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I Love You, So Much: Part 10
*Hey it's Mary Cait :) And here's the new part. I'm trying to make a new part to 'Hold My Hand' today as well. I'm gonna have a little bit of more time with Mr. Magic. I'm trying to do some of my stories before report cards. Cause I'll lose my computer alright. Well, I hope you like this part. I can't believe it's almost over. Just a few more parts and everything is gonna be done. Well, enjoy! ~Mary Cait:3 <3* -*Shay's Point Of View*- My mama just had to freakin' drop me off at Michael's. I guess beggers can't be chosers. *Sigh* Uncle Prince, you just had to be going off on your tour now!? You could have took me with you, I would be a good girl... Or more the less I'll try to behave. I bent down when mom had left to fix my boot. I could have gotten the zip up boots, but no Mama said they made me look to old. At least they were better then the whole tie ones. I finally finished with my boot and started to open the front door to Neverland...But to my luck, they didn't budge. He locked it! Michael I swear! Now were could he keep his key? I looked under the mat, not there. Of course, Michael has to be so paranoded at times. I got something for me to stand on and found the key on top of the door frame. He had to do this!? I grabbed the key and jumped down. I unlocked the door and made my way inside. Neverland sure is big! I wonder where Michael is...I wonder if he's made at me because of what I said to him...sometimes I think me saying my feelings just end up hurting people more. I shook my head and went on trying to find Michael. Where could he be? I came to his bedroom. If he's not anywhere else in this house, he has to be in here. I opened it and saw him sleeping on the bed. I rolled my eyes. Of course he'll be sleeping in this bed. I started to whisper his name, but that pillow didn't leave his head. I looked around to make sure no one was around so, I jumped on his stomach and the next thing I know he woke up alright, and I fell on my butt on the floor right beside his bed. He was looking around to see what happened, then he looked down at me. I looked up at him rubbing my butt...maybe that would get the pain off. Me: Geez, Mike. A little warning when your about to shoot up like that. Michael: Sorry, sweetie. What are you doing here? Me: We'll, I'm not sure if you want to know, but Mama thought you should baby sit me today. 'Cause Uncle Prince leaves soon for his new tour. And she had to go shopping with my granmother. So your left with the job of babysitting. Michael: *Smiles* I guess that's good. Me: Michael... Michael: Hmm? Me: Are you mad at me because of what I said yesterday? Michael: Not at all. Your not use to sharing your mother like this with someone else. Prince maybe, but not me. Me: Yeah... Michael: Oooh. Don't like sharing her with Prince either? Me: I don't know...I just don't want her to get hurt again. Michael: Now the real news comes out. *Pats the bed* C'mere. Me: *Sits down beside me* Michael: Listen sweetie. I love your mother, and I know you know that. I love you as well. And I want you to know, I would never in my life do anything to harm your mother. And to prove it to you, *Gets the box fromt he drawer* I was going to give this to your mother. *Opens it* Me: *Gasp* Michael showed me the most beautiful engagment ring ever. He really does mean when he's marriad to my mother, he won't do anything to hurt her! He looked up and saw I was still shock looking at the ring. Michael: Now, I know I could never replace your father, but I just want you to know...I'm gonna try and be the best father you ever had. Okay? I'm not trying to replace your real father, I just want you to know. If your mother does say yes, you can always come to me if anything ever happens to you. When I heard that, I was a little shock...Michael was really a nice guy...and I was just being mean to him yesterday. I looked up at him with a smile on my face. I tackled him to the bed with a hug. I could see him as a step father. I told him I would love to have him as a step-dad, and that's the truth. We had to wait for Mama to get over here. Me and Michael just goofed off actually. When it was time for Mama to get back. Michael and I ran back to the house to get everything ready. Michael came back down in a tux, trying to fix his tie. I rolled my eyes and went over to him trying to help him with his tie. But he wouldn't let me. I kept doing it. I could choke him if I wanted to; my hands were on the part to the tie you pull up to tighten it. Michael: Shay, I got this. *Trying to move my hands* Me: *Keeps trying to fix his tie* Mike, I know how to do this. I went as you in Smooth Criminal when I was 6, remember? Michael: How could I forget Mrs. Michael-Can-You-Come-Trick-Or-Treating-With-Me? Me: Be quite. I have my hands on your tie, Mike. I could choke you like this you know. Mama: What's this about choking? We both turned around to see Mama and grandma standing there. She has a key to this house, really!? Oh, right his fioncee...or she will be when he tells her. I fixed Mike's tie, but he stopped my hand before I choked him. Michael walked over to Mama telling something. They laughed. Then it happened. Michael took Mama's hand into his hands and got down on one knee. Granny gave a little gasp, and Michael started his proporsal. When he was done... we have to wait what Mama says.... -*Lexa's Point Of View*- I couldn't believe it...Michael asking me for my hand in marriage. I felt tears in my eyes. I was so happy. I looked up at Shay....I was shocked, she had her arms crossed smiling. She nodded her head. I guess she's alright with this. I looked back at my mother. She was smiling. I guess cause her little girl was being asked to marry again. She did the same. I smiled and looked back at Michael. He held hope and worry in his brown eyes. I blinked the tears away long enough to do this: Me: Yes, Yes Michael. I'll marry you! I hugged him to the ground and I heard everyone clapping. I saw everyone that works in Neverland along with my little girl and mother clapping for us. I could proudly say, I'm going to love being Mrs. Jackson. Now, I just gotta my hardheaded best friend about the news. I wonder how he's going to take it... To Be Continued *Till next time :) Bye!*
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