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Me and Michael : Teens in love.(Part 1)
(Part 1) 2 years have gone by and now me and Michael are 14.We still still are together and are very happy.Now the year is 1972 and Michael just got done recording the song Ben and got back from his tour of 6 months with his brothers.Now its January 17th,the day Michael said he was suppose to be coming back home the last time I talked to him,which was a month ago so I coulden't wait to see him. It was Wedsnday and I was just about to leave out the door when I heard a knock on my front door. Mom:Melodie can you get that? Me:Sure mom. I answered the door and I coulden't beleive it. Michael:(smileling)Are you ready for school? Me:(screaming)Michael! I hugged him so hard that I almost made him fall.I squeezed him really hard and kissed him 30 times befor I let him go.It was ok for us to hug but my father never ever wanted to see us kiss.My parents aswell as Michael's became aware of our relationship when we were 13.My dad didn't like it and nither did Joe but our mothers seemed to have been happy over it. Michael:(smileing)I can see your glad to see me. Me:I missed you so much.You know how much I hate to be away from you. Michael:I know.I hate to be away from you for a long time to.I missed your hugges and kisses. Mom:Who is it Melodie? Me:Its Michael!He's back! Mom:Oh.Hi Michael. Michael:Hello Mrs.Ryan. Dad:Hello Michael. Michael:(smile dissappering)H...Hello Mr.Ryan. Dad:Nice to you back. Michael:Glad to be back Sr. Me:Are you ready for school? Michael:Yep. Me:Bye dad. Dad:Bye baby girl. After we get around the corner were my father coulden't see us and kissed him one more time. Michael:Careful now.I love your kisses but I don't wanna get hurt. Me:Ha ha very funny.I'm sorry I'm just really happy your back. I've really missed you. Michael:I know and I've missed you so much to.(puts his arm around my waist)We have to get Randy so he can walk to school with us. Me:I know. We got Randy and headed on to school.When we got to school Randy said bye to us and we went down the 7th grade hall and Michael and I went down the 8th grade hall to our teacher Mrs.Barkly.We we got into the room we went to our table and sat down.Me and Michael sat next to eachother like we always did. Mrs.Barkly:Good morning class. Class:Good morning Mrs.Barkly. Mrs.Barkly:Pop quize today. Class:Aww. Mrs.Barkly:Now none of that.Its easy and we have already studied over this stuff.We will take the quise after I take attendince. Class:Ok. When she got to Michael she still though he was on tour. Mrs.Barkly:No need to call Michael's name.He's not back. Michael:Yes I am.I'm right here. Mrs.Barkly:Oh.Hello Michael.Nice to have you back. When Michael spoke Kate looked back at him and passed him a note.She sat 2 tables in front of us and gave the note to this boy who sat in front of Michael named Bobby who passed it back to Michael. Michael:(opens the note and readys quietly)Hi Michael.Its nice to see you back.I've missed you.I watched you every time you came on TV with your brothers while you were on tour.I really enjoyed it.Your my favorite out of the Jackson 5 because your the cutest.Can I talk to you after school under the tree?Please meet me under the oke tree infront of the school.But do it befor Melodie comes.I love you. After he read the note he just balled it us and shoved it in his pocket. Me:What did it say Mikey? Michael:Nothin'. Me:Ok. School went by so slowly but since Michael was there with me now I didn't care.The bell rang and we all hopped up and made our way to the front door to go home. Me:Oh no. Michael:What? Me:I left my math book bach in class. Michael:Ok.Go get it and I'll be outside waiting on you. Me:Ok. As I went back to the class Michael went outside and to the oke tree were Kate was waiting on him. Kate:Hi Michael.I'm glad you came.I've missed you. Michael:What do you want Kate? Kate:I want to be your girlfriend. Michael:I have one and I love her. Kate:Does she know that? Michael:No. Kate:Please Michael.Let me love you. Michael:No. Kate seen me walking out the doors.She grabbed Michael and kissed him. Michael:(sounding angery)What was that for!? Kate:(smileing)Look.(pointing to were I was) Michael looked back and seen me crying. To be continued...
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