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How it Happened: Billie Jean&Michael*8
â?¦ :) As I was coming out, someone grabbed me. Me: If this is you Michael then you better say somethinâ?? before I knee you. Michael: (He said in my ear through giggles) Itâ??s me, no need for violence. Me: (playfully pushing him off of me)Oh, You. Michael: Shall we go in the limo now? Me: We shall. (I hopped on his back, dangling my tennis shoes in his face) Michael: You big kid! Ironic, you donâ??t weigh much. How much? Me: Last time 110. What about you Mr. Strong? Michael: 119. Me: Hey, (hopping off of his back, turning him toward me) even if this was a part of your plan, why you never answered any of my calls. If Iâ??m not mistaken, you mustâ??ve told your household not to answer. I was worried sick, and hurt. Michael: (looking down at me with a warm smile, putting his arm around me urging me to come along) It was, I looked in the phone book for your address. But to be honest and guilt-free, I asked Zoey for your address. She trusted me enough, so she did. Then I looked in the phone book to be sure. Me: So those notes were a substitute for not calling me? Michael: Yes. In a way I wanted to get him back. Michael: Sorry Billie. Me: Itâ??s okay. I quickly told him about figuring his plan out, and my answers. He said he was outside of my door, contemplating of what to do. Me: You stalker. Michael: But you loved it. Me: (I rolled my eyes) Before we knew it, we approached this white limo. I felt a little wrong, because you know how you read certain books about greedy girls, wanting to be fine dined in life. Me, I do care, but I donâ??t want to get it from anyone else. No handouts! Me: Michael, I donâ??t deserve this. Michael: (he knew I would ramble on so he covered my lips with his finger) Jenny, donâ??t worry, get in the car please? Me: (he put on a reassuring yet serious expression) (sighing) Fine. He opened the car door for me, I looked at him blushing. He acted like he was going to bite me in a sexy way. I scurried in, feeling shy. He closed the door behind him. I saw he had on a white shirt with green stripes. It was long sleeved, with some light blue jeans, tennis shoes, and a Mickey Mouse jacket. It was one of those jock kinds of jackets you get in high school. He saw me looking at what he was wearing. Michael: What? Me: Nothing (looking away, embarrassed because for once he caught me looking at him) Michael: Yes it is something Me: Non-uh Michael: Un-huh. You look amazing though. Too me, looks like youâ??re dressed for a party. Me: No, youâ??re very casual. Very. Michael: (Squinted his eyes. We were sitting across from each other then he sits next to me. Really closeâ?? he was acting like a girl would. He dropped his head on my shoulder, sitting his right hand on my laps and the left one around my waist. It felt so safe, I wanted to raise his face to me, kiss him slowly, and then make a scene like we were kissing in the sand at the beach. How it is in the movies.) (in a very girly voice) Bay, Iâ??m tired. Me: (I looked down at him) Youâ??re very weird, you know? Michael: (He kissed me on the cheek. At first he moved my tail to the other side. Then he moved it back to the right, playing in it.) You have soft hair. Me: Trust me, itâ??s no different from yours. Michael: (flopping it around, then lightly kissing my head after tilting it toward him) Me: (I looked at him with a smile, him doing the same. God, we wanted to kiss one another. I wanted to be caught off guard though and it wasnâ??t perfect timing, so I wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head on his shoulder. Then I curled the other half of my body up, leaving my feet to dangle off the seat. And I scooted down a little. I didnâ??t want to put them on the clean leather seats. He wrapped his own arms around my shoulders, securing me.) Michael: Your ear smells nice. We stayed cuddled until we got there. I drifted off a little and didnâ??t feel the limo stopping at our destination. Michael: (whispering in my ear) Jenny, wake up, weâ??re here. Me: (I was blinking furiously) Oh, thanks. Michael: (giggling) Me: What? Michael: You look funny and cute waking up. So natural. Me: I was blinking. Michael: So, it was still adorable. Come on. We our thank yous to Michaelâ??s driver. Even getting out, he got out first, kneeling down helping me get out. After he closed it, I said thank you. Michael: (putting me on his back) Me: Youâ??re the big kid Mikey! Michael: (sarcastically, but had me shocked) Love you too (smirking at me) Me: (I didnâ??t want the same thing to happen like when we were on the ladder at the library, so I hugged his neck and kissed his ear. I was playing in his hair as we got closer to the ticket line.) Michael: Like it? (referring to his hair, maybe) Me: Love it. Ticket Lady: Okay, how may I help you too tonight? Michael: Tickets for two please? TL: That will be $10.00. I was already prepared for thisâ?? I got a flier stating the prices in categories, so I had the money in my pocket. I took