugged off all those bad thoughts, took a shower, picked out an awesome outfit, and trailed to sleep.. Next morning.. I got up and I felt so weak and lazy, I brushed my teeth, got in the shower, did my hair, and wore that nice outfit I picked out since I was going to the movies with Michael after school. I ate breakfast, it was about 8:00, and I was out the door. This is the 2nd time I left home late, wow. I was off to school, when I got there, I was late and luckily, I didn't get in trouble. I saw Michael, he smiled at me as I walked to my seat. Michael:Well, you look dressed up.. Me:Thanks, I guess, (giggling)So do you. Michael:I know. Me:(shakes my head and smiles) Today was a regular day, it went really well, and thank god our science teacher finally showed up to class, no more advisory! Woo hoo! Well, for now atleast. Later that day when school was over... Michael:So, are we stoppin' home first or.. no? Me:Lets go straight there, my mom knows that I'm goin'. And plus, I wanna spend a lot of time with you before I go.. Michael:Yeah, then we should go there now and stay to hang out.. Michael and I headed to a movie theater far from our houses. When we got there, the place was wasn't full, but there were a room full of people there. They all noticed Michael, but we had security blocking the two of us, so they couldn't really get to him. We got our tickets, bought our popcorn, candy, drinks, etc., and headed inside the theater. Boy, was it dark in there! We reached there right on time for the movie to start, there were lots of other people watching the same horror movie as us too. 30 mins later.. The movie is going really good, but it basically just started and there has been a lot of scary scenes! Michael seems to be amused by all these scary stuff, he laughs at it. Even thought we both love scary movies, they really haven't failed to scare me. Michael had to embrace me like 10 times because of this movie! But, hey, even though it's scary, I still love it. 1 hr & 30 mins later.. The movie was over! This movie was really good. Michael seemed to like it because he kept laughing when the victims got murdered. Michael:That movie... was HILARIOUS! Me:To you it was, I almost cried I swear! Michael:I know, (giggling)you should've heard your self screaming. (mocking me)AHH! Michael, I'm scared! Me:I didn't do that.. Michael:(laughing)Yes you did! Don't deny.. Me:I don't remember then.. Michael:Of course you wouldn't.(giggling)What time is it? Me:Uh, about 5:30. Michael:What!? Aww man, I have to be home at 6. Rules by Joseph.. Me:(sighs)Awww.. fine, lets go then. Michael:Sorry.. Me:It's okay, I think my mom would freak if I wasn't home by 6 either.. Michael:Well, then we should get goin'. Michael called the limo driver to pick us up, and take us both home. When we reached to my house, Michael got out and walked me to my door. Michael:Here we are.. Me:(crying)... Michael:Why are you cryin'? Me:It's just that.. I don't wanna leave. I'll miss you so much.. Michael:I'm gonna miss you too, I know that for a fact!(hugging me)We'll still be friends, right? Me:Yeah.. Michael:Alright then, you should probably head inside, it's getting kinda cold out here. Me:Yup, thank you Michael. Me:Yeah, see you tomorrow Michael. Michael:See you tomorrow.. I went inside, surprisingly, no one asked how my day was. They were both packing their things, and some of our furniture has already been moved! Oh, why do I bother? Right, I don't. Any who, I headed upstairs to my room to pack my clothing. After I got done, I took a nap and ended up sleeping through the whole night. 2 days later.. 6:30 AM. Friday: Moving Day By this time, all our furniture was already imported to our California home. I went over Michael's house to say goodbye, but as I was doing so, I see him walking down the block in his PJ's, coming toward me. Me:Hey Michael, I was just coming to say goodbye. Michael:I was doin' the same thing. Me:Oh,(giggling)that's not all I wanted to say.. Michael:Well, what else did you wanna say.. Me:I wanted to say thank you. Michael:For what? Me:For so many things, If I never met you, I would probably be inside right now, instead of talking with someone called my best friend. There's so many positive things that you told me about myself, that I didn't even know. Thanks for that too! You really boosted my self esteem there.(smiling)Michael, you are the best!(hugging him tightly) Michael:(hugging me back)You're welcome, and thanks too for everything. Especially when I feel sad or down. Anytime I'm unhappy, you always, and I mean , ALWAYS make me happy again. Me:Awe, I think I'm about to cry again! (laughing)Well, here's this.(gives him a framed photo of us on my birthday) Michael:(looking at the picture)Wow, look at us. You can already see our friendly bond in this picture. I love it, thanks, Shanice. Me:You're welcome. I have one too. Michael:Oh, um Shanice? Me:Yeah.. Michael:I think I should tell you this now.. To Be Continued.. ♫ ♥ hows that?? lol -Shanice *♥
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