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At Last (Part Nine)
Hi! Here's part nine of this, and I want to dedicate this to all of the peeps out there and MJ. Let's get to it! ---------------------------------------------------------------- March 17, 1987 I woke up that morning, just excited because this was the day of our first dance rehearsal at mike's music video, called "Smooth Criminal." I picked out my dance clothes, took a shower and got dressed. When I was beginning to put my shirt on, Michael came into my room. I had on everything except my shirt, so he saw me in my bra. Me: (screams) MICHAEL! Michael: Oh, my Goodness! I'm so sorry. I should've knocked. Me: (putting on my shirt quickly) No, it's not your fault. I should've locked the door. Michael: Well, uh, are you ready? Me: Yes. (smiles) ---------------------------------------------------------------- *Six Months Later, September of 1987* It was six months since we shot the music video and it was then the early September of 1987. Michael just released his then-new album, "Bad," and I was one of the first people to buy it on August 31. I was supposed to leave California and return back to Jersey after the video was shot, but Michael wanted me to stay with him. The night of September 3, 1987, when Michael and I were laying on his bed, (everyone was okay with it, except Joe and LaToya) eating popcorn and talking, we started to bring up something very important. Michael was leaving in a couple days to start a tour in Japan, and I was sad to see him leave. I didn't know if I was ever going to see him again or not. Me: Aww, Mike, I don't want you to leave. (hold his hand) Michael: (takes a deep breath) Felicity, I want you to go on tour with me. Me: (face lights up)Oh, Michael...I-I don't know what to say. Michael: Will ya? (puts his hand on my shoulder) Me: (nods head) Yeah. Michael: Yes! (hugs me)I'm so glad you're coming! Just as we were hugging, "At Last" came on the radio. Me: *in my head* Oh crap! This song makes me wanna kiss him! *out loud* I love this song? Michael: Oh yeah? (comes closer to me) Me: You know, whenever I think of this person, it pops in my head. Michael: (bits his lip) And who would that be? Me: (puts my hands on his shoulders and brings him close to me) You. (kisses him) Our tender kissses lasted for three minutes. Me: You have soft lips. Michael: (looks down at me) Mmm, you do too. Then out of nowhere, Michael had to tell me something. Michael: I have to tell you something. Me: What is it? Michael: Well, I know that you met a guy back in January, named Danny Robertson. Me: How did you know that? Michael: Because...(sighs) There is no Danny Robertson. That was actually me in a disguise. I started laughing. Michael: You're not mad? Me: No, why would I be mad? Now...come here and kiss me. We kissed so passionately until our lips lost feeling. On September 11, 1987, we arrived in Japan. The next day, Michael performed his first concert on his tour. Daisy decided to stay in Cali, because she didn't want to leave Marlon, who was her boyfriend. Well, on the night of September 12, 1987, while Michael was performing on the stage, I got a call from Daisy and she didn't sound happy, like she usually was. Me: Hello? Daisy: Hey, Lissie. Me: You don't sound too good. Are you okay? Daisy: (sounding nervous) No... Me: Did Marlon break up with you? Daisy: No, it's even worse. Me: Oh God...he cheated on you, didn't he? Daisy: No... Me: Then what is it then? Daisy: (sighs) I'm pregnant. Me: (in disbelief) What? Daisy: (getting angry) I said I'm pregnant, dum dum! Me: Dang. You are pregnant. Daisy: Sorry. Me: Did you tell Marlon yet? Daisy: No...I am so scared. Me: Aw, it's gonna be alright, girl. I'm just shocked. You told me that you would never have sex until marriage. Daisy: I know, but...I just caught up in the moment, and it just happened. I never forgave myself after. Well, what's going on with you? Me: Well, I'm not sure that you noticed, but Michael and I are dating. Daisy: Really? Are you pregnant too? Me: No. I've never slept with him. Daisy: Not yet, but you'll eventually get caught up in the moment, and it'll happen. Me: Well, I do love him, and... Daisy: You want to show him how much you love him...you know what I mean right? Me: Well, I kinda do, but I'm not sure when it's time. Daisy: Oh, boy! Marlon's home. I gotta tell him. Me: Good luck. Bye. Daisy: Bye. When I got off the phone, Michael came into the room, all sweaty. Me: Hey, sweatster. Michael: Hey, honey. Come here. Me: No! Not until you take a shower. You know how much I hate touching sweaty people. Michael: (smirking) Ya scared of me? Me: No, I'm not. Mike! Stop it! (he was starting to chase me) Michael: Well, if you're not scared of me...(chasing me) Me: Michael, no! (running from him) He chased me all over the room, like we were playing tag and we fell on the bed, with him completely on top of me. Me: (uncomfortable) Uh...Michael? Michael: (kissing my neck) Hmm? Me: I think you should get off of me. Michael: Aww, but I don't want to. Me: Seriously, stop. Michael: Why? Me: Because I don't to be in Daisy's position. Michael: What do you mean? Me: She's pregnant. Michael: By my brother? Me: (sarcastically) No, by Prince. (serious) Of course she's pregnant by him. Michael: Wow. I can't believe that. Me: Me neither. Michael: But...you know, Marlon has something to look forward to. I think he's lucky. I want a child. I would do anything to have one. (looks at me) Can I ask you something? Me: Yeah. What? Michael: Do you think that we can have children together? I froze again. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't want kids, but I didn't want to hurt him. But...I had to be honest with him. Me: Mike...I don't want any children. His face turned from normal to sad and suprised. Mike: Oh, I see. (puts his head down) Oh no! What have I just done? I hurt him! I broke his heart into bits. Me: Michael, I hope you're not mad at me. Then Michael did something that really hurt. He walked away without saying anything else. Why did I do that? I felt so stupid for telling the truth. I know that sounds wrong, but really, I was wrong for being blunt with him. Michael was the best thing that ever happened to me and because of that, I was going to lose him. What would I do? TBC... Vote vote vote!!
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