it out slipping it to Mike. BTW: he still had me on his back. Me: (whispering in his ear) Here, I have it taken care of. Michael: (whispering back) No, I got it. Me: (I knew how he wanted his way to pay for us both, so I subtly yanked on his hair. Lol) Michael: (whispering) Okay, okay. Me: Thank you (kissing his ear again) He took the money from me, giving it to the lady, she gave us are bands. TL: You two have fun, not too much though. (chuckling) Both: We wonâ??t (giggling) After we stepped to the side, we had to move over again because the lack of light. We thought about having the bands on the same arm, but he was very fascinated with learning Iâ??m left-handed. So we put it on the opposite writs we write with, us: mine on the right; his on the left. Me: Where should we start? Michael: Um, I donâ??t know. Me: The duck toss? Michael: The duck toss it shall be. The duck toss is where we toss rings around the moving squeaky artificial ducks, and win petty prizes. Either way it was a start. I got three out of my five tosses right, while Michael on the other hand had them all right. I won some candy, he won a goldfish. Me: How are we gonna keep up with the little guy? Michael: In those little buggies right over there. (getting the buggy, whipping it in front of me, pushing me down and handing me the little guy in the little plastic bowl with its lid.) Enjoy the ride Toots. (He gave me a wet sloppy kiss on the temple purposely, because he started laughing so hard) Me: (I stuck my tongue out, thumping his forehead) Michael: Ouch Billie, Iâ??m gonna get you. Every bit of you. (smirking) Me: Iâ??m not sure if I liked that. Michael: Trust me, you will. Me: (blushing badly) I didnâ??t mean to say that out loud. Michael: Iâ??m actually glad you did. Me: (Oh boy!) So we went to try the knock the bottles down. Yeah, we love tossing something somewhere else with force I guess. Me: Ha! Got more down then you! (I made goofy looks at him) Michael: (He liked it because he mocked me, and then pulled my waist toward him. My left breast ended up rubbing on him. He noticed so he looked down, smiling then said in a hushed-hushed tone.) You just love put tingles up and down my spine, donâ??t you? Me: It was an accident. You did pull me against you. Michael: (smiling) Me: (I turned away smiling, then he turned me toward his face, massaging my temples. We went to other ones. Like Tippy Teacup. We looked like big kids at Disneyland. He sat at the right of me. The woman latched us down, and I was afraid what Michael might do. I knew it wouldnâ??t be anything that would really hurt me, so I was a bit perky. He could tell, because after the lady walked away, he saidâ?¦ Michael: What you so happy about? (grinning) Me: (I thought it was time enough to show him the same aggressiveness, play a little hard to get.) For some odd reason, I like being this close to your body. It feels nice being the opposite gender. (my boobies almost on his chest again lol) Michael: Well I would hope so. (giving off a generous smile) The ride started, and we were still pretty close, but we werenâ??t doing anything. Just laughing out loud. During the last round he seemed to just be his self. So I had kissed him on the cheek. Believe it or not, he smiled so shyly. Then he had me in the buggy againâ?? his fish he named Floppy Olive Jackson; the fishâ??s food he bought; my Dino the Dinosaur I won; my candy from the duck toss; our jackets; my purse; and me! Michael: Geez, this buggy is getting heavyâ?¦could it be possibly you who is weighing down the buggy? Me: (turning up to face him) I donâ??t know, youâ??re guess. (I started dangling my feet over the edge of the buggy. We did some more rides, then the Ferris wheel was next. Michael: (holding my hand, bending down to ask me) Do you wanna go on the Ferris wheel? (His eyes were so big and they looked so innocent. He didnâ??t smile or anything. I knew he wasnâ??t forcing me.) Me: Yeah. He helped me moved some of the stuff off of me, my butt got stuck on the bottom framing of the buggy, so he had to lift me out. Putting one of his arms under my legs, the other supporting the higher part of my back. Since I hadnâ??t put one of my arms around his neck, I just put my head under his chin, looking lifeless. Michael: Youâ??re not dead, arenâ??t you? Me: (softly giggling) With you, no way. He sat me down softly into the basket, then him. I started looking around. My body was starting to stiffen up. Michael: I wonâ??t bite Jeanette; put your head down on my shoulder. (So I did, laying my right hand on his chest too, and my left one behind him. At first he had wrapped my arm around his waist, but held it with his left. His tangles of curls were lying on my own head, his right arm around my waist again.) The wheel was now turning. We rode up higher and higher. When we got to the very top, it suddenly stopped. I saw Mike wink at the operator. Then turned to meâ?¦ Michael: Pucker up? Man that was long but I liked it. Vote! -Aariyan.
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