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Show Me What Love Feels Like Ch. 11
Enjoy y'all! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Recall: A helpful truck driver named David gladly drove Misty back to South Central Los Angeles after Misty left Neverland. *In Michael's Point of View* I had awoken slowly and gracefully without an alarm. As I rolled over to the other side to get out of bed, a horrifying sight caught my eye. There was a piece of paper with Misty's handwriting on it and right by the letter was the golden "Best Friends" necklace that I had gotten Misty three months ago. My heart signaled a bad feeling. My heart dropped to my stomach once I read the last sentence slowly. "'We can't see each other again?'" I whispered to myself while the letter dropped from my hands. I immediately felt devastated, lost, and confused. Why would Misty leave me? I promised her to never leave me. She lied to me. She lied. My heart shattered and the tears began to instantly fall. The one person who I would never suspect to betray and leave me did. At that point I had no one to love. And no one seemed to love me... My finger felt across the smooth texture of the golden heart of the necklace. Tears blurred my eyes as I looked carefully at the engraving of the golden heart, saying "Best Friends." A tear began to roll down my cheek. Many many tears soon began to follow. In a minutes time, the golden necklace was drenched in tears. My pride, my dignity, my life felt destroyed. The person that I loved the most left me all alone. I didn't just love Misty as a best friend or as a sister figure. I loved her in a way that husbands loved their wives. I wished for her to replace Lisa and for her to be mine. I was in love with the "dumb teenage prostitute," as she would always call herself. In my eyes, she wasn't a dumb teenage prostitute. She was an intellegent teenage princess. But she was now the intellegent teenage princess who left me... As I sat in misery on my bed, staring at the forgotten necklace, I heard the front door creak open. Who was it? Was it Misty? I sure hoped so. Maybe she didn't mean what she said when she said she was leaving me. Maybe she figured that she couldn't live without me and decided to come back. I really hoped it was her through that door. But it wasn't her...it was Lisa Marie... "Michael," Lisa said as she stood right in front of me, dropping her two suitcase bags onto the floor desperately, "We need to talk." "What are you doing here?" I said pitifully. "Michael, babe, while I was away from you, I learned one thing. I can't be away from you. I miss you baby, and I'm sorry for hurting you. I love you, and I want us to be a family again." She then walked up the stairs and held me tight. I didn't want to hold her because my body was just too frozen from Misty leaving, but I did hold her back just to avoid another argument. "I love you and I promise never to leave you ever again," Lisa Marie said as she slowly unbuttoned my Peter Pan pajama shirt until it whipped open. "I wanna make it up to you." She then kissed me passionately. I couldn't feel her kiss and I didn't want to feel it. Instead, I wanted to feel Misty's lips. I didn't say anything to Lisa Marie. My words were too caught in the sadness trap and I was too speechless to respond. I didn't want Lisa back. She left once before and the last time she returned, she promised me the same promise. That she would "never leave me ever again," yet she broke her promises. I just knew she would do it again... "Baby, you know how much I'm in love with you. Let me make love to you right now to prove how much I am," she said as she again kissed me. An hour later, we laid in our bed completely bare. Her head laid on my chest with sweat dripping from our heated bodies. My heart still felt empty. Lisa Marie making love to me still couldn't make my deepest wound heal. Only Misty's gorgeous face could. "That was amazing, babe," she said as she leaned over my body to grab her pack of Marlboro cigarettes from the nightstand. She then reached for her purse and took out her lighter. "Lisa, you know I don't like you smoking around me," I finally said after more than an hour of silence. "Oh, I'm sorry, babe," she said, putting her lighter and cig- arette away. She then got up without covering her naked body, walked into the bathroom and ran the shower. "Wanna shower with me?" I didn't say anything, but I had gotten up to the shower. As we showered together, nothing was in my mind except Misty. I missed her, yet I was sad that she left me. All I wanted was for her to come back to me. I worried for her