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All For Love(PART2) by Candice
The next dayâ?¦ Samone was calling me nonstop. â??Hey, I canâ??t talk to you right now, Iâ??m busy.â? I was at work and my hands were full with a lot of paperwork revisions. â??Wait, just give me a minute. There has been a change of plans.â? She said. â??About tonight? Well, itâ??s alright if it wonâ??t push through, Thereâ??s always a next time.â? I said as I arranged the papers on my desk. â??No, itâ??s not that. You wonâ??t be meeting us in the restaurant anymore. Weâ??ll pick you up straight from work.â? She explained. For a minute, I was confused. â??I have a car remember? Câ??mon you guys donâ??t need to pick me up, Iâ??ll just catch up with you.â? I said. My boss was on his way to my desk and I knew it was not good. â??Okay, I need to go. My boss is coming.â? I put the phone down and hurriedly put it in my bag. â??What was that?â? He asked. â??Nothing, I was justâ?¦â? Damn it, I didnâ??t know what excuse to give. â??You shouldnâ??t be talking to your friends while youâ??re at work. This place is for work.â? He said as he put another pile of papers on my desk. â??I need these by tonight and when I say tonight, I mean 8pm.â? He turned and walked away without waiting for any answer. I let out a deep sigh. Minutes later, Samone was ringing me again. I stood up and rushed to the restroom to answer it. â??Samone, Iâ??m sorry but I donâ??t think I would be able to make it tonight.â? I explained carefully. â??What? Michael already reserved a table for us! You canâ??t do this. Please, come.â? She was trying to beg me and dazzle me. â??Iâ??m not sure okay? I really have a lot of things to do and I need them on my bossâ?? desk by tonight.â? I was trying to convince her. â??Oh alright, alright. I wonâ??t force you anymore.â? She said with a sigh. â??Iâ??m sorry okay? Iâ??ll make it up to you, I promise.â? I put the phone down and made my way back to my desk. Suddenly, my boss was at it again. He came up to me and he started talking about work ethics and all that shit. â??Donâ??t start with me. You know I could always fire you.â? He said. I shook my head and at that moment it struck me that I have been working for this jerk for about two years already and he has never even complimented me for the good job I did. He never even thought of promoting me. â??Well, what do you say? Explain yourself.â? He was getting so annoying. I was shuffling through the papers and I was trying my best not to mind him. â??Alright, thatâ??s it. In my office, NOW.â? He walked away and I was forced to follow him. â??I donâ??t need that kind of attitude here. Pack up and go. The company doesnâ??t need you anymore.â? He said as he sat down on his chair. â??What the fuck? I work hard here and maybe even harder than you do! You canâ??t fire me just for that! I do my job.â? I sat down on the chair in front of his desk. â??I can fire you and right now if youâ??re still not going, Iâ??m asking the guards to escort you out of the building. Now go.â? He pointed at the door. â??Fuck you.â? I whispered as I turned around to walk away. I packed up my things and headed downstairs onto the parking. I was sitting silently in the car for a moment and it pained me to have lost the job I always wanted. Samone was calling me again but this time, I switched off my phone. I drove home at a slow speed with a heavy heart and with tears running down my cheeks. Upon arriving homeâ?¦ I went inside my room to lie down and think. â??Damn him. He never even appreciated everything I did for the company.â? I was crying so hard. Suddenly, I remembered the dinner Samone was planning. I switched my phone on and dialed her number. â??Hello?â? She picked up immediately. â??Samone, what time will you pick me up?â? I asked as I tried to stop the tears from falling any further. â??What happened to you? You sounded like you just criedâ? She said. â??Donâ??t ask okay? Just answer me, what time?â? I felt my voice grow louder. â??Alright. Around 7:30pm. By the way, itâ??s a fancy restaurant so may I remind you that thereâ??s a dress code.â? She was laughing. â??I get it.â? I answered. After saying our goodbyes, I put the phone down and I decided to sleep.
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