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So Lovely(PART28) by Candice
It was already the night of the engagement party and everyone he knew was there. My relatives were there too and so were some of the people I worked with in the theater. I wore a red one shoulder chiffon dress that flowed gracefully up to my knees. Michael gave me a pair of Jimmy Choos for the event. He wore his usual get- up of back and red along with his trademark band wrapped around his right arm. He also had a fedora on. Everyone was looking and I saw some people whispering into each otherâ??s ears. I bet they were talking about me. I had to shrug off the awkward feeling. â??Hey, are you alright?â? Michael kissed me on the cheek. I helped myself with some punch. â??Sure, I am.â? I said with a smile. â??Alright, Iâ??ll get back at you, I just need to talk to Joe. I love you.â? He said as he kissed me on the forehead. I saw Hilary from afar and I was surprised that her date for the night was Ralph. â??H! How have you been?â? I hugged her tight. She handed me a gift. â??Hey, what is this for?â? I was shaking it and trying to find out what was inside. â??A wedding gift.â? She was smirking. â??Aww.. Thanks, Hil. I see youâ??re with Ralph.â? I was teasing the both of them. â??Yeah. Ralph wanted to congratulate you personally so I decided to take him as my date.â? She smiled. Ralph kissed my hand and said â??Best wishes.â? I smiled at him. Next thing I knew, Michael was already calling the attention of everybody. â??Good evening.â? He held the microphone. I rushed to his side and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He went on â??Some of you may already know why youâ??re here tonight. For the benefit of those who still donâ??t know, itâ??s official. Candice and I are engaged.â? He didnâ??t stop for one second. He was holding my hand and kissing it. Everyone cheered for us and some people were pushing us to kiss. â??Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!â? Everyone was cheering in unison. Michael asked everyone to hush down. He turned to face me and he was caressing my face. At that moment it felt like it was just the two of us. He rubbed his nose playfully against mine and smiled. As we were about to lock lips, someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away from Michael. It was Ralph. â??What are you doing?!â? I was screaming. He was kissing me. I tried my best to pull away but to no avail. Michael was about to punch him but Ralph held out a gun. He pointed this at Michaelâ??s direction. Everyone was shouting now. Michaelâ??s bodyguards rushed to his side. â??Put the gun down!â? One of his bodyguards was already screaming. Ralph didnâ??t listen. Everyone was silent. Michael stood there, looking at me. â??Candice is mine.â? Ralph uttered these words with conviction. â??What the fuck is wrong with you?!â? I was screaming at him. â??Shut up, you bitch!â? He whammed his hand onto my face and this caused me to fall flat on the floor. â??Fuck you!â? Michael made his way towards me then the next thing I knew, there were gunshots here and there. I was still a bit disoriented as I tried to stand up. My face was a bit warm and it was throbbing. Ralph was on the floor, unconscious. Michael was flat on his face by Ralphâ??s foot and he was bleeding. â??Michael!â? I was rushing to his side. Heaton was already contacting an ambulance. Michaelâ??s family was already worried. Michael wasnâ??t responding. Jermaine and Jackie helped in calming down Katherine who was having a difficult time breathing. â??Somebody! Help him! Heâ??s bleeding profusely!â? I was kneeling beside him and calling out his name. â??Michael! Donâ??t do this!â? I was crying and shivering. Minutes later the paramedics were already there and they were placing Michael on the stretcher as they checked his vital statistics and as they did first aid. LaToya and Jermaine accompanied me in the ambulance. Michaelâ??s breathing was faint and he was trying to say something. He held my hand and it was painful to see him this way. Jermaine was comforting LaToya. â??Candice..â? Michael found it hard to speak. â??Sshhh. Weâ??re almost there.â? I was trying to convince him and myself that everything was going to be alright.
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