safety, I worried for her health, and I hoped that she was ok... *In Misty's Point of View* I had walked the streets of South Central for hours, looking for a place to go. I figured the only place to stay for the night was my mother's house. I hadn't seen her in two years, and I wondered how she was. Was she still with her no-good pedophile husband, Nick, or did she leave him? Was she still on drugs? Or did she clean up her life? I had knocked on the front door, hoping for someone to answer it. My pitbull named Spookie appeared from the backyard. "Hey, Spookie!" I yelled in joy as I bent down to hug him, "I missed you, buddy." I hadn't seen my dog Spookie in two years, since I had run away. He had always been my best friend. Spookie was the sign that Momma was still there. But I heard sounds inside of the house, and the sounds were not happy sounds. I heard yelling, screaming, cursing, and I also heard a few slaps being thrown around. I then knew that she was still with him..unfortunately. "Who da fuck is it?" I heard a deep wicked voice yell out. My stomach immediately turned. It was Nicholas. "Um, Misty." He opened the door and I stood face to face with the monster. He was in a white wife-beater (get this, he was an actual wife-beater), black jeans, his hair was in a Fresh Prince of Bel-Air fade (only Will Smith's fade was nicer), and Nick held a bottle of boose in his right hand and he looked as angry as an enraged bulldog. "What da fuck you want, you fuckin' bitch?" "Excuse you. I would like to see Momma." I said in a firm voice. "Look, lil girl, if you wanna get an attitude wit me, maybe yo ass should keep it on movin. Yo mamma don't wanna see yo stupid dirty ass anyway, you fuckin ho. She don't love you, nobody love you, cuz you ain't nothin but a fuckin ho who fucks anyone for money. So get da fuck outta here, you rat ass bitch!" He had always been rude to me throughout the time he had been with my mom. But I wasn't having it anymore. I was two months shy of eighteen years old and I wasn't going to be talked to like that. "You know what? FUCK YOU, mothafucka!" I shouted while pushing him by his chest as I ran into the house in order to see my mother laying on the floor with her face covered in blood. I bent down to give her aid. "Momma, momma, you alright?" I whispered to her in tears while examinining her deformities, just horrified. "Yeah, baby, I'm alright," Momma said back while sobbing, trying to be strong. "GET DA FUCK OUTTA HERE BITCH!" Nick shouted as he pulled me by my hair. I screamed at the top of my lungs as he dragged me from my mother. I kicked him in the legs continuously and tried to bite him. I had tried to fight him but overall he was winning the war. "FUCK YOU BITCH!" he yelled as his fist socked me in my right eye, making me collaspe onto the cement ground. "AND STAY OUT!" He had slammed the door right in my face as I heard my momma's horrifying screams and cries behind him. My face and eventually my shirt was caked with blood and my hands were shaking. Again, I felt lost. This was the life I had before I met Michael. Now I was back to that life...that was when I regret leaving him...but it was no use to come all the way up to South Central and then back down to Santa Barbara. Besides, David was probably almost out of California by now...I missed Michael, but again, I had to remind myself that it was safer to be away from him.... I had stayed on my mother's front porch until the nighttime hit. I decided to walk on the streets again, hoping to maybe have a john pick me up so I could get some money for some food, since I had eaten all of my apples and my granola bars that I kept in my traveling bag when I drove with David to Los Angeles. As I walked, I began to think about what Michael was then doing. Whether him and Lisa were in the house together, probably having make-up sex. Or whether he was still looking at the golden necklace, just feeling completely lonely. Or whether he completely forgot about me already...And I also thought about David. Whether he already reached his destination to Oregon, or whether he had a few more hours to drive before he would reach there. While I walked, I heard a voice call my name. A familiar voice. The voice that led me into this dangerous life. It was King P.'s voice. "MISTY, WHERE DA FUCK WAS YOU AT BITCH?!" TBC... *What will happen with Misty and King P.? Will Michael go on without Misty and continued his married life with Lisa? Can Michael even have the strength to finish his HIStory album with everything that went on? Find out on chapter twelve!!*
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