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*This is part 9 enjoy everyone* Peydrea PEYDREA JACKSON Alright so Iâ??m a little nervousâ?¦this is the first time Iâ??m doing a music video with my uncleâ?¦and Chris Tuckerâ?¦and Ciciâ?¦and the whole world watchingâ?¦wowâ?¦this is the day I show I can dance. Butâ?¦dancing in high-heelsâ?¦I rether would have had Fergie do this because she can dance in them. Please let me be able to. It was about to the part where I dance to the music by myself till my uncle comes and walk/dances beside me. The clothes I had to for this scean kinda made Unky Mickey freak outâ?¦.I had my jet black curly hair into a ponytail with like a Billie Jean hat on. And the jacket and pants and heels didnâ??t bother my uncleâ?¦butâ?¦the shirt didâ?¦you see itâ??s a bra shaped shirtâ?¦and cause Iâ??m a teenagerâ?¦and Iâ??m developing. So after this part we have to hurry up and get me into my other costume. For the whole you know fight style thing they told me at the last minute while I was working on both parts. So my uncle said since I was like one of the boys because I have a lot of boy cousinsâ?¦that I should be one of the backup dancers that fall from the ceiling onto the stage. â??okay Lil Peydreaâ?¦ready and action.â? the director called. I started dancing to the music. And my uncle came on his part. I act like Iâ??m fallowing him and when his out of sight I go to dancing by myself again. Then after I do a spin then I plant my feet after I jump alittle. Then it goes back to my uncle and Cici leaving me enough time to get change and on to the beams with the other guys. When I was on the beam it was time. â??you wanna play? I love to play.â? said the guy who wants to get rid of my uncleâ?¦I call him godfather because thatâ??s what he plays in. when my uncle turns around me, Chuck and Ron jump from the ceiling. Iâ??m the last on to jump. My uncle made it very clear to me when the part gets to where they have to grab theirselfs he said for me to place my hand on my stomach. Because he doesnâ??t want me to do it because he says itâ??s not right for a girl to do that to theirselves and Iâ??m like you do itâ?¦butâ?¦countless of times he already told me when he grabs himself itâ??s because heâ??s the slave to the musicâ?¦and I really believe himâ?¦I really do. I was brought back to focuses when he I saw godfather say, â??Câ??mon big man. Show me what you got. All you got.â?? we stood their till we knew the guy with the lighter flicked it on. Then we jumped and spread are legs and arms. And when he hear the pipe we put are hands to the front of are jackets and unbutton the shirts then pull the side behind are backs. Then we wait and we do the battle/dance scene. I was lovin the dance/fight scene now! When it came to the part my uncle told me about I put my hand on my stomach. Then the next thing I know the music video was over and so cool. I was resting in the limo. When my uncle came into the car I plopped down on him. â??Pey-Pey?â? he said laughing. â??Get up.â? â??just leave me alone. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Just stop dogginâ?? me around.â? I sung. I heard Chris, Cici, and Breyonna laughing. The next thing I know I was being attacked by that stupid tickle monster of a uncle of mine. I was high pitch screaming and laughing. I have no Idea who I got that laughing style from? $$$$$$$$$$ We came back to my uncleâ??s house in Encino. We were having a family get together and that means my Auntie Toy will be there. Oh, joy!! NOT!!! Everyone was there. My Aunts Rebbie, LaToya, Janet. My Uncles Jamaine, Jackie, Tito, Randy, Marlon, Mickey(of course). And my sisters Mimi, Lilly, Kylee, Breyonna. My cousin Prince and Pairsâ?¦.and baby Prince Michael II on the wayâ?¦I canâ??t wait!!!! Granny Katharine was there and also my Grandpa Joe. Everyone of my aunts and uncle calls him Joe or Josephe I called him that one time and he yelled at me and told me itâ??s not Joe is Grandpa Joe. And oddly I call him thatâ?¦oh, well. Prince and Paris calls him Grandpa. The get together was awesome. Chris was so funny making everyone laugh even Joe. I stayed away from my Auntie Toy. Uncle Marlon and Uncle Randy poured the drank cooler on me. I was so mad I was coming after them with my super soaker Uncle Mickey and Izzy gave me last Christmas. That was going on forever till Granny Katharine told us to start. So when my uncle and Chris joked about it. I splashed the rest of the water I put in the cooler on them. And that started another super soaker fight. That went on till we got so sleepy. We dropped off Mimi, Cici and Chris. And when we dropped off Breyonna at her grandmotherâ??s. we went to Neverland I got Prince and Pairs to sleep. â??When I fell like crazing down You take me under your spell The black light comes closing in Then there only is dark lightâ? I sung the chorse to Breyonnaâ??s â??Dark Lightâ?? song. Then I went to bed. I heard my uncle laughing when I got in probably to me. He always thinks what I do is funny because I make it. I love my family. I really do. -Caitlyn *Part 10 coming up soon guysâ?¦enjoy the first 9!!*
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