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Probably Wouldn't Be This Way: 4
*Hey guys, Mary Cait here :) This is the next part to the story. I hope you all like it.* ~Part 4~ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~Prince~ Rebeccaâ??s in a comaâ?¦I couldnâ??t believe this is happening. We all got up after Andy asked if we could see her. The doctor nodded his head and we all made our way to her. This is all my fault, no matter how many times everyone says it isnâ??tâ?¦I feel like it is. We finally walked into Rebeccaâ??s room. My heart dropped when I saw her in the bed. Hooked up to IVs, her head bandaged up and her eyes closed. The only sound coming was the heart monitor in her room beeping. It went, beepâ?¦beepâ?¦beepâ?¦ Andy was the first one to walk over to his little sister. He bent down and give her a soft kiss on the forehead. â??Hey, kiddo.â? I heard Andy say to her as she still was in her coma. I walked over and looked down at her. Wondering what was going on inside that head and why she isnâ??t waking up. ************************************** ~Rebecca~ â??How did I end up in your pool?â? I asked Michael. He nodded his head. â??Yes, sweetie.â? â??Well,â? I said to myself thinking of what I would say. Then it finally hit me. â??I donâ??t really know. One minute Iâ??m walking down the street when a couple of guys gathered around me and started harassing meâ?¦they didnâ??t get me though. But I did fall to the ground and bang my head on the ground, and when I saw a fence to get away from those guysâ?¦I made the choice and I jumped over it and I guess I fell into your pool from blacking out.â? â??Oh, God!â? Michael gasped. â??Thatâ??s terrible!â? I nodded my head sadly. I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I looked up and saw it was Michael. â??Donâ??t worry now, dear.â? He said. He kissed the top of my head gently. â??Your safe now.â? I smiled some. Michael always did know how to make me smile. He let go of me just has Katherine walked into the room. Katherine let out a gasped when she saw me. She rushed right over. Yup, the same ole Katherine. She removed the towel from the side of my head that was bleeding. She sighed some. â??Oh, good. Its not bleeding that bad anymore.â? She said. She looked at me. â??Tell me honey, are you feeling light headed?â? I nodded some. â??Just a little bit.â? I told her. And it was the truth. I am feeling lightheaded. â??Well, you just need a few stiches and that banged up head will be fixed.â? Katherine said. She placed the towel back on my head. She turned to Michael. â??Now, keep that on her head till I get back with the supplies.â? â??Yes, mother. I will.â? Michael told her with his million dollar smile on his face. I smiled to myself looking at him. When Michael smiled, I donâ??t know what came over meâ?¦I always smiled. Even when I was having a bad day. Katherine came back in with the supplies, Janet came and sat beside me. Something told me this was going to end up with me squeezing her hand till it was broken. ******* After having squeezing Janetâ??s hand while Mrs. Jackson stiched up my head, Katherine told Janet to take me up to her room to get some new clothes. Janet nodded happily to her mother and grabbed my hand leading me up the stairs. I looked back at Michael while doing so. He just smiled at me and waved. I smiled myself and fallowed behind Janet. Lord, please tell me she isnâ??t going to make me look girly. **** â??Alright, I think I found the perfect outfit for youâ?¦um,â? Janet said turning around to me. â??You know, you never told me who you are. More franklyâ?¦I never asked.â? I smiled at her. â??My name is Rebecca, Rebecca Faith Biresack.â? â??Oh, thatâ??s such a pretty name. Rebecca Faith. You donâ??t mind if I call you that, do you?â? Janet asked me with a little giggle. Normally I never like people calling me â??Faithâ??â?¦but Janet even in what ever Iâ??m in still calls me â??Rebecca Faithâ??, just like she does in where Iâ??m born in. I smiled at her. â??Sure.â? I said nodding my head as well. â??Alright, Rebecca Faith,â? Janet said smiling herself. She pulled out the clothes she picked for me. â??You donâ??t seem like the girly type, so this is you right here. I believe it is anyways.â? This is what she pulled out. Shirt&Pants: http://www.surfing-waves.com/Item/SF465877372/hurley_yc_one_only_tomboy_t_shirt.htm Hat: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.designerstudiostore.com/media/catalog/product/f/i/file_22_9.jpg&imgrefurl=http://direct-mall.com/store/a-kurtz-hat-cap-murphy-in-olive.html&usg=__Xm5-ZMlXVgPX6H6VaBEOSZ5wktc=&h=1440&w=960&sz=229&hl=en&start=73&sig2=0THU6644BwbJNYASuVBnXw&zoom=1&tbnid=MW8x2q8jS7zlKM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=87&ei=OzFbTa_3B8TagQfTm4G3DA&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJanet%2BJackson%2Bhat%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1276%26bih%3D548%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1307&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=118&vpy=57&dur=1662&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=132&ty=168&oei=GzFbTZ2jOYKB8gbW3bHsDA&page=4&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:73&biw=1276&bih=548 I smiled at what she picked out for me. Janet always did know what style I liked. â??Before you put them on, Iâ??m going to do your hair.â? Janet said patting a seat on her vanity chair. â??But Iâ??m going to be extra careful.â? â??Alright.â? I said making my ways slowly over to her. I sat in the chair and watched her do her magic. Actually, Iâ??m surprised she really did it without me flinching or something. When she was done, this is what my hair looked liked, My hair: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://jordanfaith.com/Kindergarten/PonyTail.jpg&imgrefurl=http://jordanfaith.com/4to6Years.htm&usg=__B1TukLQwKEd0neg7fYwY6kXTM58=&h=375&w=500&sz=24&hl=en&start=27&sig2=j1cUXl3ggpH4AAgSrfVAeg&zoom=1&tbnid=I7Qs_BCWZ2t5tM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=158&ei=MTJbTb_9Ko3PgAefoIGJDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3DPony%2Btailes%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1276%26bih%3D548%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C307&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=216&vpy=226&dur=1537&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=184&ty=132&oei=IzJbTdbSJ8X_lgftvOWgCw&page=2&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:27&biw=1276&bih=548 I smiled. I loved my hair. I placed the clothes on that Janet picked out for me, including the hat and we started walking down the steps. As we were going down there, and back to the kitchen. Michael had fear on his face, I wonder why. I turned around, frozen in my tracks. Because who I was looking at that caused me to do so wasâ?¦ Joe. *How was that? I know, boring. But I'm trying. I hoped you all enjoyed it ^-^ Be back later with more!*
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