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Pt.2-"Michael&Jordyn,Another Love Story"
Michael, you will forever live through your music, in our hearts, and in our dreams. I love you always. -Jordyn. Michaelâ??s looking everywhere and asking has anyone seen me. Security: Mr. Jackson, she was just sitting right there on that bench. Michael looked for me in all the wrong places. Michael( sits on the bench and puts his face in his hands): I canâ??t believe it, sheâ??s gone. Iâ??ll never see her again. Tears start to roll down his face and he heads for his dressing room. Little did he know, I was still in the stadium, I just went to use the pay phone to check to see how my mom and son were doing.. Then my mom started asking me how the concert went and a conversation started. Me: Maâ??, I gotta go , Iâ??ll see you later, love you, and give Jayden kisses for me, bye. As I make my way back to the backstage area Michaelâ??s manager, Frank DeLeo, saidâ?¦. Frank: Where have you been, Michaelâ??s all upset, heâ??s been all up here looking for you, he thought you left. Me: What? I just went to use to use the phone. Where is he? Frank: Up in his dressing room, câ??mon, Iâ??ll show you. Frank and I walk up to Michaelâ??s dressing room. Frank(knocking on the door): Michael, itâ??s me, Frank, I have someone here for you. Michael opens the door, tears running down his face . I felt so bad that Iâ??d made him cry. Michael(immediately hugs me and sighs): Oh, thank God, I thought you left me, I wasâ?¦. Me: I promised I wouldnâ??t leave didnâ??t I? Frank: Iâ??m gonna leave you two alone, Itâ??s obvious that you two need and want to talk. Michael we leave in thirty minutes . Frank leaves the room. Michael and I hug each other some more and I whip his tears away with a tissue and we sit on the couch, then he asksâ?¦. Michael: Where were you, I was worried, I didnâ??tâ?? know what I was gonna do. Me: Michael, Iâ??m so sorry, I didnâ??t think I was gonna be long. Iâ??d never mean to worry and upset you. Michael: Iâ??m better now that I know your still here. I just got this feeling the moment I looked at you, it was likeâ?¦.I canâ??t explain it. I never felt it before. Me: I felt something tooâ?¦.I canâ??t explain these feelings either. Michael: I know you know that I like you, but thereâ??s something deeperâ?¦.man I canâ??t seem toâ?¦What I wanna say I canâ??t say it, you may think Iâ??m moving too fast. Me: Well, since neither one of us can explain what we feel for each other, letâ??s just talk, get to know each other, and maybe itâ??ll all be clear to the both of us. Michael and I talked for the whole thirty minutes wanting to know more about each other. Michael: I never got your name. Me: Itâ??s Jordyn. Michael: Do you have a last name? Me: Yes, itâ??s Stoner. Michael: Jordyn Stoner, you were born with a stage name. Thatâ??s pretty cool. Me: Really, I never knew that. Michael: I donâ??t wanna be disrespectful and rude because I know that some women will get offended if a man asks their age, but If you donâ??t mind me asking, how old are you? Me(laughing): How do I look? Michael: Um, about nineteen or twenty. Me: Close, Iâ??m 21. And hey, youâ??re asking all of the questions, no fair. How old are you? Michael(laughing): 35. Me(looking shocked): What? Me(laughing): No, Iâ??m just kidding Iâ??m really 29. (smiling) Itâ??s like were in race to see who can ask the other more question. Michael: Whatâ??s your occupation? I start to laugh, and Michael asksâ?¦ Michael(laughing too):whatâ??s so funny? Me: you sound like an interviewer or something, but to answer your question, Iâ??m a student at NYU and a part-time mechanic, sort of a tomboy. Michael: Tomboyâ??s are kind of rough, so your telling me you have a rough edge? Me: Yeah, sort of. Michael(smiling):I like that. So, you like fixing cars? Me: Yeah, I love cars. Michael: Where are you from? Me: I was born in Brooklyn, being a girl and her only child, my mom tried to keep me out of the streets, but sometimes I was hard headed and got into trouble. Michaelâ??s looking surprised. Me: What about you, what was it like living in Gary? Michael: It was tough but we made it work, it was 9 kids in a house the size of a two car garage, but the most important thing was that we were and still are a very close family. Me: Wow, my familyâ??s all torn apart, but thatâ??s another story. Michael: Is that part of why you stayed in the streets? You donâ??t seem like a bad girl at all. Me: Well, yeah, it has a lot to do with that. I was very rebellious toward my mother and I feel so damnâ?¦.