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The Wiz Part 5
~~~Here's the next part to my story, I hope you enjoy~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recap: we were walking once again, and as we were walking I was remembering what Scarecrow said about us not being together. So I was walking with my friend, Harper, who was singing/ humming "Bad Romance" from Lady Gaga. Everything was going alright, me walking with Harper, till she got a bug on her and she started running away from us, Tinman and Lion went after her, leaving me Scarecrow. We were walking after them when I felt his hands go on my waist and pull me to him. We were talking, and I finally told him what I felt about him. And as we were kissing, we heard something. This is where we left off at. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Me and Scarecrow broke apart when we heard something coming, we hid in the bushes in the forest. We peeked through the leaves to see two creepy creatures walking around mumbling something. And I thought it was a good idea to try the Ear of a Bat spell. (Me): (whispering) some people are a gem some people are a rat whos who and give the ear of a bat My left ear turned into a bat's ear. And I picked up everything they said. (Creature1): did you hear there was two girls that fell from the sky? (Creature2): yeah, I heard. Evilline's daughter said she wanted them on a plater. (Creature1): just like Evilline's daughter, someone who wants revenge. (Creature2): I know, one might not be so easy to catch. Word has it, she's a wizard. (Creature1): well, we'll get her. (Creature2): yeah. They continued to walk off, and I was freakin' out. They want me and Harper on a plater. Scarecrow show how freaked out I was and came over and hugged me tightly to him. (Scarecrow): Alex...what's wrong? What did they say? (Me): they want me and Harper on a plater. Because of some women's daughter who wants revenge, um, Evilline's daughter. (Scarecrow): (eyes grow wide) Evilline's!!! (hugs me tighter) I swear to you, Alex, I won't let them harm you, you or Harper. (Me): (hugs him also) alright. Thank you. I love you, so much. (Scarecrow): I love you more. (Kisses me) (Me): (kisses him back) We got up and started running to find Harper and the other two. When we finally found them Harper was all calm down and I really hated to tell her everything I heard. And as i thought, she started going all crazy. I grabbed hold of her shoulders and started shaking her telling her to calm down. When she didn't I slapped her two good times. And she finally calmed down enough. (Harper): alright, alright Alex, I'm calm. I'm calm. (Me): good. I didn't want to give you another slap to the face again. (Harper): (fake laughing) (Me): (smiles at her) (Scarecrow): (puts his hands around my waist)...(kisses the back of my neck) (Me): (giggling) (Harper): (laughing) (Me): hey, Harper, remember? (Harper): I think I do. I got out of my baby's grip and went over to Harper and we did are hand shake. (Both): What's that? A hat? Crazy, funky, Junky, hat? Over slept? Hands slightly. Tryin' to look like Caren Nightly, we've been there, we've done that. We see right through your funky hat. (poses)....(looks at eachother and starts laughing are heads off) (Me): i missed doing that. (Harper): same here. I went over back to my baby, and I wrapped his arms around my waist again. He seemed happy, and I could fill it on the back of my leg. I turned around and saw him blushing. I giggled, and back up some on him. He bit his bottome lip, and I knew what he was trying to do. But it wasn't working. I laughed a little. Harper turned around and smiled at us. She gave me a thumbs up. I laughed so hard, I bent over some, then I really felt my baby. I looked back at him, he was smling at me. I stood back up. (Me): (to him) why is he out? (Scarecrow): I guess, i do have some human in me? Huh? (Me): there was something about a Scarecrow and Wizard and if they kiss...the Scarecrow would become....(eyes grow wide) (Scarecrow): would become...what, Alex? (Me): baby...the reason why this is happening is because... (Scarecrow): why, baby? (Me): your becoming a human. To be Continued........... ~~~This went to Alexa, who says I gave her a idea for her story, Michael for always being himself, and everyone else who likes my story.~~~
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