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The One I Love!!
One day me and my little sister were listening to Michael Jackson on the radio.Then all of a sudden they anounced that they were giving out tickets to go to Michael Jackson's house for five weeks.So we started jumpin around and screamin so I started dialing the number and we won the tickets!!Well I won because I was the one who called.So we ran up stairs to ask my mom if we could go since we already won the tickets and she said yes.!!We couldn't believe it we were going to be staying at Michael Jackson's house for five weeks so we ran up stairs and started packin my mom drove us to the airport and waited with us until MJ's limo driver came.When the limo driver came when he came we were so excited. We were so happy we were getting to leave the airport.When we got to the mansion it was so pretty when we walked around we met our tourist she toured us around Never Land Ranch the rides there were so huge.Then the best part was about to happen we were getting to go inside the mansion.AS we were getting closer and closer to the door my heart started pounding.AS we got inside the tourist toured us around the house when we reached the living room we saw Paris and Prince playing in the living room while Blanket was sleeping so the tourist told us that we can wait and play in the living room with Paris and Prince.Paris and Prince introduced them selves to us we did the same to them.They told us how excited Michael was that we were coming we told them how excited we were to be coming.Fifteen minutes later Michael finally came out when he came out we started jumpin around and screaminthen we ran over to hug him.We started telling how much we also loved him when he was younger. When we kept telling him how much we love him he kept telling us that he loves us more that made us smile.We talked and talked that's all we did then it was time to go to bed so Michael showed us to our rooms after that he went in his bed room laid in the bed and wacthed tv.Paris and Prince went to thier rooms also but, Blanket didn't have to because he was still sleeping from earilier.Little did they know I was still awake thinking about everything that happened earilier today.While I was still thinking I got board so I went to Michael's room and knocked on the door he said come in so I opened the door and I stood by the door just staring at him he said to come closer so I came over and sat on the bed just staring into those bark brown eyes. I climbed on top of him about to kiss him on him lips and he did the most sexist thing he bit his bottom lip and said come on so as my face got closer to his we kissed for about ten seconds then I pulled away and said I can't do this and I started running out the door but,he called my name but,I just ran out and closed the door.So I ran back in my room and closed the door and got into bed and wacthed tv.Then I finally fell asleep in the morning one of his maids woke me up to eat brakefast and because she had to make the bed.As I was going down stairs I saw Michael down stairs with Blanket on his lap wacthing tv.So I saw Blanket and I went over to say hi to him he was just so cute then Michael waved and said good morning so I waved and said good mornig back to him so I went in the kicthen to eat brakefast.After I was done eating I wanted to wacth tv.So I went in the living room and sat on the oppisite couch as him and he said that I didn't have to sit all the way over their So I came over to the same couch as him and Blanket.After that I went up stairs to take a shower and get dressed after I got dressed I wanted to ride the rides so I invited everybody to come ride them with me and of course Michael came out to everytime we rode the rides Michael sat next to me on every single one of them. We rode five rides then we all wanted to go back inside so we did.When me and Michael were alone he asked me if we could talk and I said sure so he asked me was I avoiding him and I said I guess.He asked was I ok and I said yes but,then I said not really and he asked why I said it was because when we kissed and I told him I pulled back because I felt a little wierd.He asked me how old I was I told him nineteen he said that's cool because he's twenty I told him I already know his age.Then all he did was stare at me and I said what he said nothing he's just looking into my beautiful dark brown eyes u know he he said that I had to smile then he leaned over and kissed me but,since we talked I didn't feel wierd about kissing him any more then he asked me out and of course I said yes right away.I just had to find a way to tell my sister that we were going out because she loves him also but he took me out to dinner the place he took me out to was so beautiful I just wanted to cry because the place was so pretty.So when we got home we had to tell everybody about us I thought that everybody would be mad but, it turns out that they were actually happy I thought my sister would be mad at me but, she was actually happy for me.But,when it was time to leave I started crying I hugged everybody even Michael he started crying to then he kissed me I told him I wish that he, Paris,Prince,and Blanket could come back home with me and my sister so he said how about this he will come home with me I started jumpin and screamin then he kissed me again I was so happy the both of us ran inside up the stairs and in his bed room and started packin his cloths so did Paris,Prince,and Blanket he was so excited that we were leaving. when the limo driver came we hopped inside when we reached the airport we saw my mom me and my sister ran to give her a big hug Mike ran with us to when my mom saw him she started screamin she's always wanted to meet him so she went over and gave him a big hug and she asked him what was he doing here and I said well were kind of dating and she said dating !And I said yeah she also said ok then so she wasn't actually mad I'm telling you that was the best trip I have ever took because I met The One I Love!!You don't have to believe me but,this really happened!!
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