(pauses), Changing the subject. What about you, are you really a BAD boy, you look like you can kick a**. Michael(blushing and laughing): When I have to be, no just kidding, I really donâ??t know much about the streets, musicâ??s all I know. Me: Wow, we really are two completely different people. Youâ??ve traveled all over the world to perform and Iâ??ve traveled all over the streets of New York getting into trouble. We both laugh. Michael: I know, but I still feel so close to you. Me: I feel the same way. Looking into each others eyes. Michael(smiles): then he pausesâ?¦..Jordyn, Iâ??m so happy and really appreciate that you and I are sitting here talking like regular people, youâ??re treating me like a person, just a regular person. Itâ??s so hard for me to find real people who I can trust . They come in my life, take advantage of me, then I have to cut emâ?? lose. And now all of these ridiculous stories are out there, the paparazzi wonâ??t leave me alone, and people are saying Iâ??m weird and Iâ??m not at all, the more successful I get the worse people start to treat me. I wish they could just see that behind all of the success, behind the title "King Of Pop," that I'm just simply Michael Jackson. A real person, with real feelings. I saw that Michael was hurting, heâ??s been through a lot. I put my arms around him and tell him.... Me: Michael, you have a true friend in me. Iâ??ll be here anytime you need me. Michael: I rarely hear that. I will do the same thing for you. Michael leans closer toward me and just as we where about to kiss each other, Frank knocks at the door. Frank: Mike, uh, Pyt, itâ??s time to go. You guys ready? Michael(laughing at Frank): Yeah, weâ??ll be out, (smiles at me and laughs) You ready to go? Me(smiling):I guess? Michael, and I get up Michael: Wait.(looks at me in sexy way): Iâ??ve just been wanting too long to kiss those sexy lips of yours, now I canâ??t wait no more. He pulls me closer to him, and slowly moves in and kisses me ever so passionately. Iâ??m thinking, â??Heâ??s a DAMN! Good kisser. We got so into it that Michael ended up putting me up against the wall. Frank started beating on the door because we forgot that it was time to go. Frank: Michael, Whatâ??s up? We gotta go man. Michael: Frank, weâ??re coming. Michael smiles and opens the door, now we are leaving the dressing room, Frank was standing outside, and when we got outside Frank asksâ?¦. Frank: What were you two doing in there? Michael doesnâ??t say a word but he smiles at Frank then he saysâ?¦. Frank: oh, that. Michael(laughing): No, we were just talking, just talking, thatâ??s all. Frank: Iâ??m a take your word for it. Now, weâ??re making our way out of the stadium and Michael gets this idea. Michael: Jordyn, why donâ??t we go to your house, I donâ??t wanna go back to my hotel just yet and Iâ??d love to meet your family, plus more time with you, I donâ??t wanna pass up. Me(smiling); But I didnâ??t drive, I took the bus. Michael: Thatâ??s okay, we can take one of my cars. Câ??mon. Michael and I got into his limo and I gave the driver directions to my house. We get there in 45 minutes and my neighbors are being nosey looking out there windows all late a night wondering why thereâ??s a limo in my driveway. So we had to find a way to sneak Michael in the house without anyone seeing him. Michael puts on a hoody and sunglasses to hide his face and we successfully sneak him into my house without any of my nosey nieghbors seeing who he was. We get inside and my mother is on the couch reading a book.. She gave Michael this strange look because she didnâ??t know he was Michael, he still had his hoody and sunglasses on. Mom: Whoâ??s your little friend? Michael standing there silent. Me: Mama, Iâ??d like you to meet Michael Jackson,. Michael, this is my mother Joanni. Mom(laughing):Child please, who you trynaâ?? fool? You think Iâ??m a believe that because you go to his concert, you meet him and bring him home to meet me? Me: Maâ??, itâ??s really him. Mom: Uh huh? She then stood up in front of Michael, looking him up and down, checking him out.. Michael removes his hood and sunglasses and my mother is now in complete shock. Michael: Hi, how you doinâ??? Michael shakes my mothers hand and gives her a hug. Mom: Oh, my Lord, it really is you. You just as handsome in person as you are in them magazines and on tv, and I love your music and youâ??re one incredible dancer, Câ??mon in make yourself at home.. Michael: Thank you, I appreciate it. Michael, Iâ??ll be right back Iâ??m gonna go get Jayden. Michael: Whoâ??s Jayden? Me: Youâ??ll see. He was awake