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Me & Michael's Forbidden Love Part 23
Im sorry it took years to post part 23 I was stuck on a couple of parts but here it is. Hope you like it =) Today is the day we have to tell Michael's family that Im pregnant. Im hoping it will go well. Probably not because we're telling Joe too but he already said he likes me but pregnancy is a whole different subject. Michael and I took a shower,brushed our teeth etc. Our relationship was anything but private. Everywhere we went there was paparazzies everywhere so me being pregnant isn't going to be a secret neither. Me:Are You sure you wanna tell them? Michael:Yep.Are you sure? Me:Nope. Michael:(smiling)Oh come on girl this will be so easy. Me:Yeah to you. Michael:You already met my family and they like you so this shouldn't be hard. Me:I know but pregnancy is a whole different thing,Michael. Michael:Look I will be there with you don't worry. Me:Ok I'll try. Michael:Are you ready now? Me:Yeah,Let's go applehead. Michael:(laughing)What? Me:(smiling)Oh that's your new nickname. Michael:Really? Applehead? Me:Yep isn't it cute? Michael:Yeah.Wait I got to give you a nickname too. Me:(smiling)No please dont. Michael:Your new nickname is....Fino nee(my real wierd nickname lol). Me:You can't be serious. Michael:(smiling)Im very serious. Me:But why? Michael:(giggling)Because I couldn't think of anything else. Me:Oh you is so cold,Applehead. Michael(smiling)I know,Fino nee. We went the car and drove to the house. Alot of thoughts were running through mind like Are they gonna like me anymore? Are they gonna accept that Im 16 and pregnant? Is Joe gonna like me anymore? I was exploding with questions. We finally made it to the family compound in Encino. Michael got out his key and unlocked the front door and walked in. I stayed outside hiding next to the door cause I really didn't want to do this. Obviously Michael didn't know I wasn't by him. Michael:Hey! Katherine:(hugging him)Hey sweetie. Michael:Hi Mother. Jermaine:Hey mike what are you doing here? Michael:Well Alisyn and I have something we want to tell everyone. Janet:Speaking of Ali where is she? Michael:She's right here(looking around)Where is that girl? Me:(peaking my head in and moving back) Marlon:Mike what did you do to her? Michael:Nothing she's just shy. Michcael walked outside by me and stood in front of me. Me:What? Michael:(smiling)Come on girl. Me:I dont want to. Michael:(pouting)Pwetty pwease for me? Me:Oh no not the pouting face. Michael:You know you can't say no to this face. Me:Fine applehead. Michael:Ok lets try this again.Ladies first. Me:(walking in)Thank you. Jackie:What's up Ali? Me:Oh nothing just chillin'. Marlon:I heard you on the radio yesterday. Janet:Yeah they have been playing that song all morning. Jermaine:So now I got that song stuck in my head.(singing it) Michael:(covering his ears)Jermaine please stop. Jermaine:You just hatin'. Michael:Yeah whatever. Katherine:So Michael what did you want to tell us? Michael:Well Ali is....(looking at me)Do you want to say it? Me:No you can say it. Michael:(smiling)Come on I need some help on this. Me:Ok...Im.... Janet:Pregnant? Me:Yes. Janet:(hugging me)Oh my gosh your pregnant. Katherine:(smiling)Congradulations sweetie. Jackie:Yeah congrats. Jermaine:Mike tell me you didn't. Michael:I did. Jermaine:(smiling)That's my bro! Me:I guess you was right,Applehead. Michael:(smiling)Im always right,Fino nee. Marlon:Applehead? Jackie:Fino nee? Jermaine:What the hell? Michael:(giggling)That's our nicknames. Janet:Awww so cute. Jackie:Aww so wierd. Janet:You just mad you don't have a girl to give you a nickname. Jermaine:Ohhh bro you got played. Well that wasn't as bad as I thought it will be. Luckily Joe wasn't there cause I don't think it could have gone well as it did. Im just glad we're done telling our families. 1 Week Later Michael is in the studio recording songs and so am I but we're in different places. Im started to get mood swings and stuff but not that bad yet since Im only 1 week pregnant. The press has already figured out Im pregnant and is taking full advantage of it. Every news channel and magizine I see Michael and I are on it. Sometimes it's annoying on how we have no privacy at all but I knew what I was getting into since Michael and I started dating. While I was recording my new song Gett Off I got a call from someone I never thought will even know me. It was Hugh Hefner the founder of Playboy. To Be Continued........... *It's All For Love,L.O.V.E*
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