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Titanic :: Pt. 2
*Enjoy!* -------- Rose stared at the young man, who was staring back at her. Jacob:: Ha. You'll never get around with that chick. Look at her! *points to Rose, who was getting pulled away from the railing by Cal* The young man, who's name was Michael looked sternly at Jacob as if he didn't care what he said. Jacob:: Dude, I'm just saying! Michael:: You know, don't interfere with my life, I told you that. Jacob:: Well if you stop acting like a cooko bird of love, I'll stop. Michael ignored Jacob and stared up. The other young women whom he had been staring at, had already gotten away from there. He wondered what her name was, and what she was dealing with. -------- Rose said nothing during dinner. She just heard the blabbing's of her mother talking about the marriage plans with her and Cal. She didn't want to marry Cal. She didn't want to! But her mother demanded. Or the punishment was bad. Ruth:: *laughs* Well, the marriage colors should be blue like the ocean, and white for elegance. Don't you agree, Rose? Rose didn't say anything. She just stared at the wine on the glass moving with the steady beat of the ocean.. -------- Crying, Rose hurried out into the deck, opening the door towards the bottom and onto the tip of the ship. She could feel the breeze on her face. Her hair was down and she looked like a complete mess. She put her hands on the railing and looked down. The tight blueness of the ocean startled her. Did she really want to commit suicide? Who knew. Rose knew. She knew it was the only way to solve things. But it was wrong. Don't you think? Rose, on the other hand, didn't care. The year wasn't 2087. It was 1912. She suddenly felt her feet picking her body up and stepping on the low rail. Her other foot did the same and she was now a foot above the ground. As she did with the other one, she felt someone watching her. She turned around and saw the same young man she saw that same day. She was now on the tiniest tip of the Titanic. Her foot was about to slip when she grabbed the railing with both of her hands. She stared down and then looked at the young man. Michael:: Don't do it. Rose:: Get away! Or I'll throw myself. Michael:: You wouldn't. Rose:: What? You don't know my actions, you don't know me! Michael:: Please.. grab my hand. I'll help you. Rose:: Go away! Your wasting my time! Michael:: *smiles a little* Rose watched as Michael got closer to the railing and threw the cigarette he had in his mouth into the ocean. Rose watched as it landed into the water and then disappeared. Michael:: If I were you, I wouldn't do it. With one land in the water, you'd die. You'd think you were crazy by just doing this. In fact, you wouldn't have time to think. It's that freezing cold. Rose::.... how mu..much? Michael smiled at the fact that she was communicated nicely with him. Michael:: *shrugs* A few degrees below zero. *looks at the water* People say if someone drops themselves into the water, it feels as if a million knives are poking your body and so cold it feels as if your on fire. Rose:: Really? Michael:: Mhm. Have you ever been in Wisconsin? They have the most freezing winters there. I remeber my grandfather used to take me Ice-Fishing. Rose::.... Michael:: Ice-Fishing is when- Rose:: I know what Ice-Fishing is! Michael licked his bottom lip and said, :: So.. if you jump... I'll have to jump in for you. He began to take of his coat and he dropped it on the floor. He sat down on a barrel and began to untie his shoes. Rose:: Are you kidding me!? Michael:: What? Rose:: You'd die. Michael:: I'm a good swimmer. Rose:: The high jump would kill you. Michael:: Well, that's why it doesn't make that much sense to go in after you. Rose:: Then don't. By now, Michael's shoes, and coat were off. Michael:: Please, don't do it. I know you don't want to do this. Michael held out his hand and he watched as Rose went to held it. She turned her body around. She smiled and so did he. He was about to pull her up when she tripped over her dress and fell down off the ship. Michael grabbed her hand and didn't let go. And Rose knew he didn't want to. *I know it sucks. But, whatever. Lol*
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