because it was 12:15p.m. Time for his snack. I get him out of bed, warm his bottle, and head to the living room. And as soon as I step foot into the living room Michaelâ??s eyes light up. We all know how much Michael loves children. Me(holding Jayden): Michael, this is my son Jayden. Michael: Heâ??s so beautiful, heâ??s got blue eyes just like you, may I hold him? Me: Of course you can, would you like to feed him too? Michael: Yeah, sure. I was surprised that Jayden let Michael hold him because if itâ??s not me or my mother he usually cries, but Michael was like a natural. After he fed him he made silly faces and Jayden laughed for the first time. Me: Wow!!! Youâ??re the first to make him laugh. Looks like you know what your doing. Michael(laughs): Thanks, I love holding babies. It brings me so much joy. Michael played with Jayden until he got sleepy again and the rocked him to sleep, then carried him to his crib and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was so cute. Michael and I walk back into the living room. Mom: Michael, would like something to drink, are you hungry, I can get you something if youâ??d like. Michael had been there for nearly an hour. Michael: Well, I would Ms.Stoner, but I have to get back to my hotel, Iâ??m leaving for home in a couple of hours. Michael turns to me and saysâ?¦ Michael: I really want you to go back with me. Me: You mean go back to California, with you. Michael: Yeah, sure, and you can bring Jayden too. Michael: Am I moving too fast? Me: I,I, just need time to think. Call me later, we'll see. I give Michael my number and we walk to the door, then we hug as if weâ??re never gonna see each other again. Michael: Think about it okay, I really want you and now that Iâ??ve meet Jayden, him also, to be with me. I donâ??t wanna be without you. You said you'd be there whenever I needed you. I need you. Michael hugs me again as he gets ready to go back to his limo. Michael: Goodbye, Jordyn. Me: Goodbye, Michael. Michael(hugging my mother);Goodbye, Ms. Stoner, it was nice to meet you. Mom: Same here, hope weâ??ll see you again. Michael(looking at me): I hope so too. Michael, you will forever live through your music, in our hearts, and in our dreams. I love you always. -Jordyn. Michaelâ??s looking everywhere and asking has anyone seen me. Security: Mr. Jackson, she was just sitting right there on that bench. But,Michael looked for me in all the wrong places. Michael( sits on the bench and puts his face in his hands): I canâ??t believe it, sheâ??s gone. Iâ??ll never see her again. Tears start to roll down his face then he heads for his dressing room. Little did he know, I was still in the stadium, I just went to use the pay phone to check to see how my mom and son were doing.. Then my mom started asking me how the concert went and a conversation started. Me: Maâ??,I gotta go ,Iâ??ll see you later, love you, and give Jayden kisses for me, bye. As I make my way back to the backstage area Michaelâ??s manager, Frank DeLeo, saidâ?¦ Frank: Where have you been, Michaelâ??s all upset, he's been all up here looking for you,he thought you left. Me: What? I just went to use to use the phone. Where is he? Frank: Up in his dressing room, câ??mon, Iâ??ll show you. Frank and I walk up to Michaelâ??s dressing room. Frank(knocking on the door): Michael, itâ??s me, Frank, I have someone here for you. Michael opens the door, tears running down his face . I felt so bad that Iâ??d made him cry. Michael(immediately hugs me and sighs): Oh, thank God, I thought you left me, I wasâ?¦. Me: I promised I wouldnâ??t leave didnâ??t I? Frank: Iâ??m gonna leave you two alone, Itâ??s obvious that you two need and want to talk. Michael we leave in thirty minutes. Frank leaves the room. Michael and I hug each other again and I whip his tears away with a tissue and we sit on the couch, then he asksâ?¦. Michael: Where were you, I was worried, I didnâ??tâ?? know what I was gonna do. Me: Michael, Iâ??m so sorry, I didnâ??t think I was gonna be long. Iâ??d never meant to worry and upset you. Michael: Iâ??m better now that I know your still here. I just got this feeling the moment I looked at you, it was likeâ?¦.I can't explain it. I never felt it before. Me: I felt something tooâ?¦.I canâ??t explain these feelings either. Michael: I know you know that I like you, but there's something deeperâ?¦.man I canâ??t seem toâ?¦What I wanna say I canâ??t say it, you may think Iâ??m moving too fast. Me: Well, since neither one of us can explain what we feel for each other, letâ??s just talk, get to know each other, and maybe itâ??ll all be clear to the both of us. Michael and I talked for the whole thirty minutes wanting to know more about each other. Michael: I never got your name. Me(smiling): Itâ??s Jordyn. Michael: Do you have a last name? Me: Yes, itâ??s Stoner. Michael:Wow, Jordyn Stoner, you were born with a stage name. Thatâ??s pretty cool. Me: Really, I never knew that. Michael: I donâ??t wanna be disrespectful and rude because I know that some women will get offended if a man asks their age, but if you donâ??t mind me asking, how old are you? Me(laughing): How do I look? Michael: Um, about nineteen or twenty. Me: Close, Iâ??m 21. And hey,youâ??re asking all of the questions, no fair. How old are you? Michael(laughing): 35. Me(looking shocked): What? Me(laughing): No, Iâ??m just kidding Iâ??m really 29. (smiling) Itâ??s like were in race to see who can ask the other more question. Michael: Whatâ??s your occupation? I start to laugh, and Michael asksâ?¦ Michael(laughing too):whatâ??s so funny? Me: you sound like an interviewer or something, but to answer your question, Iâ??m a student at NYU and a part-time mechanic,sort of a tomboy. Michael: Tomboyâ??s are kind of rough, so your telling me you have a rough edge? Me: Yeah, sort of. Michael(smiling):I like that. So, you like fixing cars? Me: Yeah, I love cars. Michael: Where are you from? Me: I was born in Brooklyn, being a girl and her only child, my mom tried to keep me out of the streets, but sometimes I was hard headed and got into trouble. Michaelâ??s looking surprised. Me: What about you, what was it like living in Gary? Michael: It was tough but we made it work, it was 9 kids in a house the size of a two car garage, but the most important thing was that we were and still are a very close family. Me: Wow, my familyâ??s all torn apart, but thatâ??s another story. Michael: Is that part of why you stayed in the streets? You donâ??t seem like a bad girl at all. Me: Well, yeah, it has a lot to do with that. I was very rebellious toward my mother and I feel so damnâ?¦.(pauses), Changing the subject. What about you, are you really a BAD boy, you look like you can kick a**. Michael(blushing and laughing): When I have to be, no just kidding, I really donâ??t know much about the streets, musicâ??s all I know. Me: Wow, we really are two completely different people. Youâ??ve traveled all over the world to perform and Iâ??ve traveled all over the streets of New York getting into trouble. We both laugh. Michael: I know, but I still feel so close to you. Looking into each others eyes. Me: I feel the same way. Michael(smiles): then he pauses....Jordyn, Iâ??m so happy and I really appreciate that you and I are sitting here talking like regular people, youâ??re treating me like a person, just a regular person. Itâ??s so hard for me to find real people who I can trust. They come in my life, take advantage of me, then I have to cut emâ?? lose. And now all of these ridiculous stories are out there, the paparazzi wonâ??t leave me alone, and people are saying Iâ??m weird and Iâ??m not at all, the more successful I get the worse people start to treat me. I wish they could just see that behind all of the success, behind the title "King Of Pop," that I'm just simply Michael Jackson. A real person, with real feelings. I saw that Michael was hurting, heâ??s been through a lot. I put my arms around him and tell him.... Me: Michael, you have a true friend in me. Iâ??ll be here anytime you need me. Michael: I rarely hear that. I will do the same thing for you. Michael leans closer toward me and just as we where about to kiss each other, Frank knocks at the door. Frank: Mike, uh, Pyt, itâ??s time to go. You guys ready? Michael(laughing at Frank): Yeah, weâ??ll be out, (smiles at me and laughs) You ready to go? Me(smiling):I guess? Michael and I get up Michael: Wait.(looks at me in sexy way): Iâ??ve just been wanting too to kiss those sexy lips of yours, now I canâ??t wait no more. He pulls me closer to him, and slowly moves in and kisses me ever so passionately. Iâ??m thinking, â??Heâ??s a DAMN! Good kisser. We got so into it that Michael ended up putting me up against the wall. Frank started beating on the door because we forgot that it was time to go. Frank: Michael, Whatâ??s up? We gotta go man. Michael: Frank, weâ??re coming. Michael smiles and opens the door, now we are leaving the dressing room, Frank was standing outside, and when we got outside Frank asksâ?¦. Frank: What were you two doing in there? Michael doesnâ??t say a word but he smiles at Frank then he saysâ?¦ Frank: oh, that. Michael(laughing): No, we were just talking, just talking, thatâ??s all. Frank: Iâ??m a take your word for it. Now, weâ??re making our way out of the stadium and Michael gets this idea. Michael: Jordyn, why donâ??t we go to your house, I donâ??t wanna go back to my hotel just yet and Iâ??d love to meet your family, plus more time with you, I don't wanna pass up. Me(smiling); But I didnâ??t drive, I took the bus. Michael: Thatâ??s okay, we can take one of my cars. Câ??mon. Michael and I got into his limo and I gave the driver directions to my house. We get there in 45 minutes and my neighbors are being nosey all late at night looking out there windows wondering why thereâ??s a limo in my driveway. So we had to find a way to sneak Michael in the house without anyone seeing him. Michael puts on a hoody and sunglasses to hide his face and we successfully sneak him into my house without any of my nosey neighbors seeing who he was. We get inside and my mother is on the couch reading a book.. She gave Michael this strange look because she didnâ??t know he was Michael, he still had his hoody and sunglasses on. Mom: Whoâ??s your little friend? Michael stood there being silent. Me: Mama, Iâ??d like you to meet Michael Jackson,. Michael, this is my mother Joanni. Mom(laughing):Child please, who you trynaâ?? fool? You think Iâ??m a believe that because you go to his concert, you meet him and bring him home to meet me? Me: Maâ?? ,itâ??s really him. Mom: Uh huh? She then stood up in front of Michael, looking him up and down, checking him out.. Michael removes his hood and sunglasses and my mother is now in complete shock. Michael: Hi, how you doin'? Michael shakes my mothers hand and gives her a hug. Mom: Oh, my Lord, it really is you. You just as handsome in person as you are in them magazines and on tv, and I love your music and youâ??re one incredible dancer, Câ??mon in make yourself at home. Michael: Thank you, I appreciate it. Michael, Iâ??ll be right back Iâ??m gonna go get Jayden. Michael: Whoâ??s Jayden? Me: Youâ??ll see. He was awake because it was 12:15p.m. Time for his snack. I get him out of bed, warm his bottle, and head to the living room. And as soon as I step foot into the living room,Michaelâ??s eyes light up. We all know how much Michael loves children. Me(holding Jayden): Michael, this is my son Jayden. Michael: Heâ??s so beautiful, heâ??s got blue eyes just like you, may I hold him? Me: Of course you can, would you like to feed him too? Michael: Yeah, sure. I was surprised that Jayden let Michael hold him because if itâ??s not me or my mother he usually cries, but Michael was like a natural. After he fed him he made silly faces and Jayden laughed for the first time. Me: Wow!!! Youâ??re the first to make him laugh. Looks like you know what your doing. Michael(laughs): Thanks, I love holding babies. It brings me so much joy. Michael played with Jayden until he got sleepy again and the rocked him to sleep, then carried him to his crib and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was so cute. Michael and I walk back into the living room. Mom: Michael, would like something to drink, are you hungry, I can get you something if youâ??d like. Michael had been there for nearly an hour. Michael: Well, I would Ms.Stoner, but I have to get back to my hotel, Iâ??m leaving for home in a couple of hours. Michael turns to me and saysâ?¦ Michael: I really want you to go back with me. Me: You mean go back to California, with you. Michael: Yeah, sure, and you can bring Jayden too. Me: I donâ??t know, Iâ??m gonna have to think about it. Michael: Am I moving too fast? Me: I,I, just need time to think. Call me later, we'll see. I give Michael my number and we walk to the door, then we hug as if weâ??re never gonna see each other again. Michael: Think about it okay, I really want you and now that Iâ??ve meet Jayden, him also, to be with me. I donâ??t wanna be without you. You said you'd be there whenever I needed you. I need you. Now, a big cloud of confusion forms over my head because I falling in love with Michael and I wanna go and be with him, but I'm scared to fall to deep. Michael hugs me again as he gets ready to go back to his limo. Michael: Goodbye, Jordyn. Me: Goodbye, Michael. Michael(hugging my mother);Goodbye, Ms. Stoner, it was nice to meet you. Mom: Same here, hope weâ??ll see you again. Michael(looking at me): I hope so too. Will Jordyn go back with to California Michael or will she try to distance herself from him because of her fear of commitment? Look out for Pt-3. Thanks for reading
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